I Had Waited 25 Years to Play Oregon Trail Again and It's Still a Good Game, I Guess (~Walk-through~)

in #funny5 years ago

After all these years of cloudy memories, I finally found it! I can live again!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Hits.jpeg

Back in the 80's

When I was busy trying to be an 80's kid...

My life was always being interrupted and I was forced to go to school.

School wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me though. I learned a lot, especially in computer class. I'm not sure if the teacher knew much about computers though. Knowing how to insert a flopping disk into the correct slot was probably the full extent of her knowledge. She knew how to type, but at the time, we were just dumb kids who could barely read. Computer class meant we were either going to play Number Munchers, a game about munching numbers, or we'd be treated to a round of...

Oregon Trail

A few years back, I discovered many old computer games from my youth had been abandoned. Nobody wants to make money by selling their classic software anymore, so now anyone can play, for free. I'll link you all to the website later. Don't worry either, this is all legal now. We're free!

I won't tell you what the game is about, because that will ruin the surprise. I have a better idea anyway.

Let's Play Oregon Trail!

Intense title screen. I selected option one.

Yeah, I think those names should suffice.

March is too cold. April it is!

Sounds like good advice.

...but I spent it all anyway. It's better to be prepared for anything.

Thank you, Captain Obvious!

April Fool's Day, but I'm no fool!
Ready Maw! We'll be in Oregon in no time! I know what I'm doing!

...but I'm warning you kids! Go easy on the food!

And we're off. Don't be falling off the back now! I ain't stopping for nothing!

Damn kids! We didn't even get ten feet down the road! Behave!

Making great time! Only took one week to get here. ...but how in the hell do we cross?

Oh be quiet Maw! It's not too deep! I know what I'm doing!

See Maw! Almost there! Too deep, pfff!

Oh be quiet Maw! Three kids was too many mouths to feed anyway!

Shut up Maw! I can hunt for food. We's wild people now!

Pew! Pew! Pew! Amerikuh!

Be quiet Maw! I ain't no weakling.
Maybe if you got off your fat ass and helped, things could be different around here!

Yup! Just what I needed! Kids! Get out there and help push the wagon!

This one looks easy! Looks like a nice place to rest too, but we ain't got time!

Be quiet Maw. I'll do inventory when we get outta here.

Lord help me Jesus! I'll go hunting once we get to Fort Kearney.
I know I only got one shot left Maw! Don't make me use it on you!

Maw! Get on over here and stop flirtin' with the locals!

You better not run off with him while I'm out huntin'.

He walked right up to me Maw, so I blasted him! We's eatin' good now!
Let's get back to the trail!

Oh be quiet Maw! I thought I told you to leave your damn cramps back in Independence!

Free at last! Yee-haw!

See kids, I told you Maw was cursed! Things is lookin' up now!

Ain't it beautiful, kids! You keep staring, I'm going go find us some food.

Kids! Success! Some pervert wanted Maw's old dress and gave us some grub for it!

Everybody inside? Let's go!

Oh quit your whining back there! I'm trying to drive!

Go pick the berries boy! Hurry up! Paw needs a rest anyway.

Look, kids! Someone didn't make it! Let's go have us a look-see!

What kind of crazy Offspring would write that on a tombstone? Oh well, let's get going.

Well, we made it. You kids stay here. I'll go looking for supplies.

See that, kids! They say there's a sucker born every minute!

I thought I told you two to be quiet! Don't make me come back there!

You'll be fine! Be a man!

Oh! Just cuz he's sick, you gotta be sick too, huh! Damn kids!

What a view! Next stop, South Pass.

Hello there! Do you have anything you'd like to trade? What! No, sorry, the kid isn't for sale.

Better have a look at the map!

Well... if the map is accurate, I'd be an idiot to choose the other trail.

I hate rivers... Kids! We're floating across this time!

Yes I know I should have done that before! Sit down and be quiet!
Damn kids think they know everything.

You feeling good back there? Good! Go pick them berries!

See kids! That's how a normal family acts. Let's get going.

Not again! Other Kid! Get out there and push!

Say again! What? I can't seem to hear you! Keep pushing! Almost there!

No time to rest! Let's get moving.

Not another one! Son! It's your turn to push!

Suck it up buttercup! We're almost there!

Okay, you can rest now. The friendly Indian told me this river is very easy to float across.

Float it across they said. It'll be easy they said.

Well Son. We're going commando. Get used to it.

Son... are you made out of glass? What is your major malfunction!

Why didn't you just shoot me! Ahhhhhh!

Well hello there. We have three seats available. Would you like to come to Oregon with us?
"Stay away from the strange man, dear."

Push harder Son! Mush! Mush! Mush!

I heard you the first time!

Just kill me already!

See! I told you we'd reach the mountains before you die!

I told him he'd see the mountains before he died.

It's just a scratch! I'll be fine! I'm not even stopping here. The place smells of problems.

Pure skill. If only my dead family could see me now.

Paw made it! Now to just float down this river to my new home!

Just like whitewater rafting! Please don't hit a rock. Please don't hit a rock!

Success! I made it to Oregon! Paw is an American hero!

Double points! I'm the best!

Screw you top ten jerks! I nearly died for this!

Rage quit!

In Conclusion

Oregon Trail was the first video game I took a shining to. It's still a good game. I can enjoy it, if I try hard enough.

The version I played as a kid was available for the Apple II and produced in 1985 by a company known as Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium (MECC). The version I played above came out some time after that but it's still the same game that I remember.

Here is a link if you would like to try it out. The game plays inside the web browser.

There are also many other old DOS games available to play, for free. Clicking this image will lead you straight to the source of this retro smorgasbord of old awesomeness. If that's your thing, please, do enjoy.


Have a nice day!

Most images seen here were screenshots from the linked source.
All other art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"This post was originally presented to the Steem community on 1/27/2017. Many of you who follow me today were not around back then. At the request of a few new followers, I've chosen Sundays, which are typically slow, to dig through my massive pile of posts to find some of my older classics for you all to enjoy and give them a second chance to see the light of day."
"I hope you had fun."

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


That was fun! I never played it but I held the house record for maze master for a week. Pac man, frogger... lol

I don't even know what a maze master is, but it sounds amazing. I held all the records in my house. My brother really sucked at games and wow did he ever hate being beaten by someone five years younger.

Maze master was a little like Pac Man but better.

I have played a few games out of this i.e. pac-man, street fighter, etc. on a Pentium 2 computer. Those are fun. Thank You for sharing!

It's always fun playing the classics. It's like going back in time.

Thanks for stopping in today!

You got to play that in school? You Canadians have it good. My American computer class was learning to type and use excel...very slowly...like so slowly you could take a nap in between each new little instruction on altering cells.

That kind of stuff came later. I was playing that game above as early as kindergarten. We had all kinds of math games and word games as well. Typing games were fun but I had to learn how to read and write first.

Interesting. We had no computer classes in elementary school. Nowadays the kids in kindergarten have to do standardized testing prep on computers. Apparently Americans still haven't figured out how to do a proper computer class.

Holy Oregonian, that looked like a lot of work! It takes me back though.
Only one question:
When Leisure Suit Larry?!

Posted using Partiko Android

Leisure Suit Larry was so confusing for me way back in the day. Much easier these days!

Life helped with the Larry plot? :)

I thought rubbers were boots.

Nice to see this again. Would be interesting to see how this compared vs 2017 version. Was certainly a different time back then.

Congratulations on being on trending on steemace. That is the nice thing about tribes amazing posts get be up there.

I think a curation guild voted on it, back then. I probably only had about 300-400 followers back then, not many saw it. I remember showing you this. I have so much good stuff that just got buried, not many saw. Sunday's, since it's usually quiet, I'll do reruns. They won't be shit posts. It's just work that deserves a viewership. I'm sure I got more comments today than I did back then. I was still a noob then!

I had no idea I was on the steemace trending page. It's my first steemace post.

You are second unless we don't count that "promoted" paid for post. Than you are or where first when I looked!!!!!

Holey macaroni. I looked. This took top organic slot. Huh.

Well maybe I'll do gaming posts on Sundays instead! That'll give me an excuse to play some games. I miss playing games. I don't get to do it enough anymore. This might change that.

I'm smiling. Thanks for the heads-up!

Sounds like a good enough reason to play games.

Epic memories! I may have to give this a try although I also just thought of Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego as my daughter was watching the Netflix series and it reminded me how awesome that one was as well!

Posted using Partiko iOS

That's one game I never tried. Playing old games is great for the nostalgia but picking up an old game for the first time often leads to a bit of a headache. Not always though. They're just so clunky and somewhat confusing. Remember how they used to come with thick user manuals? LOL!

That’s one I played too. It was a great game for learning geography.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ypu skipped the screen where you chose your occupation!

Posted using Partiko Android

Near the end on the scorecard it shows I selected 'carpenter', but you're right! I think that screen and maybe one more were missed but other than that, that's the entire game. I still have no idea how I managed to finish after losing all my food right off the bat!

You are very bad at keeping your family alive.

They needed to die, and they died for me. I don't know what that other kid's name was... but I'll never forget them.

That was a rather enjoyable review/read. Everyone died, except paw, if I read it right. Oh the violence of those 80's games

I am so so glad we have all these games. I actually do enjoy computer games, and will have to take a look at some of the retro games. I wonder if any of the old "Sierra" games are free now, i'll have to check.

Paw made it! It's game over if everyone dies.

I think I did see a few old Sierra games. It's actually called 'abandonware' and there are quite a few sites dedicated to this stuff.

This is awesome. Congrats for finishing the trail.
Maybe I'll have a go soon.

Posted using Partiko Android

Give it a try! I had another round a few minutes ago and it went way better than that disaster up there!

Might have to wait until it's on sale...

I got it in a Humble Bundle at one point... if I find another cheap key I'll let you know.

That looks dope!

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