Anti-GMO activists need to respect people's choices.
If you're anti-GMO, it's high time you stop saying that people a trying to take away your choices. You're the ones trying to take away our choices.
I've yet to meet a single person who wants to see primitive crops banned or specially labeled and I've been vocal on this issue for a decade. I've met dozens of people who want GMOs banned or labeled. I've never wanted the law to be used to prevent you from spending more money on shittier products.
What's the freedom of choice that you value when you complain that GMOs aren't tested well enough while tearing up test crops? Whose freedom of choice to you value when you're blocking nonprofits from giving GMO seeds to countries experiencing persistent issues with malnutrition or famine? You don't think that any of the ten thousand people who died of starvation in Zambia would have appreciated the choice to try a GMO crop in lieu of an agonizing death?
Anti-GMO activists already lack just about all credibility. The ones who complain about having their choices abridged literally lack all credibility.