Celebrating the Beauty of the Market {More Sunday Meal Prep}

in #fruitsandveggiesmonday5 years ago (edited)

Hey everyone! I found some absolutely stunning produce at the Marietta Square Farmers Market yesterday (as you know if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook), so of course I had to share! I feel so lucky to live where I do because my market is open all year long. They'll take a break right around Christmas and New Year's Day, but otherwise my stinkin' awesome farmers are hustling every Saturday. I know, I write about them a lot, but they DESERVE the recognition. 😉

Though we are going into winter, there is still a whole lot available at the local market. I'm sure I change my mind every season, but I really do love this time of year. All of the greens are so much sweeter when it is cooler out, and all of the brassicas are back full force. Root veggies are my jam, and you can still get those in all of their glory for a while longer! This particular week I was so excited when one of my favorite farmers had purple broccoli available.

This actually would be beautiful in a bouquet, but then it would be a travesty not to eat it!

I can't resist pretty much anything purple. Besides just being drawn to the stunning color, purple fruits and veggies are packed with anthocyanins and other amazing nutrients. Cruciferous vegetables are so healthy as is with their sulforaphane and fiber, but throw in that deep color and you're packing even more nutrients per bite! This was another one I couldn't help snapping lots of photos of before digging in to taste.

I was also drawn in by some new microgreens that I couldn't resist grabbing! I've done my own broccoli sprouts and some other sprouted items at home before, but can you blame me for gravitating right over to this amaranth??

Yes, I can probably find the seeds to try these at home, but you all know I love to support my local farmers, too! I need to remember the name of this farm next time since this was the first time I popped by his table. He had all kinds of different varieties--broccoli, pea shoots, and a few others. Not to mention he was very knowledgeable about all the health benefits of each.

Though broccoli sprouts generally reign supreme as far as the nutrient content (40x the sulforaphane of broccoli stems!), this vibrant pop of color called to me this week. I mean, how many other things can you buy that are naturally pink AND good for you? These are going to "pretty" up just about ever meal I make this week. Oh, also the container is biodegradable! Plastics are on the way out all over the place, including the farmers market. This container is made from corn I think he said. I'll have to look into it some more to get the full scoop.

Once I got home with these and other goodies, it was time to formulate my usual plan for the week. It still amazes me sometimes how far I have come in my cooking and meal planning abilities. I used to be so tied to specific recipes to the point that I would only buy things if I already had a plan. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that method. Actually, it is a fantastic way to make sure you're not wasting anything. With my current lifestyle, though, I love getting creative with what's in season and available now! Certain items may only pop up at the market for a week or two, so I snag them when I can and figure out what I'm going to do with them after I bring my bounty home. We never have anything go to waste, even if it means I freeze some things or make really interesting smoothies. 😂

Though I knew it would leach out that beautiful color, I opted to do a quick boil and blanch on my lovely broccoli. I munched on a few stalks raw while I cooked and it is absolutely delicious. Perhaps slightly sweeter than the traditional green broccoli? Though most fresh produce from the market just tastes so much better than store-bought to me anyway. Lynn from Straight From the Backyard Farm said they'd have some more next week, so I knew I could chance losing the color on this one and still have more to play with next week raw if I choose.

The broccoli formed a base with some kale for a few of our meals this week. Even just a few minutes in the boiling water pulled out the color, but never fear. I used the cooking water for a vibrant smoothie so as not to loose out on the wonderful nutrients! Sounds funny I know, but I won't even taste the broccoli flavor with all the other goodies I packed in there.

I had some beets left over from last week's market trip, so into the blender went my purple liquid, beets, tatsoi, flax seed, matcha, fresh ginger, frozen strawberries and frozen pears (both picked locally). Yum! This will make for a quick breakfast tomorrow morning when I have to get up early for my first client of the day.

To finish out the rest of my meal with the broccoli, I made another batch of my scalloped sweet potatoes and a new mushroom lentil loaf. A little more labor intensive than some of my usual meal prep, but worth it for a really comforting meal.

I think I might have packed too much goodness into one meal, though. I over-stuffed my containers just a wee little bit! I do always like to have my portions spread out so I know exactly how many meals I've got on hand. Makes it super easy to grab and go if I have a busy day ahead.

I had to shove down the lentil loaf to get the lids on, but luckily I have no qualms about my food touching. If anything, I live for getting that perfect bite with everything on my fork at once!

All of this smelled delicious, so I'm sure lunches this week will be a real treat. As usual, it feels great to start out the week with a full refrigerator. I made veggie burgers with black rice for dinner, so perhaps I'll try to share those later on. I'm pooped from my kitchen endeavors now, which means it is time to chill out for the few waking hours left of my Sunday. I'm finally feeling pretty well again, however I don't want to push my luck and relapse back into that nasty head cold from last week. Hopefully all these awesome foods this week will ensure continued good health!

Make sure to check out all of the other awesome #fruitsandveggiesmonday post on Steemit this week! I know @lenasveganliving is excited for another great roundup of goodies to keep the vegan love going to end out the year. 💚

Banners by @woman-onthe-wing, @dksart and @bearone for @steemusa

Posted from my blog with
SteemPress : https://plantstoplanks.com/celebrating-the-beauty-of-the-market-more-sunday-meal-prep/


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You have been 🙏 curated by @njord

Looks amazingly delicious indeed yumyumyum

Wow that is some top quality meal prep. Very organised!!
So healthy too. The darker the greens, the more nutritious they are; fact! I would always buy purple looking greens if I could find them.
So goood. I need that lentil mushroom loaf recipe!

If you click on the link in the post, it will take you to the recipe! I just found it so this was the first time making it, but it came together really well. Excited to dig in for lunch in just a few hours. :)

oh yeah silly me. Thanks!

You really know how to start the week off right! There is much love here for the Brassica vegetables! I think that the sweet/bitter combination of it what attracted my taste buds. I like to pair them up to bring out that slight peppered flavor.

Your dishes look amazing and I am always and forever impressed with your ability to put your week together like this and make it look so good. All while running the half marathon in your spare time.

Oh, WonderWoman, you rock it!

Have an amazing week ahead! Mwah! Throw me a stalk!

!tip .20

Thanks Denise! They really do have such a wonderful flavor. I think when people say they don't like them it's because they haven't had good quality ones or they cooked them to death. When you get them fresh, they really do have a natural sweetness underlying the bitter notes!

It was a long day in the kitchen, but happy to have such great meals ready to go. Totally worth the effort ahead of time. Especially with the holidays here, everything is that much busier!

Broccoli incoming! ;)

I don't think I have ever seen broccoli that color or the second one, but they look awesome I would for sure try them :)

I think this was my first time getting the purple broccoli, too. I've seen purple cauliflower, but not the broccoli before. Just too pretty not to grab!

I have seen the cauliflower and tried it but like you never the broccoli, I wouldn’t be able to resist grabbing it either

Oh my...... They are so lovely! I want them. The color is really stunning :)

So many beautiful fruits and veggies in this world! I wish we could easily transport them digitally to each other. Maybe some day. ;)

Frist of all dear your all process and presentation system is very well . Every time come here for seen your nice recipe.

Posted using Partiko Android

Aww, thank you for the compliment! I try to do my best to show how delicious healthy foods can be!

I sure love to have a pack of that beautiful food!

Wish I could share with you! :)

Good thing I'm reading this right after eating dinner (my "mild" chicken curry...lol), otherwise I'd be drooling on my keyboard! Okay, maybe I still did a little bit...😂

Seriously the colors on those veggies (especially the sprouts) are gorgeous, and you have quite the haul for meals this week. That's something I need to start doing again - there was a time I could meal plan/cook ahead to beat the band, but I've fallen out of the habit. Seeing your amazeball posts like this is inspiring me to get back on it!

Thanks for the eye candy veggie photos, and the brain nudge! Hope you have an awesome week!

I hope you own stock in curry powder. 😂 Though I can't talk, I buys spices in bulk myself, haha.

Weren't they so stinkin' pretty? I couldn't help but take plenty of gratuitous veggie shots with those colors. Makes me pumped to eat each meal even more than usual. I'm so used to meal prepping now I feel lost if I don't have stuff already made in the refrigerator. It's rare that I make a meal that only makes a few servings. 😜

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