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RE: Game in Game
I would do a web comic. But I kinda want it to be a game first. But I currently have no idea how to code or program.:P Until I can maybe get a few people to help make a pre alpha beta conceptual 0.0 demo, I've just been posting character art, mock up screenshots, and jotting down tons of concepts. I know that's kinda a mouth full to start out with, but I want my series to be as video gamey as possible.
Yeah, I've been thinking up story and characters in my head for a long while now. Most of which I haven't revealed yet. I don't wanna spoil anything before I even begin.
Then start with a web comic, and build it out from there. Focus on that, and everything else will fall into place.
I MIGHT do some sort of story book/slide show image sequence... just to show off what series is.