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RE: It's A Long Story: Now Imagine How Shitty This Post Would Be If That Was All I Wrote For A Title

in #funny6 years ago

I got lucky in that retro game play-through. I didn't play several times, then pick and choose screenshots. It actually played out like that, then I just added my own story. More luck: Steem was worth 15 cents at the time, and I came out of there with $27 worth of 15 cent Steem. Do the math. If more people here knew to leave bots alone, power up everything, and hodl; they'd be in the same damn boat as me right now instead of bragging up the trinkets they bought back then.


I've come across a couple of blogs here or there from the past days. Insane payouts when steem must have been worth almost nothing. They cashed it out all and left. hahaha.

I'm sure that was "life changing" money for them back than. May they still be getting a use out of the plastic garbage they spent it on.

I have no clue how long I'll be able to hold. Least for 2018 I just want to build and have some cheap fun here. So many cashing out every little cent they make like its going out of style. Hard to get ahead in life if that all it ever is.

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