I digress!
Like yesterday most of my writing was digressions
most everything in my freewrites are digressions
You want to know my terrible secret? I have never done the actual Artists' Way stuff. Like, it's knowledge in my community... morning pages and such. It's the and such I don't really know. I have done stuff from it because people in my community have done stuff from it in community spaces with me, but I have never read the actual book. I've probably read the intro or bounced around chapters a bit... I dunno. I'm not much of a non-fiction guy. Which is tough because I hear there's a lot of good information to be had in non-fiction. Like lately I've been watching woodworking videos on YouTube. That's non-fiction.
What was I digressing about? Some non-fiction. I've liked...I read a biography of Abraham Lincoln once. And I have enjoyed reading textbooks. Usually when I was in class and bored by what the teacher was saying, I read the textbook. Probably a history textbook. But reading a textbook, which is what I think of Artists Way as, when I could be doing something else hasn't appealed enough to get me to do it. I miss riding the train. That's when I would start and get into a book, and then that desire to keep reading would drive me in other moments. But I need that habit of or that first impulse.