Bike Ride in Germany - Fahrrad Tour, kommt mit!

in #germany6 years ago


Hello guys! One of my hobbies is cycling and as we know cycling has some good effects on our health. Because riding a bike not only burns calories but relieves the joints as well. About 76% of people own a bicycle in Germany. When I'm not traveling, I like to use my bike as a means of transport and like to drive to work in the morning and in the evening (14 kilometers to work and 14 kilometers back to home) A few years ago I was even too stingy to buy a ticket and used just my bike to reach my destinations in the city. At night I do not like to be on the streets alone and then I really prefer public transport later in the evening.

I wrote down some positive effects and maybe I can convince you to use your bike way more often :)

-Fuel costs are saved while at the same time protecting the climate
-We keep our body in move (even a little trip has positive effects on our psyche)
-We strengthen the pumping function of the heart
-We lose weight
-We strengthen our muscles and lungs
-The metabolism is stimulated

A bike ride with good friends is the best to discover new areas and it makes much more fun together :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 09.57.12.png
I like to enjoy nature around me while biking

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It is just a rubbish bin :P

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 10.01.16.png
We picked some flowers for our mums

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Kidding around

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 10.04.38.png
Flying friend

Today I will make a bike ride, too! What about you, what are your plans?

Wish you all a nice and happy Sunday - See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo Ihr Lieben! Einer meiner Hobbies ist Rad fahren und wie wir wissen hat das Fahrradfahren so einige gute Auswirkungen auf unsere Gesundheit. Denn durch das Fahrrad fahren verbrennen wir nicht nur Kalorien sondern entlasten dabei auch die Gelenke.
Ca 76 % der Menschen besitzen ein Fahrrad in Deutschland. Wenn ich nicht wieder mal auf Reisen bin, dann nutze ich das Fahrrad gerne als Transportmittel und fahre damit morgens und abends zur Arbeit (je 14 Kilometer hin und wieder 14 Kilometer zurück). Vor paar Jahren war ich sogar zu geizig mir eine Fahrkarte zu kaufen und habe alles mit dem Rad erledigt, jedoch habe möchte ich Nachts nicht auf den Strassen alleine sein und bevorzuge dann doch zur später Stunde die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel.

Einige positive Auswirkungen beim Fahrradfahren möchte ich gerne auflisten:

-Benzinkosten werden gespart und wir schützen somit gleichzeitig das Klima
-Wir bringen unseren Körper auf Trab (selbst ein kleiner Ausflug wirkt sich positiv auf unsere Psyche aus)
-Wir stärken die Pumpfunktion des Herzens
-Wir verlieren Masse am Körper
-Wir kräftigen unsere Muskeln und Lunge
-Der Stoffwechsel wird angeregt

Am besten ist eine Radtour mit ein paar guten Freunden, neue Ecken entdecken macht gemeinsam viel mehr Spass :)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 09.57.12.png
Die Natur um mich herum beim Fahrrad fahren geniesse ich sehr

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 09.59.48.png
Es ist nur ein Mülleimer :P

Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 10.01.16.png
Einige Blumen für unsere Mamas haben wir gepflückt

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Bildschirmfoto 2018-05-20 um 10.04.38.png
Fliegender Kumpel

Heute werde ich meinen Drahtesel wieder verwenden und ne kleine Tour machen! Wie sehen eure Pläne so aus?

Wünsche euch allen einen schönen Sonntag - Bis bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3


Cycling also improves mental well-being and makes you strong from the mind...

Can’t beat a decent bike ride to get motivated!!

Hallo Lena, Radfahren ist wirklich eine sehr schöne Art von A nach B zu kommen. Zudem hält es einen fit und gesund. Meine wöchentlichen Radl-Berichte, die ich hier poste, machen mir besonders viel Spaß.

i like your bike ride travel.germany is a very nice place to visit. thanks for share your traveling post.
Dear @lenatramper i am new in join steemit.

Hey, @lenatramper wonderful tour bike ride .your photography is supper.
post resteemed......

Hello also sister lenatramper, really said sister cycling is very good for our health the most for our heart health with cycling, and very much benefit for our body if we routinely every day rowing bike, very good post my sister really like.

i like your bike ride.i also like cycling.because its always keep my mind fresh and body fit.i think that, its keep body healthy.your all thought very wonderfull and obviously,i appreciate your work and post.specially,your bike ride looks very attractive your photography beauty..all pic you pic up very looks very cute..very well dear sweet friend.. @lenatramper

A very good idea to take a bike instead of public transport. 28 km almost every day it's a little crazy @lenatramper. My projects from this Thursday I take back my favorite sport the jogging and I prepare for my summer vacation in Asia 🙂🙂. Have a great evening dear friend

a very nice bike tour, and your very nice photos, I love it @lenatramper.
hope your traveling is always fun @lenatramper

Hi @lenatramper I love to follow you, you are cool and pretty...
Speaking of cycling
I myself every morning bike even I cycled until noon, and it's very good that I feel.

5 benefits I already feel.

Cycling is a good way to control or lose weight, because cycling can increase metabolic rate, build muscle, and burn body fat. Cycling helps you to ensure that your energy expenditure is greater than energy intake, as you burn calories while on a bike ride.

2.Reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels
Cycling regularly can stimulate and improve heart, lungs, blood circulation, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cycling will strengthen the heart muscle and reduce the level of fat in the blood. This is evidenced in studies in Denmark that shows that people who cycled regularly will be preserved from heart disease in old age.

3.Reduce the risk of cancer
If you maintain a healthy diet and cycling regularly, then it will help you in reducing the risk of cancer. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that people who have a fit body, even in old age, are at lower risk for lung cancer and colorectal cancer. Other studies have also shown that regular cycling can reduce the risk of colon and breast cancer.

4.Reduce the risk of diabetes
Lack of physical activity is one of the causes of diabetes. Cycling is one way you can do to reduce your risk of diabetes. A study in Finland shows that people who bike more than 30 minutes per day have a lower risk of developing diabetes.

5.Increase strength, balance, and muscle coordination
Cycling can prevent you from having a broken bone. Although cycling does not specifically help osteoporosis, however, cycling is an ideal form of exercise for osteoporosis, as cycling is a mild exercise that will put little pressure on the joint.

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