Why are globalists and China bedfellows?
China is fiercely nationalistic, as all communistic countries are. Until Nixon we had virtually zero relations with them. Then we sort of coasted along through Ford and Reagan and old man Bush until Clinton. Reagan was to preoccupied with the USSR to concern himself with China but old Bush DID announce his vision for a New World Order. Globalism. WTF? No one payed much attention.
What was developing was corporate colonization for profit. That's why the Bush family was behind it. They were global oil tycoons and needed foreign sources and cheap refineries. Middle East wars worked beautifully for that but the Clinton's wanted in on the globalist golden goose as well. There were other industries that were jumping on the low cost labor bandwagon of global production like steel, pharmaceuticals, construction products, electronic products and so forth. The Clintons didn't own anything outright except influence. So they sold it. First come, first serve for over 16 years. China took over the port of Los Angeles during the Clinton 90s and the massive warehouse distribution system along the "60 corridor". So over a couple of decades just about everything American consumers could acquire was made cheap by American Corporations operating in foreign 3rd world countries to avoid environmental restrictions and take advantage of cheap labor markets. India, Mexico, Pakistan, Korea and at the top of the heap, CHINA. Our Congresspeople during those years became multi-millionaires passing legislation brokered by lobbyists to grease the skids making the transfer or our production forces overseas smooth as silk.
Screw Americans. No profit there. Let them work at Wendy's. Keep them fighting amongst themselves over stupid irrelevant issues like gender rights, racism, women's rights, illegal aliens and legal pot. Meanwhile, very carefully, Obama and Hillary were softening us up for the kill so that during Hillary's reign, Americans would finally be subjected to OFFICIAL global subservience under the United Nations agenda 21, based upon "sustainability", the most infamous and meaningless liberal buzz word ever contrived, right up there with "tolerance".
That was the plan. Until Trump got up to the podium and exposed the whole nasty scam. Our steel production capabilities were gone. Aluminum. Copper. Cars. Gasoline. Tools. Tires. Heavy equipment. Machinery. If we ever had to defend ourselves we would be depending on the very countries that were attacking us for supplies. Like asking an armed thug if you can buy a gun from him while he's robbing you.
Joe Biden has been right there in the middle of this corrupt cess pool feeding at the trough for close to 50 years. Do you think with the trillions of dollars involved enveloping banking, energy, arms, oil, pharmaceuticals, consumer goods, steel, auto and food processing industries that the people profiting from this system are above creating a crisis over a virus and rigging an election to keep control over it? If you do you are truly ignorant of the world in which you live and if I have to have a conversation with one of you today I will be dumber as a result.