RE: Writing, Drawing, Feedback, Not Giving Up on Ourselves - Freewritehouse to the rescue!
Reading this post made me remember how I felt when you were reading and raving over Half Past the Moonfall. And then your amazing review. I felt so special that someone out there loved it so much. Such a confidence boost. Tears in my eyes right now. Haha. And to think I mostly feel shame and cringeworthiness at it now. And now, months after publishing, I don't really want to advertise it because I feel that it's terrible and I don't want to convince people to read a terrible book. I've taken to be self-deprecating about it. "This won't be the best book you've ever read, but it might make you crack a smile once or twice!"
And after reading it again all these months later........... it totally could have gone another round of editing. CRINGE.
And! I keep changing the cover!!! Why do I do this to myself? The first one was fine. Then I made it look simplistic with a new font. And now it looks totally terrible with some weird new font. I'm mad, I tell you.
I won't fall into all of this with Vengeance. Doing things properly. And I won't be ashamed of it. Well, I'll try not to be. I'm rewriting-and-editing it for the Beta Readers Group at the moment. And half the time I'm thinking that this is a pile of crap and only interesting to me who has dreamed it for years.
I love your drawing. You're so artistic! And I love you! Thank you for being you, and thank you for being a part of the @freewritehouse - I'm so grateful to have met you 💕
that made me giggle so much.
Also, I had to copy and paste Kat's name over and over too hahahah! I wrote it once, with the help of "rose wine" on google to snag that accented e... and then I went through the document and "search and replaced" all of the Katea's with the fancy one. :D
Oooh, that makes me feel better: even the author did a sort of "cheat" by doing a global search and replace to get the accent in Katea's name. :)
But this - this - no!!! - I have read many books, many by Indie Authors, and yours is golden. I feel that it's terrible--wrong! and I don't want to convince people to read a terrible book. I've taken to be self-deprecating about it. "This won't be the best book you've ever read, but it might make you crack a smile once or twice!" more than once or twice. The fairy cell phone charger is the only thing you might wince and cringe over, not because of your writing, but because... (no spoiler here!). Humor and wit abound in the story. Keep talking like this, and I might go re-read it and start fault-finding. But no, I'll just laugh out loud at the city girl in the expensive dress chasing the Min-Min lights into the wilderness. It's a great story!!!!
@kaelci. Stop!! I loved the story!! And it was the first book and you did it! Advertise it! Sell it! Be proud!
You can always edit it again when you publish the sequel 😀👍
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Sorry! I have no filter when I babble in the mornings, haha. It all just ... blurts out. :D Thank you!
No being sorry. I love that about you!
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You're a treasure! I'm happy and grateful to have met another Aussie writer--not to stereotype, but y'all have a special "voice," and wit, and humor. And personality. And a storytelling gene. No more shame! You have humility and a perfectionism thing, but no lack of talent!