Glasses: 5 minute freewrite

in #freewrite7 years ago

Glasses, the bane of my life.

I’ve had them since I was about ten I think and at the start it wasn’t so bad. My eyesight was only slightly off and I just wore them for watching TV. No real effort needed on my part.

Then my sight kept getting worse. I needed them to look at the board in school, to read books and worst of all it became tough to see what was happening on the court playing sport. This really killed me as I enjoyed playing a lot and was actually ok, surprisingly enough. Basketball was my game. I ended up having to stop playing because I couldn’t play properly with my glasses on and couldn’t see what was happening with them off.

Luckily, when I was a few years older contact lenses came into play. This was a game changer for me not to have to wear my glasses all the time. It made my next few years so much easier through school and them through college. For nights out and for playing basketball. I even made the college team when I went.

They were the best thing to ever happen for me as I hate glasses so much. Jump to the present and it’s gone full circle again. I have an issue with my eyes and cannot bear to wear my contacts other than once every few weeks. Forcing me back to the glasses full time. Laser isn’t an option due to the issues that I am having so there is no way around it.

I really, really hate glasses...!!!

Ah well. Such is life.

An entry to the 5 minute freewrite by @mariannewest, promp glasses. All votes, comments, critiques welcome. Leave a comment and let me know.


I was about that age when I got my glasses also and like @f3nix they just quickly became a part of my face and I have always worn them and been at peace with it. I was legally blind in High School without my glasses yet I played sports without them. Football was my sport of choice and I played basketball also. In football, I couldn't see the clock so I never knew what the score was or how much time was left in the game, it never really mattered though because I rarely came off the field and I played every play with the same intensity.

A miracle happened to me playing football that no one but me ever knew about or realized. We were playing at home on a cool Fall evening and a layer of fog had set in about 10-15 feet above the field. We could see the field lights and the lights on the scoreboard through the fog but in a strange diffused misty sort of way. We were a ground pounding run team that was losing pretty bad, so in desperation, we had to get out of our comfort zone and start throwing more passes. It was late in the game when my number was called, it was a trick play, tackle eligible, and I was going for a long pass from my left tackle position.

When the ball was snapped I headed straight down the field and there was no one in front of me, I glanced back and saw the ball leave the QB's hand just before he was buried under the rush of the defense, but the ball went up into the fog and disappeared. I just kept trucking down the field and the ball dropped out of the fog right into my waiting hands, perfectly timed! It was a beautiful 42-yard touchdown pass to an offensive lineman that no one but the official on the field even saw.

The fans in the stands were above the fog and they knew that we had scored but they didn't know how. The game was filmed but when the film was developed all that could be seen was white, as the field lights just reflected back to the camera off of the fog. The worst part was that we lost the game lol, so no one really even cared. Here I was, this basically blind football player catching a football that just dropped out of the fog right above my head after a perfect throw by our QB as he was being tackled, and no one ever knew that it happened except for me, the backfield judge and the QB, and the QB didn't even see the end of the play. That became then the miracle that was as if it never happened, when I got to school on Monday even the coaches didn't remember that last score, they thought that the newspaper reporter had gotten the score wrong lol. 🤔

And now, post this as a post of it's own!!!

I thought exactly the same @deaconlee, make a post out of it ;-) What you wrote was really interesting and made me think of the little unconscious miracles and brilliant sparkling moments that we have in our life at times.. I had some similar episodes with martial arts.

Have you tried the freewrite? Basically just post what you have here and boom there you go.

Oh my word. This has been SOOOO my experience! Now it's not that my eyes don't like contacts as much as my beautiful near sightedness is failing me now, too, so I pretty much need glasses to see far away and then I have to take them off to read close up. Yeah, I should get bifocals, but I don't want to deal with that change yet!

Great freewrite! :)

Ouch. I feel your pain.
I'm sure you will get to the solution in the end. It's not easy when the sight gets really bad and you have to switch and swop like that.

Basically glasses for me are an extension of my head.. I just suggest you to make peace with them. I know it's not easy but keeping grudge is never good in life. There are some specific sportive glasses, similar to those that swimmers use 😉✌️

I just can't do it. Maybe an eye transplant might be the best option. 😉

Oh sorry dear about that but don't be discouraged your story can change anytime soon. I wish you the best. Takecare

Thanks, some days its just nice to complain about it. I know there are a lot more important things happening in the world and a lot of people far worse off.

That's exactly how I feel about glasses too! I didn't have them at that young of a name, but I was so happy once I got contacts.

Contacts were the best thing ever at the time. They made everything so much easier, just pop them in to your eyes every morning and set for the day.

Wow, I could have written this myself. I'm still considering laser surgery, though.

Laser.. good option..u do well considering It Omra

I'm hoping that I will be able to in the future. If I could just get my eyes working right again without all the issues I would go for it in a heartbeat. It must be great to get up in the morning and just be able to see everything.

It is so true that glasses can be a pain! Plus, If you whip your head around too fast, they fly off. Also, when it rains, it's hard to see through them (those glasses with the windshield wipers on them notwithstanding...).

True to that my friend. This is somebody who knows right here.

I know so many people who are in this exact situation! I hope you're able to ditch the glasses again someday.

Someday hopefully. It's not the end of the world to wear them they just really get in my way. Thanks.

Just stopping by to applaud your username. Have you read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality?

No but I used to use wattpad which was a writing site and they had some great fan fics. Might have a look at it though.

It's... better than canon.

Nice freewrite. It more or less mirrors my own experience but fortunately I was able to get laser treatment, nearly 20 years ago now, and my sight is still excellent.
Here's your prompt for today

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