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RE: So I need cheats to be able to play the game... So what?
Hey man if any one tell you shit for playing the way you want, fuck them! I like playing hard games but putting others down because they play differently is not right. take Bloodborne for example I played it normally no guides no help. I let a friend borrow it and I helped him and he used guides and LOVED the game, and to be honest i think if he would have played like i did he would not have enjoyed it as much.
don't listen to people. play how you want. their is no right or wrong way to play. Also the reason why people say fallout 4 is easy is because they made it very casual especially when compared to older entries.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your opinion. I guess people just need to stop having issues with how I play a game or they need to keep it to themselves.
Yeah exactly and you should not care what people say if your having fun then its ok