So I need cheats to be able to play the game... So what?
So when I play Fallout 4, I use cheats.
Yes. You read that right. I DO use cheats.
Well what fun is a game when all that happens is you keep meeting your death and you can't last longer than 5 minutes.
I don't exactly find that to be loads of fun and the best way to spend my time.
I am a mentally challenged person when it comes to playing games. I can never understand what is happening or why it is happening. I don't have the strategic mind for those strategy games and I can't seem to be able to predict things that are so obvious to most people. So I sometimes use cheats when I play a game. Bethesda games seem to be where my weakness lies the most. Their games are the only games that I use cheats to be able to play.
I play Fallout 4 using God Mode and with my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats maxed. This just makes the game so much easier for me. I am finally able to face the enemies and do tons of damage and its even more than that if I didn't use any cheats at all.
Now why do so many people have a problem when I admit that I use cheats in Fallout 4? They claim that the game is easy. They say that they can master it within seconds and that it just becomes second nature to them. Well welcome to my world Sunshines, where I was made to read books and sit in a library and not behind a computer screen playing games.
Of course I cannot use cheats when playing games such as League of Legends or Ghost in the Shell: First Assault but I then struggle and so people often get so salty with me.
-- Salty: When a person becomes angry, upset or frustrated to a point in which they lash out at you and say many horrible, mean and derogatory things so that you feel like an idiot and a failure. --
That's also another thing that I have an issue with. People being salty. Why? It is only a game people! Your live is not in that game. I get that if you are a professional gamer then yes that game could be your life but it is still a game and if it really affects your life so much then you really should be doing something better with your time.
But anyways, I am proud to admit that I use cheats when I play Fallout 4. Yes some people may see it as a weakness to play a game with cheats but that does not mean that I see it that way too... So why do you have a problem with it? Its not affecting your life in any way so why complain that I do it?
Basically what I'm trying to say is that people really shouldn't judge a person by the fact that they use cheats in one game. And that you should be proud if it makes the game more fun and enjoyable for you.
Hey man if any one tell you shit for playing the way you want, fuck them! I like playing hard games but putting others down because they play differently is not right. take Bloodborne for example I played it normally no guides no help. I let a friend borrow it and I helped him and he used guides and LOVED the game, and to be honest i think if he would have played like i did he would not have enjoyed it as much.
don't listen to people. play how you want. their is no right or wrong way to play. Also the reason why people say fallout 4 is easy is because they made it very casual especially when compared to older entries.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your opinion. I guess people just need to stop having issues with how I play a game or they need to keep it to themselves.
Yeah exactly and you should not care what people say if your having fun then its ok
The general case for me has always been - If youre playing alone - do whatever you want with the game. Mod it, cheat id, eat it for breakfast - as long as you are having fun, nobody else should care.
Only whenever you venture into the multiplayer world (and that includes things like speedruns) should you be on an even playing ground.
Of course. I totally agree with that. Never use cheats when playing the same game with others. It just makes it completely unfair.