A guy takes his blonde girlfriend to a football game for the first time.
After the game he asked his girlfriend how she liked the game.
Oh, I really liked it, she said, but I just couldn't understand
though why they were beating each other up for 25 cents.
Suprised, the boyfriend asked, what do you mean?
The blonde girlfriend replied, all they kept screaming was:
“Get the quarter back! Get the quarter back!”
haha dobar :)
hvala i hvala na glasu
još bi bolje bilo da je 100 posto
haha 100% moras sasluzit prvo ovo ti je samo da ne odustanes od steemita jer ti niko ne glasa
jesi darežljiv
možda drugi put bude darežljiviji
dobar si mi poticaj da sa glasanjem sebi 4.05 i 3.81
good one
yes Thank You