Ooze -5minutefreewrite
For https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-28-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-ooze
Oozy gooey Chocolate coming out of a treat. A whole, fat
Fat. FAT
Gotta lose weight!
No fat shaming, YOU MONSTER, But I want to... I think I feel better when I'm more in shape... but do I? I do. But the getting there doesn't feel as good. It's like I give myself a cushion. I mean, like, I have a a a a a that thing what do you call it
A Margin. I have a margin of error if I'm in shape, so I can eat a whole pizza, and it not be such a big deal. But the problem is, that's what I want to be in shape for... is so I can eat a whole pizza. That's not really the right 'tude, you know? I dunno if I have it in me to want to be in shape for the right reasons... What are the right reasons? So that I can be more active... Yes, I guess I do want to for that reason. You know what? It's harder than it should be to get out and be active. I mean, I love active activities, but I need someone to do them with. I need a someone who, when I have a spare 30 minutes also has a spare thirty minutes and who will say to me, you wanna go shoot some hoops? But the nearest basketball court is 10 minutes away, so 30 minutes isn't really enough, is it? It would take that whole time to walk there.
Distracted by the dog. Not our dog, our friend's dog, who we're petsitting. She found a granola bar from our other friend, whose pet she is not, who is crashing in our guest room ... She didn't manage to get into it, but she made it into granola, not granola bar.
This is that other dog.
There are many ways to be in shape, it depends by the shape you want..a beer will help you to take the right choice!
Round is a shape!
hahaha Yes, round is a shape!!! Can I use that for a prompt?
You're welcome!
Pom Pom's have a shape, and I had one too at one time. A Pomeranian that is. 👍
I have one of those granola making dogs in black :) https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-29-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-great-grandpa-s-nose