You've Got To Fight For Your Right... To Have a Reasonable Amount of Fun and Still Take Care of Your Kids the Next Day.

in #funny7 years ago

A few weeks ago my wife and I attended one of the best parties we have been to in quite a while.

No. There were no bowls of keys involved. Get your minds out of the gutter! Just because I am old doesn't mean I still think it is the 70s.

I think we all know whose key those guys were hoping to pull.

I am only 46... but in steemit years I am ancient. Most of you young whippersnappers would have probably thought this party was incredibly lame (is that still a word people use?). But the criteria for a successful party changes throughout one's life. Trust me. You'll find out.

When I was 5, the measure of a successful party was directly correlated with the number of creepy clowns present at the party, and the gifts I received. If the number of clowns and number of pairs of socks I received were both 0... then it was a pretty successful party. Let me throw in one more. There was one other item that I wanted to limit to 0: the number of pairs of smiley face covered purple bellbottoms which perfectly matched the ones my older sister had. Nothing Everything makes a five year old boy happier than having to be one half of the Bobbsey Twins* with his sister.

Not the actual pants. Mine were uglier and far less comfortable.

When I was 10, the measure of a good party was the lack of any icky girls showing up and the number of Star Wars themed cakes, decorations and gifts on the premises. Playing a little "pin the lightsaber on Darth Vader" also helped kick it up a notch... unless of course the lightsaber got pinned to a very unfortunate area of Darth Vader's anatomy.

Whoever won this totally cheated.

When I was 13, the measure of a good party... actually I have no idea. I was so awkward when I was 13 I can't really remember what was "good" to me. Perhaps it was simply not tripping over my own feet at the party and breaking my giant glasses. My guess would be that it somehow involved video games. Let's just skip 13... don't we all wish we could?

When I 17, once again, the measure of a good party depended on the number of girls present. However, things shifted from "please none" to "the more the merrier". But the lack of something also played an important role. This time, it would be lack of police... and creepy clowns. Creepy clowns suck at any age.

Ahhhhhh! What if it is both?!

When I was 21, the measure of a good party was the same as 17, but with one added criteria... survival. If you didn't do anything dumb enough to hurt yourself or others, that was an amazing party.

When I was 25, one more criteria was added: the ability to make it into work the next day. Notice I did not write, "be able to properly function at work the next day". That would be the criteria for ages 25 -33.

From 33-46 the measure of a good party was... Party? What party? I have kids! There will be no partying. Partying would take away from valuable sleep time. I have a soccer game tomorrow at 7:45 AM! So I guess the criteria would be finding something really good on Netflix to watch.


Apparently I have entered a new phase in my party life. My kids are 10 and 12. They are actually fairly independent. I could probably go back to my 25 -33 criteria, but that would entail me finding other old people who refuse to let it go... or hanging out with young people. Because I don't want to be "that weird old guy" at the party, hanging out with the youths (yes people in their 20s are "youths" to me) isn't going to happen. I'd prefer to just be "that weird guy". Therefore, it's time for a new success criteria.

This new criteria is incredibly simple and concrete. The success of a party is directly correlated to the number of times I check my phone. I noticed this phenomenon at the party I referenced earlier. We arrived at the party at 5:30 PM. I did not check my phone until it was nearly 11:00 PM. I was too busy talking and laughing to bother checking the football scores, the news headlines, the latest Star Wars rants, my children's bedtimes, or even.... gasp... steemit.

Perhaps 21 year old me would want to punch 46 year old me in the face for setting the bar so low (actually he wants to punch me in the face pretty much every second of every day). But that's ok. He doesn't know that life changes and that I am actually far happier now than I was when I was 21. Besides, he'd probably be wasted so I'm sure I could take him.

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

*For all of you whippersnappers, The Bobbsey Twins were the main characters of a book series telling the "adventures" of some little rich kids who were fraternal twins. My grandma reference them quite often when my sister and I were dressed alike. It sucked.

Because solving mysteries is a reasonable thing for 5 year olds to do. And wait! They aren't dressed alike. My grandma was a liar!


party up ... to live another day with a smile

I know the feeling. Glad you were able to let loose a bit :)


46 would make you a spring chicken in my books, young feller. Age is relative. My mind tells me I am 25 (it used to be 21 but I don't think that will fly any more) but the body definitely says otherwise. Those books weren't referenced for me, they were required reading material! ROFL

LOL. Yeah my mind is 25 for sure. My back is 125.

are you using the metric system here?

Indeed aging is just a number but soemtimes no matter how young your mind thinks your body just don't feel it though @cecicastor

True! I have days when it is difficult to move with my arthritis. But I don't let it stop me...

I'm so conflicted! My mind tells me I'm 25, my actions are starting to look 35, and I've carefully arranged that the candles on the birthday cake every year are shaped as "39". I try to ignore everything that might say otherwise, but my dog is really starting to look old. How can it be that he's already 12? We just got him!

I want to have a party recently,but this party will be a little different from the others
the party will last 48 hours,and sleep will be forbidden
if you are asleep,find yourself in an ice-cold pool


lolz cool dude

LOL. Sounds like quite the party!

We used to have what is called the "shoes on rule" if you fell asleep with your shoes 9n you ended up being painted with just about anything in the cupbourds!

If uou managed to take your shoes off then you was technically safe. Untill way too much beer was drunk, then your at the mercy!

The main criteria at my age for a good party is: Will I be able to get back home in time to go to bed as usual (around 10PM)?

And no clowns, of course, creepy or not!

LOL! I'm pretty close to that as well. My wife already is.

Oh I meant the time part. I've been afraid of clowns since birth.

@vxelier I am not a fun of clowns either they are creepy to me

nice one! keep it up!

I think the best parts are typically those which do not start as a party and end as one...

I agree with that! No expecatations at the start, all laughs by the end.

Party with my co workers nowadays is like lasting for 2-4 hours . Bring your hubby /wifey and kids on the background. Eating potluck foods, chit chatting how crazy life, work, latest gossip etc...Introducing crypto and blockchain in the topic and everyone's face is like " what?!!?? No idea of what you're talking about!"blah blah blah... and after that "oh, it's getting late, kids need to go to school tomorrow" and then saying our goodbyes "see you at work."

It's hard to live that party life and wake up at 7 to make waffles for some impatient children who JUST WON'T STOP FIGHTING!!!

Happy New Year!

True but even busy moms should have days off as well right @jgvinstl

LOL. Those are definitely cereal mornings.

You've Got To Fight For Your Right... To Have a Reasonable Amount of Fun and Still Take Care of Your Kids the Next Day.


There's nothing better than being functional in the morning when you have a toddler. Any "party" that results in a hangover the following day is unacceptable unless you have previously cleared such an occurrence with your wife weeks in advance. Otherwise, you're going to be in the doghouse. Well, you're going to be in the doghouse either way, at least until your wife does the same thing during a "girls night" and you take full responsibility for the little one(s).

The success of a party is directly correlated to the number of times I check my phone.

I guess I'm old too .. this is absolutely the measure of a successful party. Less is more. The only time someone is allowed to use their phone is to turn on / change the music. Beyond that, checking your phone is restricted to an "emergency" call from a significant other (typically related to children), or if you have an alarm to remind you about taking some life-saving medication!

Ok, I jest, but seriously.. stay off your damn phone. I don't care if you don't know the answer to one of life's many unknown questions that the internet has the answer to and you really want to know the answer.. Hold your s&*7 together like it's the 90's or 00's and wait until you have access to a physical computer! (I could have pushed it back to earlier decades, but I wanted the audience to feel included).

Always an entertaining read from you, sir!

So authrnthic @evolved08gsr I like the "humanity " in your comments

Thank you :)

I take this as a wonderful compliment, as a human =D

I'm glad you can relate. Good phone rules!

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