RE: Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 12
Good evening,
My name is Jesse Murray. I started working for a company on June 10, 2013. It was not until the middle of July 2013 when I started to notice that my manager and some other employees were starting to talk about things I did in my apartment and while I was in the company car. They would briefly mention things I would say while I was alone and by myself.
I had started drinking heavily every day when I had gotten off work. I would complain, curse, and shout about how the company was run, my position, and the Vice Presidents daughter. It was on December 1st, 2013 when I had first heard the yelling and screaming of voices in my head. This would be the beginning of my nightmare and what "the voices" have described as trauma based mind control. I had heard the voices destroy who I was and harass, belittle, and terrorize me for months until July 2014 when I had made an awkward smile and one of the members of this "organization" had said that I smiled like a pedophile. I had then started to get thoughts placed directly into my head.
Since then I have been remotely raped, molested, experimented on, and bombarded daily with thoughts that never cease until they have had my completely brainwashed. I have begged, screamed, yelled, and asked everyday for the operator and their associates to stop what amounts to mental, psychological, and emotional torture. They have complete control of my mind and body....they have made this known through various methods. I have been in 7 different psych wards, been to multiple psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. My family has spent thousands of dollars trying to help me.
Also, it has come to the point where everyone on facebook,, the local police, the local hospital, the fbi, cia, nsa, and thousands of other USA citizens know but no one will help me. I have a very good idea that this is going to lead to the death of me by having me kill myself or my family. I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP. They have brainwashed me to make things like death, blood, knifes are KINKY. They have tried to convince me that I have demons inside of me. They have brainwashed me to change my sexual orientation. They have convinced everyone that murdering me, torturing me, and making money off of my suffering while laughing at it is ok. I was only 23 years old when this started. I was fresh out of college. I am now 26 years old....I cannot use my college degree which took 5 years to get, I have been begging for help for 2.6 years now. I lost 8 years of my life that I can never reclaim. I want to be able to wake up, have the freedoms that everyone else has, know that I have my privacy back and peace of mind, and be able to live in my house knowing that I am safe from anonymous people trying to murder me in my own body. Thank you for taking the time to read my torture summary. There is more to it than this but that is all I can think of at this time.
Just remember that you're not alone. It sounds like a lot to handle, but just try to remember that God is watching and God is bigger then what these people are doing and what they are obviously willing to do. I can't tell you enough about how many stories that people have shared with me, but my own family can't even talk to me about these things or listen to me. They think that I know nothing about what is going on and that all of these things that are happening to me are my fault when I know they are not. These people doing this to you are sick and they know they are sick, so please don't ever hurt anyone, and don't hurt yourself. The crooks and cronies that are a part of gang-stalking and organized harassment are the convoluted and corrupt people that are getting away with murdering people from this country and many other countries around the world. They want to replace living with dying and love for hate. They want to play God in this country and don't let these people take your life. You can fight it. With every breath though you have to believe that you are stronger then the voices, and know that these people are just outrageously sick and relentless. They have a complete horrific thing to cover up in their own doing where, again, God sees everything that these people are willing to do. I can't share my personal information here, but I would like to talk with you further. Do you have a facebook? Even though facebook is a part of the New World Order's plans to dominate and control the world we can still use it to talk. My name on there is Wehttam Nadrem and you can find me there but I'm being stopped from people being able to add me, so you'd have to leave your contact name on here and I can add you. There is a lot that these people are willing to do, and you're in control. Don't ever tell yourself or believe that they have 100% control over you, or they will. When you believe it, they can get you to believe it and the downward spiral continues. You have to know that you're worth more then these people want for you and just know that you are bigger then these technologies. God is bigger and ask God anything you want in Jesus name and say Amen, and most importantly trust in Him and that His will will be done. Believe that He is going to bring people redemption for these crimes whether they happen here on this earth or in heaven. They can't win! In fact, they won't win! God already won these trials that you are facing. All you have to do is believe 100% the Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that you can be forgiven. I forgive you! I care about you, and what you're going through and want to help. Don't ever give in, and don't give up and don't let these people an in to your thoughts. Take these personal thoughts that you are having and tell them to fuck off and then take and cling on to all that is good. You're alive! You have a heart beat and a healthy mind, and tell yourself affirmations that say you are fine and that things are going to be okay. Tell yourself that you're beautiful and that you were made in the image of a loving God and not some monster. They want you to be the monster so they can run their scheme all over on you and they do it too. Cling to the positive thoughts, if not create them. It can't always rain forever, and you're facing what sounds to me like a spiritual battle with people that are trying to be ghosts in your life and ruin you, and ruin your ability to cope. COPE ANYWAYS! They hate it when you cope and when you can get through trials like this. As long as you keep going with the affirmations and positive thoughts, you're going to be just fine. They can't control your actual thoughts, only mimic thoughts and thought processes where you are feeling destroyed. So, don't think EVER that they have 100% control over your mind. They don't. But, you have to believe that, and the first thing to believing that for schizophrenics is to first believe that you are as bit as much as the next person over. Prosperity happens, happiness happens, and loving lives happen - so cling onto those thoughts that empower you and help you feel good. And choose to feel good, and don't let their darkness over-take you. This is what they want, to make it all seem as though these things are happening to you. I don't know where you are for an example, or how you cope, but keep doing those things that benefit you and bring you light and joy to your life. You aren't what these people are obviously with your writing and I've heard of people being so close to giving up feeling as if they know they are being controlled. Just say and repeat this. Say, "Lord, take me and heal me, and stop me from feeling these things, and the ways that you are feeling - describe them to the Lord. Then say, Come into my heart and heal me, come into my body, spirit and soul, and You take over my mind Lord. Say, that you want His will to be done and not the will of these people. Tell God exactly what you want and why, and even tell Him to come into your body personally to help you and to walk for you, to talk for you, or to write for you. Say, everything that is your will Lord, this is what I want, and totally submit yourself to His will. Say Amen Lord and Thank You Lord" Then, just you believe and see to it that God will lift you up no matter what these people are willing to do. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO THE LORD. He cannot ignore you, because He loves you, and people love you too. I love you, and I don't even know you. I care about you and want nothing but the best things for you. So, just believe and hope that you will be spiritually cleansed. Believe and don't stop believing, and you will be saved. Stay safe in the world and watch your thoughts, and watch very closely if you have to. Don't allow a bad thought to continue and tell the Lord to take away all those bad thoughts, and He will. Nothing can stand in the way of God. NOTHING. Please write me here anytime, I will always read where I am able to. They are trying to take away the time that I have here as well, so that I can't help people, but I keep praying and keep believing in the Lord. MY life was ruined too, I don't get to live a normal life either now, and don't know if I'll ever be able to. I feel as though I want my own life back and freedom back as well, and this country I live, America, is just so convoluted to the attempt at taking over peoples lives, and creating these Crisis where people can't get up and out from. Just know that God is bigger then these people and don't leave anything unsaid, or unasked. You can say or ask God anything, and as long as you believe it can be done, it can. You don't have to believe one person here on earth but yourself. You don't even have to listen to these thoughts. They can try to mimic your body functions, but they can't take over 100%. God can! If you ask in Jesus name and say Amen, and believe - nothing is impossible to God.
Remember, God loves you, and so do we - We who are all coming forward with what we feel is happening to us. It's not an easy thing to fight where friends and family are so busy that they can't even read what we are going through in this country. They are trying to silence the truth. Be good to yourself and God bless you and keep you. I really pray that God will do amazing things for you. Just keep a good mental attitude about it and keep on keeping on. Don't ever stop what you love, and keep doing the things that you love. All the hate and evil in the world will come to an end. All you have to know is that greatness is forever and keeps on going. The evil ends. Just remember that! God be with you, and in you if He's ought to be, and good luck. We love you.
I am getting a gangstalking thing here in corpus christi texas. I get audio with it your either a homosexual or a priest. It also is doing a satin thing that is trying to promote the cathalic church it is very racialy offence to harras someone with a british name from the brown vs board school distric and tell them they should not have money. It supports using the topeka kansas school distric to mark children for abuse. I supose that may fit with satinism but is repulsive.
It is repulsive, what are you currently experiencing