Day 760: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday-Prompt: leather shoes

in #freewrite5 years ago

Day 760: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Tuesday-Prompt: leather shoes



On the first day of school of Second Grade I was embarrassed because I had to wear my corrective shoes. My ankles were weak and turned in so I needed special, sturdy shoes. They were the lace-up, black and white, chunky leather shoes called, "Saddle Oxfords". I called them clodhoppers.

Mind you, this was back in the day where the dress code for girls in a public school was a dress or skirt, which made my clodhoppers stand out more. The teasing was endless and I hated school. And to make matters worse, I had to constantly polish those suckers.

I had plans to burn those corrective shoes when I was no longer required to wear them. Two agonizing years went by and that day finally came, however, I ended up wearing those shoes for another whole year! That was because Saddle Oxfords became popular and everyone was wearing them. Thankfully, that fad only lasted one year.

As much as I hated wearing those shoes for three years, they did their job. I took tap and ballet lessons for six years, played sports in school and bowled in three leagues a week, which led to tournaments for countless years.

In 2002, I could barely walk and the pain in my ankles was horrendous. I went to an Orthopedic Surgeon and after the exam he told me that I had Tarsal Tunnel. It is the same as Carpal Tunnel but it is in the ankles instead of the wrists, and that active people get it. After surgeries on both ankles I was able to walk again; no Saddle Oxfords required.

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I can empathise. I wasn't fond of school myself. My nickname was deirdyweirdy, you can imagine the rest.

Aw, how cruel. So cruel that it stuck with you and now I know how you got your username. Yet, you know how much I love rhymes and you too. Hugs!

Hey I love that nickname!

@whatisnew I am happy to hear your clodhoppers did what they needed to do and sorry you were teased, I had to wear a patch over one eye and went through similar things, kids can be cruel if someone is a little different from the norm.

Kids can be very cruel and I am sorry you went through something similar. Thanks for reading @myjob! : )

@whatisnew your welcome, if I had the time I would like to read all the freewrites, I love all the stories and the true life ones are the best, it is like I can read the writers emotions.

I hear ya! I am the same way. Where does the time go?

@whatisnew time flys that is all I know about it.

I created a novel that you can watch

Please send me the link and I will be happy to watch it.

Wow, second grade. That was a terrible year for me, too. Actually, elementary school was pretty dreadful. Couldn't wait to get home every day.

I have a theory: going through social angst either makes you bitter, or compassionate. I think we know how you turned out :)

A nice story--I'm glad your ankles are all better.

What a shame. Why was it terrible for you?

I have the same theory and I turned out just like you. : )

Thanks, my friend. : )

Hi friend,
I survived the trials of childhood--in my case a perfect storm of catastrophes 🌪 None of these were in my control. If I hadn't experienced all that, though, I wouldn't be who I am--very flawed but also very aware.

However my ankles were fine--I was actually quite fleet in a foot race 👟👟 Always something to be grateful for 😄

Be peaceful and happy. Going to look at your lovely Thursday blog now.

Hi AG! Things always happen for a reason. Yes, there is always something to be grateful for and when I think I have it bad, I always remind myself that things could be much worse.
Thanks for checking out my blog. You have a great weekend my friend. : )

Holy smokes Butterfly! What an ordeal..dang. But now you don't need to wear shoes like that anymore? You could wear cowboy boots, they're very supportive. lol.

I would have loved to wear cowboy boots instead of these clodhoppers. LOL!

I thought those were very stylish but I guess I was wrong. Except for that one year!

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