Game in Game
Game in Game is my own original series which I plan on making into a video game series as well as a cartoon series someday!
Game in Game is about an 8bit platformer game released in the late 80's. It features a little blue kitten named Kitty. Kitty loves to jump around and eat candy and sweets. Kitty protects the world of the Pixelverse from the evil monster wizard Natzer. Natzer is bent on destruction and consuming the world in black death. Kitty must jump it's way through multiple lands to defeat Natzer.
Kitty will meet multiple friends along the way. Like Princess Lilypad, Kabeetle, and Unine to name a few. Kitty can't talk, so the series relies on Kitty's interactions with the other characters to build personality and character. The games wi be more focused on gameplay and solid controls while the cartoon would be more focused on story and character development.
A word of advice: start small, and build out from there. I learned that one the hard way when I was in college.
For my senior project, I worked with two classmates to make a tournament bracketing program. Our intent was along the lines of gaming stores that ran tournaments like Magic the Gathering, but made it open ended enough that it could be used for anything. We had all sorts of ideas for this thing: stat tracking, remembering entrants, ladders, swiss rounds, and round robin brackets, the world was our oyster.
And then we realized we only have 16 weeks to make this thing, and we spent 10 working on a lot of these ideas. We had to pare it back, and pare it back HARD. In the end, our final result was much simpler, but it was easier to work with. And we got an A on it!
The moral of the story in all this is to focus on the minimum viable product. What's the barest minimum that you could create, reasonably ship, and see people buy? Start there, make it as stellar as possible, and then build out from it. In your case, Focus on the story, the characters, and then make a something from that. Choose one, focus on that first. Get it done, then do the spin-offs.
As an aside, have you considered the webcomic route?
I would do a web comic. But I kinda want it to be a game first. But I currently have no idea how to code or program.:P Until I can maybe get a few people to help make a pre alpha beta conceptual 0.0 demo, I've just been posting character art, mock up screenshots, and jotting down tons of concepts. I know that's kinda a mouth full to start out with, but I want my series to be as video gamey as possible.
Yeah, I've been thinking up story and characters in my head for a long while now. Most of which I haven't revealed yet. I don't wanna spoil anything before I even begin.
Then start with a web comic, and build it out from there. Focus on that, and everything else will fall into place.
I MIGHT do some sort of story book/slide show image sequence... just to show off what series is.