The Farce of Gender Pronouns — No Respect for Anything that Undermines Freedom of SpeechsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gender8 years ago

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Culture has always had a peculiar way in evolving. Times change and sometimes we have to jump on the next cultural meme in order to move on. Gender pronouns are such a case. No longer he or she are the "normal" accepted ones. We now have to remember this entire clusterfuck in order to communicate. Or do we have to?

I don't mind people having their own pronouns. I don't mind who they sleep with and what they believe about sex. What I am allergic to is being required by law to follow their wishes. Today, one can easily be called racist or abusive if they fail to address people in the pronoun or their preference.

The trans community or social activists call for respect. In my dictionary, respect is earned not given away freely. This gender pronoun charade is nothing but another chapter of political correctness that seems to be plaguing society — all in the cost of freedom. As a result, places like universities have become "safe spaces" where people seek safety rather than education. Somehow we all have to conform to the wishes of some people in the trans community or face the law. Ridiculous.

Nobody should respect anything that undermines freedom of speech. If one cannot bear the thought of someone speaking their mind then might as well kill themselves. Life get's much more complicated than that and in many different ways. The world is anything but a safe place. In order to survive in this life one has to develop thick skin, and not invent laws and prohibitions in order to protect their feelings. These laws make the trans community more vulnerable, not stronger.

It has become so ridiculous that even talking about these issues is against the law in some States. Apparently, the politicians in an attempt to gather up as many votes as possible, have decided to offer to minority groups so many legal privileges that end up undermining the freedom of the rest of the population. This is exactly how freedom is sacrificed in the altar of safety.

You are a gay or straight man that likes dressing up like a woman? Fine. No problem. There is no need to advertise your position, no need to resort to legal means or even invent pronouns that others have to follow. You are not "gender queer", you are just a man that likes to dress up like a woman.

Personally I don't even agree with the entire transgender thing. There are two genders in our species. Male and female. That's it. Anything more than that is just made up bullshit. Sure, you allowed to believe your bullshit — much like everyone else — but you don't have to force others to do so. Bill Nye in 1996 had this video explaining how there are only 2 genders. Fast forward 20 years and apparently our species has evolved to include a "spectrum". Ridiculous. Bill Nye is yet another victim and tool of political correctness. There is no "science" to this. Just opinion. Yet this another example of how science gets sacrificed in the same of politics.

Now, I don't doubt that some people are born with hormonal abnormalities or even with 2 sexual organs. These cases exist. Nonetheless, the vast majority of these rare and exceptional cases are undergoing surgery early on in order to avoid health and social adaptation problems. There is no excuse for making gender queering a fashion statement that has to be backed up by law. Gaining a few votes from people that just want social approval for their fetishes is just ridiculous.

Feelings are not more important than words. Freedom cannot be subjected to societal trends of any fashion. Thankfully, we have people like Jordan Peterson that defend the right of freedom of speech and demolish these absurd arguments about gender pronouns. Political correctness is chipping away what once meant to be free. People see and experience the world differently but those views should never be enforced onto one another.


In my understanding this gender issue can be quite easily solved if we divide it into three categories.

Genetics ( related with the genetical information you are born with, chromosomes, possible hormones divergence etc) with is the part you are not control of, you were born with it and it will define you for the rest of your life (recently we have been able to partually change that thanks to advanced medical procedures)

Gender Identity This is the funny part. It relates with the human cognition and the ability of humans to believe in imaginery stories, unrelated with biology, chemistry, physics. Famous examples would the belief in the monetary system, nations, religions and the quite recent gender identity! It is how each individual personally perceives his existance to this world, resulting in various funny gender identities.
Make no mistake though! The term man and woman also fall into that category, they are cultural and social constructs that have torchured millions of people during human history.

Sexual Orientation Kinda easy to understand (I hope) relating to the characteristics of the people, animals, objects you are attracted to and prefer to have sexual relationships with. Pretty much it describes what kind of kinky pervert you might be ;)

I consider myself as a born male, that likes being a man and prefers females (sometimes women).

There you go. What are you guys? 🤔

I am a male who likes females. Though I do quite often Identify as "The Ownage", I get mad headshots in FPS games :)

Gr8 B8 M8, R8 8/8

Spot on with this one mate... (sorry for assuming your gender) hehe. The most interesting debate around this topic I think is about whether people feeling the need to change away from their biological sex is a real condition or just a form of mental illness. Obviously people in this predicament need some kind of treatment but should that treatment be to change their body physically or to accept it mentally?

the line is really blurry here. I should write another post because I don't agree with the definition of mental illness to begin with.

I am largely on the same wavelength and appreciate your candidness. The problem I have with the pronoun issue is that it isn't enough for many of these individuals that they are addressed with their desired pronoun, they actually expect you to believe they are what they believe they are, if you don't, somehow you are discriminating against them, bigoted, intolerant, transphobic etc. which is patently absurd (just because someone doesn't believe in Buddhism doesn't make them anti-Buddhist).

Sorry, but objectively and biologically they are not and never can be anything other than the xx or xy biological sex they were born as, even surgery and hormone treatments cannot change an individual's xx/xy chromosome designation - and should someone choose to address them based on the pronoun that matches their biological sex, that should not be considered a hate transgression or even offensive.

I am happy to call people whatever they want out of respect - as long as they understand that I am always going to be aware that biologically they are the sex they were born as. The flip side of this belief system is that unless they are hypocrites, they have to call you whatever you want them to as well. This has had some entertaining results.

As someone with university experience, you would definitely enjoy some of my recent blog posts, where I have treated social justice, safe spaces and the topic Meritocracy is Dead - Diversity and Privilege in Higher Education.

Posts like yours are one of the great things about Steemit, it would have been banned on FB inside of 5 minutes! Cheers - Cupid Zero

Excellent comment. Thank you for sharing.

Nice video covering the gender madness and some of the origins of its political advance.

I don't understand why these people don't break down the gender pronouns completely and promote using something like "it" for every human being. In that way, you can't offend or discriminate against anyone. But in doing so, they won't any longer feel like special magical unicorns. So let's rather ruin life for everyone else who does not feel so freaking entitled.

Thanks a lot for sharing this docu... I did not know it, have one or two friends who need to see it. Of course, they have not children and "stil" do not care about all this "madness"(best name for whats happening)

indeed . good one.

Furthermore, the constant discussion of these non-issues just steals resources, attention and relevance from topics that urgently need to be addressed and resolved.

Nobody is actually getting damaged or getting their rights trampled by not being addressed with their own special pronoun of their choice.

Exactly, valuable time that could be spent elsewhere in academia.

I am like you. I don't care what other people do, especially in their bedroom. I am going to honestly say that I believe that people who mutilate their sex organs in some type of attempt to change their gender are mentally ill.

There are certain things in this world that are immutable such as species and gender. Grafting a penis or vagina through surgery does not change someone's gender any more than grafting a dog tail to their ass and running around on all fours changes them into a dog.

I feel bad for those that hate themselves so much that they try to surgically alter themselves with a parade of invasive, and probably painful procedures. In the end, many of them are still not happy because nothing they do can change who they are inside, which is where the real problem exists.

The suicide rate among transgenders is disturbingly high. I feel that we are doing a real disservice to these people because they are clearly in need of help and treatment for their mental illness.

I also feel strongly that it is absolutely child abuse and brainwashing to drag little children as young as 4 into this and tell them there is no such thing as gender, which is a complete lie. There have even been people that have had their young child undergo sex changes now, and I think that is disgusting. A young child does not understand life enough and does not have the ability to make such an important decision that will affect them for the rest of their life. Apparently, you can't smoke until you are 16 and you can't drink until you are 21, but you can have a sex change at 4!

Sometimes I honestly feel like we are living in George Orwell's 1984 where people are so brainwashed they can't even determine reality and fact from what they are told is reality and fact.

In a way anything we say to a child is more or less brainwashing. All kids need guidance so parents can teach whatever they want to them.

the only reason these people get the law backing them up is because they vote. regular people are disinterested in voting and thus these minorities can win elections if they are played carefully.

Hence, the term "The tyranny of the minority".


Very true, it's a total clusterfuck of fetishes and the billions of people who want to say a man or a woman / him or her can't because it will be crime against the 0.00000000001‰ who magically evolved to some sexual fantasy gender. The world is truly in a pathetic state because of our own doing but mostly our governments and the butt hurt clan. Nice post

I agree with you totally on this man. This political correctness thing is just getting too much man. I dont want to change my way of life just because some people have different needs. I have no issues with them doing whatever they want but I don't want to have my personal space encroached just because someone somewhere has a great idea of changing the law to get some monorith

I'm ok with people living any way they like if it doesn't hurt others. I'm happy to hear them out and try to understand them. But I will not adopt the labels set by mainstream society when they try to dictate what is normal. Luckily I haven't encountered anyone who wanted me to use some new gender pronoun.

As for transgender, I have doubts about the whole concept. It obviously stems from real deviation from typical gender roles which is totally fine, but those gender roles are defined by society, so the whole thing seems a bit reactionary to me. That being said, I wouldn't pour these doubts on someone who identifies as trans because either way they obviously don't fit into the past idea of normal and it can be hard growing up like that, they don't need to deal with a person they don't know doubting them. It would be interesting to see if something like transgender would develop in a society with drastically different ideas about gender roles.

If Someone who is trans happens to read this, feel free to share your opinion here. No hate, I am happy to hear you out.

well put man

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