Information About Gang-stalking and Being Targeted In America with Organized Harassment 12

in #gang-stalking8 years ago

Psychological Manipulation:

There are four types of manipulation that is used in gang-stalking attacks; the first is fear, the second is distraction, the third is called desire manipulation, and guilt manipulation.

Fear Manipulation:

With fear; they use all these components of gang-stalking, weather it be through gang-stalking, the remote neural monitoring, electronic harassment, covert drugging or the psychological warfare acts - all of which are to place fear in you.  They use fear in order to intimidate you and make you scared.  Because when they use fear and study what you're scared of, they utilize these things to manipulate a fear in you and thus be able to control you through your fears.  If they can't find something that you're scared of, then they like to inflict things into your home or onto you in order to create you into a person that is scared of something that you weren't scared of to begin with, but want to create this fear in order to control you with it.  They do this through sensitizing you or through covert harassment, or I've herd they will even place things like bugs or other vermin inside your home to run you out of your own home.  

I lived in an infestation, so these things I feel happened to me, where I would seek to get help with the issues that are building code issues, but the management didn't care, and told me, "Who are you going to get to care?"  I just said, "anybody willing to listen to me or see these things."  And then what happened was because I was taking pictures at the time of the vermin holes and mole holes that were surrounding the places, they had come up to me and wanted to have a little chat with me, even though I stated previously that I didn't care to speak to them anymore unless it was on the record because I knew that all they were going to do was nothing, or send people to control the circumstance while not ever fixing the issues at hand or where they stemmed from, which was holes leading into and out of their apartment homes.  It was not a nice way to live and they let me and a lot of people down in this place where nothing was ever done to relieve us from the conditions that were never inspected to begin with, and we all had to find out the hard way, by getting to live as unnaturally as anyone would suspect where there was water intrusion and mice and other vermin running around.  It wasn't as though someone could live a natural life in their places and that is what these people knew.  

They didn't do anything and when I wanted to take pictures they would actually be using fear manipulation to intimidate me into not taking pictures of the ground there, and was not taking pictures of windows and things like this unless they were my own windows.  Then, they said to another neighbor that they would call the cops on me for being a peeping-tom even though they knew that was not the truth, and they did this just out of spite to slander me and defame my character in a way, because I was not doing those things, and they were just out to harass me and make me feel intimidated in the fact that I couldn't just go around the building and get proof pictures to prove to a judge or someone that these things had been happening to me, and that it wasn't created fictionally by me, and I wasn't delusional, because other people were going through similar things, if not the same things and just not getting help with their concerns.  

Desire Manipulation:

Desire manipulation they would only use if they felt like other forms of manipulation were not working.  And in this way, they would try to gift you with something you like, or something that sounds nice, but it's not nice.  They will say things over the phone that they are going to get things done about it, come over and fix things, and just to appease you for the time being, but then nothing would ever happen in regards to getting anything fixed.  They would also, say that the screens need to be redone and that they will get around to fixing your screens, whereas trying to place the fault on their tenants in order to make them feel as though, because they opened a window or something like that, that this is why you have water damage, and this is why there are moles and voles and mice running around in your apartment.  It's not because of some silly screens though, but because of an actual foundation issue that isn't being fixed that you are having so many damning concerns to deal with, and aren't able to live a regular life inside of an apartment that doesn't have these issues.  

The idea behind desire manipulation is to bring up something that you like, or something that would appease you, in order to bring you back to their psychological leash.  And, so long as they record the conversations, they would make themselves out to look good in front of a judge, even though nothing ever really happened with it, they do this because they want to make themselves look responsive, and that they are working on it, even though they are only working on doing nothing and appeasing you for the time being.  I personally couldn't fall for it.  Desire manipulation is used in order to lure you back in, and make you feel cozy in their attempt, but - like I said, I wouldn't fall for it.  

Say, for another example, if you're a guy and you like pretty girls - they will use a pretty girl to bring you back into their field of work, or into using a girl in order to take you out or something like that, and to get you away from something that you would otherwise be working on.  They could actually use desire to trick you as well into knowing that because you like something, or someone, and by using that person to trick you into thinking that they like you, where they are just using that something as bate to dial in on you.  This is much like the snap trap with bate on it.  They show you something that you like in order to lure you in, and then once you're in, they use that bate to to place you into a snap-trap and then the mice don't like it and sometimes they don't even work.  They are so gentle with the cheese or peanut butter that the snap doesn't go off, and you don't get the mouse.  This is the same thing that happens when they try to lure you in and it's not working for you.  When you cave in and say, yeah, they are trying to fix things now, and make good - even when they aren't.  You are now back into being their psychological leash where they lure you back in and make you think like they are working on your behalf when they aren't.  They just know that you have a good case against them and are trying their best to make this whole thing go away, even though it stemmed from them not doing the right thing in the first place, legally, where they are supposed to have a competent inspection done before moving people inside their homes.  And, when they do this without the legal and proper way, they are already in the wrong and you should be taking them to court right away, and not waiting.  Waiting, just gives them ample time to fix things and make it seem on paper and everywhere else that they were doing the right thing even though they weren't.  So, please, again - don't fall for it.  It's a trap and don't become their own bate.  

Say, if they place a female into the mix and that girl is paid to play you, it's to get you to not trust any other females out there even though there are plenty of real girls out there that won't also fall for these tricks, and won't even take any sum of bribe against you because they truly care and have caring hearts enough to know when they are doing something that is wrong.

Another way the fear can play into this trap is where if you're feeling as I did, I felt buggy as all get out, and had body lice because I seen them crawling on me and knew that I was not delusional, that I would feel so bad going out of my house to the store in fear that I would give these things to someone else, and when a woman would smile at me and I could tell that if I just did the right thing that I could start a new friendship and hopefully turn that friendship into a real relationship, but - again, this was used against me in that fashion where I couldn't feel comfortable beyond just exchanging smiles and seeing their heads turn for me, and looking like they wanted me to ask for their number or something and I'd do nothing.  This was not the normal me, unable to speak to girls simply because I had an extra fear for them, int he fact that I wouldn't wish the way I was feeling on anybody.  And, when I did go to certain places I saw people unnaturally scratching and thinking, what the hell is going on with me, knowing full well what was going on and just not able to say anything.  Think about it?  If you're in an interview for a job, with a pretty girl, and being a guy - are you going to tell that girl that you feel as though you are infested with body-lice because of a place you live at?  No, you're not.  You're not because you a.) want that job and b.) because she's a pretty girl doing the interview and you're already nervous.  In other words, your nerves are shot, and you're so hurt inside your heart and inside your mentality that you can't stand it, and just want to get through the interview so you can go back home and get a lice treatment all over your body, if not take a bleach bath.  It's sad, and it's sick to allow for these things to happen to someone where you know you aren't being treated fairly at all by the people running this complex, as you know if you were to live naturally anywhere else, that these things wouldn't be happening and you wouldn't even have to think or feel these ways.

They can actually do this to woman to, where they make girls hate guys, and hate them so many times and in so many different ways that it makes the person of the opposite sex want to turn gay or homosexual.  Either way you look at it, it's wrong.  Two people of the opposite sex, if they truly like what they like, they shouldn't be feared into hating the gender altogether and turn away from their natural feelings for each other.  It's wrong, and it's deceiving to think that these things are what take place in today's world.  It's sad truly and super messed up.

These are human experimental reasons that people are doing things and even sadder to think that people are paid off in order to do these things to you.  It's more of a behavior modification or a form of human experimentation that is going on against your will.  

Guilt Manipulation:

Now, this works in a few different ways.  They will either try to guilt you into making you feel as though what they are doing is right for you, even though it's not and it's pure harassment and torture.  Or they will try to blackmail you with something that you've done in your passed in order to guilt you into thinking that these are the reasons why this is happening to you.  It's not.  It's just another tactic they use to manipulate you into being their psychological pet, and toy with you further.  So, they try to say that because of this something that you've done in the passed, that is wrong or whatever it is, that they can trick you into thinking that this is the real reason why you are being gang-stalked.  Now, here's a trick with this, because you don't have to believe this at all.  Don't let their blackmail become the reason why all these bad things are happening to you, and especially if you're no longer the same person that you were back then.  These people can not only electronically harass you, manipulate you, control body language and make you feel as though these things were actually the real you when they aren't.  You aren't being tricked into being a bad person either because bad things happened TO YOU in the passed.  This is simply not a real reason to harass a person on that level where they can keep doing these things and abuse their privilege of being a person of authority or whoever they are.  You're no worse then they are, and in fact, if you're not willing to do the things that others are willing to do to bully people and make money off of hurting peoples families and friendships, then you're a little better in those ways then these people are.  You're not judged any differently then these people are when our time is up here, so don't fall for their tricks, because they are many and abuse their powers when they are willing to do these things to people.

For an instance, if you did something bad in your passed that you might feel bad about, but you are no longer that same person, they have a thing called due process - which is process of law, and not being harassed and gang-stalked by these people.  You have every right to feel as though you are being mistreated by people if you are being mistreated, and don't have to believe that just because these people are wearing regular clothes and going to work as some authority figure that you have to now somehow believe that ALL these people are great people.  They're not!  But, furthermore they are trying to manipulate you into doing something wrong, or saying the wrong thing.  It doesn't matter what you say though, because this is why they have this thing called due process which means that these people have to treat you fairly in a judicial system and not treat you like a lower grade citizen then you are.  You're a person of this country too, you know, so use their own laws against these people and protect your rights or you will be ran over by these people who want to secure their money and secure themselves as someone that gets to run over your life in these ways, which is wrong.  

They wouldn't be using all these people, paid, and all these things for electronically harassing you just for something tiny in your passed.  They are using these things illegally over you and know what they are doing is wrong.  

Another way they use guilt manipulation is to say, and assume that you are going to do something bad in the future.  They just did this the other day talking to a friend of mine saying that they wonder if I'm going to do something, like just be walking down the street and hit someone for no reason.  They, in this sense are assuming probability of me before ever getting to know the real me, or giving me a chance.  They aren't being sincere with me in this sense because they are telling me through a third party again that they are assuming that I'm bad before giving me that chance to be right.  This is wrong, and again, don't fall for it.

They do this and assume that you are going to do something in the future or that you might do something bad in the future but, don't fall for it, because if you think about it... why would they be spending all these man hours on making your life so miserable instead of helping you.  They simply don't want to help you is my answer, because they don't want you to be able to make it, and get a whole lot of people in the know about these things as though they even might be true.  So they come up with this big plan to neutralize the threat, but here's the thing about that though...  how can you be a threat when you never committed a bad act to begin with?  How can they assume you're going to do something bad, when you haven't in the passed, and just because you felt as though you were being abused yourself that they get to spend money for hours on end to use equipment and many man hours just for that reason.  Don't fall for that trick, because it's a bold trick to play where they assume you are bad before you are ever really truly ever bad, and when these people are so well paid, you'd think that you could use just 5% or 10% of what they've spent already on all these gang-stalking things that they could fix your whole life with that money.  But, that's the only thing.  These people care about money too much and care nothing about the individual being gang-stalked, because they know what THEY did is wrong, and that it has nothing to do with what you did.  You're not wrong for being a confused little kid, or for making a few mistakes as a kid.  You're not wrong for trying to do the right thing.  These people don't have it in them to do the right thing over you, if this is the kind of thing that they pay for.  It's sad and frustrating, and just to think... they all have nice homes and nice little make-shift lives somehow while you are sitting their suffering for a lot of crimes that have been done TO YOU.  This doesn't all of a sudden turn all the other way around.  Like, you being shot at as a kid, or you getting your things destroyed and losing your jobs, because these people want to highly work around the idea that they are trying to silence you, and just keep people in the dark about what is going on with you, so that people can think that it's something that you did?  

You know what I think already.  These cowards need to play a fair game from the beginning and not be criminals themselves before they become cops and raise up their little families themselves.  They need to give you your things back and apologize, but that isn't something the system does.  They make mistakes too, and they don't always do the right thing, but getting them to fix their mistakes is like playing Russian-roulette with your life, because these people have no forgiveness in them.  They can't even forgive themselves, and if they can forgive themselves for what they do, then why can't they just leave you alone?  They can't because they need to silence you, for lack of better words, and are ruthlessly going after you, without just causes and aren't even willing to stop ruining your life now, all because they feel as though it's effortless to harass you and mess up your life.  Besides, these people are well paid to do what they do.

How is harassing you, targeting you, and agitating you actually preventing a threat?  IT doesn't work that way at all, and actually creates somebody to be a threat if they aren't smart enough to figure this thing out.  You feel so hurt and betrayed, that yes you're going to snap and do the wrong thing, but they aren't ever coming out of their scam and asking you how they can actually help you.  And, when they do their help isn't to help you, but to keep tabs on you, to take away more money from you, or to take away your time to produce anything for yourself.  You can't already get a regular job and keep it without them somehow harassing you, so how are you supposed to keep a job?  Here, I've been writing trying to make more money on steemit, but I don't even really care about that!  I just cared to get my story heard and by getting these things read sometimes, I'm actually beginning to make more money then if I was being paid the other way, or by socially becoming an average worker.  I don't want to be average though... I just can't handle these jobs that are out there for people to conform, and to just lose their dreams and just become this machine that makes a certain amount of money while it's never enough to truly get to live a good life.

Even if these people were to go around your workplace, or go to places where you might get a job application and just tell them that you're somehow a threat, you're not going to get that job, and these people aren't going to want to be your friends, because they don't want this stuff to tally up into their own lives.  They want to make sure that you have no one on your side and that you're isolated, homeless, or depressed so bad that you are willing to hurt yourself.  Don't fall for these tricks though.  You see, that people will only see your behavior, so that if you're ever doing anything out of the ordinary, and it could just be doing something more then other people are willing to do, like being "too nice" to customers, then all of a sudden you're the issue and not them.  No one wants you to come in and do their job any better then what they can do, so they harass you in these ways, or they will tell you that you're doing something the wrong way.  They will even give a person that does drugs in the back a better raise then you, and have them purposefully tell you that and give you less of a raise then you, purposefully - to make you know that you're not welcome there.  It's an equal opportunity employer, but they are going to point it out to you why they aren't going to treat you fairly.

When you react to the way that people are willing to treat you, you end up looking like that bad person, because - they don't see the covert part of the harassment.  All they know is that they were told that you could be a threat in some way, and that these people over here believe it and seen you act out all mad because you got paid less then what they did.  They know it's wrong and they also, or some of them, know exactly what they are doing.

Distraction Manipulation:

With distractions, is to misdirect your energy or purpose at something else.  They might have people ask you stupid questions or something like that to divert you from the real reason why you are there, and then you can get angry at answering to stupid questions all the time, even though you would be getting mad at people who aren't aware of the full extent of the attack that is on you.  Like the guy willing to take money to help get rid of me from an apartment and people popping my tires or breaking my windows and ruining my transmission somehow, by placing something inside of it, or whatever.  What they are doing is low level gang-stalking and helping out the real perpetrators of this attack.  Don't get mad at these little to do people who know nothing about what they are doing.  They are petty thugs in the mix... the real thugs are the rich and powerful behind these attacks like the people asking them and telling them that they will get paid for doing this or that, to you.  But, don't aim your anger in the wrong direction here, because that is just another tactic to get you to react in a way where they want you to react, and it's to get more control over you.  

Think about it first.  If you can bring these things up to a cop or to the law and to people that are supposed to protect you, and not hurt you, and all they are going to do is ignore these things, and do nothing.  They are actually helping these gang-stalking attacks and not actually doing anything to help you at all.  This is also to make you lose hope in telling the police anything at all, because they don't want you to tell them anything that is going to hurt their interest, but only help their interest.  As long as you see something go on and tell them about someone that they care about, yeah - they care, and will do something about it... but, when it's you, or someone you know... the same things could happen to you as would happen to their own family members but they aren't going to consider you the same way.

All they want to know is about what can protect their interest, and not protecting yours is sort of what they are doing here.  So, why are you going to tell the police anything at all now... you've just gotten a limited trust in the cops, so... this works in two ways.  Now you don't tell them when something serious happens, and this is to get you sensitized to their attacks, and when you do tell them things, they can either ignore you, or they fear that maybe you might get to someone that cares?  Either way, I have a hard time trusting police, because any time I've said anything that helps with them, all they do is use these things against me, and for their own gain.  They never helped me out when I needed help.  Not even when I brought up laws that were supposed to protect me, so you see how these work in two ways.

When they break your car windows and pop tires, this is to distract you, so that you are wasting your money, and when you bring it up to these police officers, they are going to tell you, "if you don't have proof there isn't anything I can do for you," when you know if it was their own daughter or something like that, or someone that they cared about, you sure as hell they would do something about it.  So, you see there is a double motive here with attacking you with these petty attacks.  They are trying to get inside your head, and utilize whatever they can to attack you.  

So now when they vandalize your car and things like that, it's just to get you distracted into only thinking about that attack against you, and take your focus off of other things.  It's not just about the money that is wasted on fixing these issues, but to take your focus off of what you were working on in the first place.  It's to distract you from your real reality and your real purpose in life, and put in this artificial false reality on front of you, all in thanks and courtesy to your federal government, for placing these false realities in peoples ways so to distract you from anything else that you are working toward or working on.  

The truth is that there is a real reality going on outside of all this; and that is of truth, love and prosperity and happiness.  But you are being occupied and distracted by this fictional reality that isn't real.  It's not about bettering you, or bettering you life and is all about ruin and destruction which is being orchestrated by some higher level gang-stalker.  The people on the field in the street theater, have no real value.  They only do what they are told because they made $10.00 bucks or whatever. 

Just know, that these theatrics are done in movies all the time, and they are just bringing these things into the real reality of peoples lives, and it is to destroy and subvert your reality and make it controllable.  They don't want you to get ahead, so fight these things with everything that you have.  You're worth more then what these people even know about you. 



Good evening,

My name is Jesse Murray. I started working for a company on June 10, 2013. It was not until the middle of July 2013 when I started to notice that my manager and some other employees were starting to talk about things I did in my apartment and while I was in the company car. They would briefly mention things I would say while I was alone and by myself.
I had started drinking heavily every day when I had gotten off work. I would complain, curse, and shout about how the company was run, my position, and the Vice Presidents daughter. It was on December 1st, 2013 when I had first heard the yelling and screaming of voices in my head. This would be the beginning of my nightmare and what "the voices" have described as trauma based mind control. I had heard the voices destroy who I was and harass, belittle, and terrorize me for months until July 2014 when I had made an awkward smile and one of the members of this "organization" had said that I smiled like a pedophile. I had then started to get thoughts placed directly into my head.
Since then I have been remotely raped, molested, experimented on, and bombarded daily with thoughts that never cease until they have had my completely brainwashed. I have begged, screamed, yelled, and asked everyday for the operator and their associates to stop what amounts to mental, psychological, and emotional torture. They have complete control of my mind and body....they have made this known through various methods. I have been in 7 different psych wards, been to multiple psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. My family has spent thousands of dollars trying to help me.
Also, it has come to the point where everyone on facebook,, the local police, the local hospital, the fbi, cia, nsa, and thousands of other USA citizens know but no one will help me. I have a very good idea that this is going to lead to the death of me by having me kill myself or my family. I DESPERATELY NEED YOUR HELP. They have brainwashed me to make things like death, blood, knifes are KINKY. They have tried to convince me that I have demons inside of me. They have brainwashed me to change my sexual orientation. They have convinced everyone that murdering me, torturing me, and making money off of my suffering while laughing at it is ok. I was only 23 years old when this started. I was fresh out of college. I am now 26 years old....I cannot use my college degree which took 5 years to get, I have been begging for help for 2.6 years now. I lost 8 years of my life that I can never reclaim. I want to be able to wake up, have the freedoms that everyone else has, know that I have my privacy back and peace of mind, and be able to live in my house knowing that I am safe from anonymous people trying to murder me in my own body. Thank you for taking the time to read my torture summary. There is more to it than this but that is all I can think of at this time.

Just remember that you're not alone. It sounds like a lot to handle, but just try to remember that God is watching and God is bigger then what these people are doing and what they are obviously willing to do. I can't tell you enough about how many stories that people have shared with me, but my own family can't even talk to me about these things or listen to me. They think that I know nothing about what is going on and that all of these things that are happening to me are my fault when I know they are not. These people doing this to you are sick and they know they are sick, so please don't ever hurt anyone, and don't hurt yourself. The crooks and cronies that are a part of gang-stalking and organized harassment are the convoluted and corrupt people that are getting away with murdering people from this country and many other countries around the world. They want to replace living with dying and love for hate. They want to play God in this country and don't let these people take your life. You can fight it. With every breath though you have to believe that you are stronger then the voices, and know that these people are just outrageously sick and relentless. They have a complete horrific thing to cover up in their own doing where, again, God sees everything that these people are willing to do. I can't share my personal information here, but I would like to talk with you further. Do you have a facebook? Even though facebook is a part of the New World Order's plans to dominate and control the world we can still use it to talk. My name on there is Wehttam Nadrem and you can find me there but I'm being stopped from people being able to add me, so you'd have to leave your contact name on here and I can add you. There is a lot that these people are willing to do, and you're in control. Don't ever tell yourself or believe that they have 100% control over you, or they will. When you believe it, they can get you to believe it and the downward spiral continues. You have to know that you're worth more then these people want for you and just know that you are bigger then these technologies. God is bigger and ask God anything you want in Jesus name and say Amen, and most importantly trust in Him and that His will will be done. Believe that He is going to bring people redemption for these crimes whether they happen here on this earth or in heaven. They can't win! In fact, they won't win! God already won these trials that you are facing. All you have to do is believe 100% the Jesus died on the cross for your sins, and that you can be forgiven. I forgive you! I care about you, and what you're going through and want to help. Don't ever give in, and don't give up and don't let these people an in to your thoughts. Take these personal thoughts that you are having and tell them to fuck off and then take and cling on to all that is good. You're alive! You have a heart beat and a healthy mind, and tell yourself affirmations that say you are fine and that things are going to be okay. Tell yourself that you're beautiful and that you were made in the image of a loving God and not some monster. They want you to be the monster so they can run their scheme all over on you and they do it too. Cling to the positive thoughts, if not create them. It can't always rain forever, and you're facing what sounds to me like a spiritual battle with people that are trying to be ghosts in your life and ruin you, and ruin your ability to cope. COPE ANYWAYS! They hate it when you cope and when you can get through trials like this. As long as you keep going with the affirmations and positive thoughts, you're going to be just fine. They can't control your actual thoughts, only mimic thoughts and thought processes where you are feeling destroyed. So, don't think EVER that they have 100% control over your mind. They don't. But, you have to believe that, and the first thing to believing that for schizophrenics is to first believe that you are as bit as much as the next person over. Prosperity happens, happiness happens, and loving lives happen - so cling onto those thoughts that empower you and help you feel good. And choose to feel good, and don't let their darkness over-take you. This is what they want, to make it all seem as though these things are happening to you. I don't know where you are for an example, or how you cope, but keep doing those things that benefit you and bring you light and joy to your life. You aren't what these people are obviously with your writing and I've heard of people being so close to giving up feeling as if they know they are being controlled. Just say and repeat this. Say, "Lord, take me and heal me, and stop me from feeling these things, and the ways that you are feeling - describe them to the Lord. Then say, Come into my heart and heal me, come into my body, spirit and soul, and You take over my mind Lord. Say, that you want His will to be done and not the will of these people. Tell God exactly what you want and why, and even tell Him to come into your body personally to help you and to walk for you, to talk for you, or to write for you. Say, everything that is your will Lord, this is what I want, and totally submit yourself to His will. Say Amen Lord and Thank You Lord" Then, just you believe and see to it that God will lift you up no matter what these people are willing to do. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO THE LORD. He cannot ignore you, because He loves you, and people love you too. I love you, and I don't even know you. I care about you and want nothing but the best things for you. So, just believe and hope that you will be spiritually cleansed. Believe and don't stop believing, and you will be saved. Stay safe in the world and watch your thoughts, and watch very closely if you have to. Don't allow a bad thought to continue and tell the Lord to take away all those bad thoughts, and He will. Nothing can stand in the way of God. NOTHING. Please write me here anytime, I will always read where I am able to. They are trying to take away the time that I have here as well, so that I can't help people, but I keep praying and keep believing in the Lord. MY life was ruined too, I don't get to live a normal life either now, and don't know if I'll ever be able to. I feel as though I want my own life back and freedom back as well, and this country I live, America, is just so convoluted to the attempt at taking over peoples lives, and creating these Crisis where people can't get up and out from. Just know that God is bigger then these people and don't leave anything unsaid, or unasked. You can say or ask God anything, and as long as you believe it can be done, it can. You don't have to believe one person here on earth but yourself. You don't even have to listen to these thoughts. They can try to mimic your body functions, but they can't take over 100%. God can! If you ask in Jesus name and say Amen, and believe - nothing is impossible to God.
Remember, God loves you, and so do we - We who are all coming forward with what we feel is happening to us. It's not an easy thing to fight where friends and family are so busy that they can't even read what we are going through in this country. They are trying to silence the truth. Be good to yourself and God bless you and keep you. I really pray that God will do amazing things for you. Just keep a good mental attitude about it and keep on keeping on. Don't ever stop what you love, and keep doing the things that you love. All the hate and evil in the world will come to an end. All you have to know is that greatness is forever and keeps on going. The evil ends. Just remember that! God be with you, and in you if He's ought to be, and good luck. We love you.

I am getting a gangstalking thing here in corpus christi texas. I get audio with it your either a homosexual or a priest. It also is doing a satin thing that is trying to promote the cathalic church it is very racialy offence to harras someone with a british name from the brown vs board school distric and tell them they should not have money. It supports using the topeka kansas school distric to mark children for abuse. I supose that may fit with satinism but is repulsive.

It is repulsive, what are you currently experiencing

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