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RE: My Journey Towards Conscious Self-Governance (Emancipation From The So-Called "Crown")

in #freedom7 years ago

Absolutely love both this post and ethos @lyndsaybowes I 100% agree with everything you've said here and I'm trying to make many similar changes myself! Now is the time to reclaim the collective power so many of us have spent our entire lives giving away. Power that can be used to empower our mind, body and soul. I'm currently writing a post explaining our need to reclaim control over our lives so reading this is a perfect moment of synchronicity for me! This is a text book example of the changes we all need to make. Even if people live in the city they can join some kind of food collective and build a community that way. We need to stop standing in line waiting to be fed because one day the cupboards will be bare! Such valuable information my friend, thanks for sharing!!

Sort: said it so well! Your excitement just has me smiling so HUGE! :) :) :) I'm glad this came at a perfect time for you and I really look forward to reading what you have to write about reclaiming our lives <3 <3 <3 <3

Amazing! Love it. What is the grid was good too, glad you shared. I'm resteeming. Looking forward to see the things you attach to this. Keep up the good work.

As a whole it was great but what amazed me you touched on was this..

"The first step is to know, to fully and 100% understand, that I AM Spirit. This is huge. I AM Spirit having a human experience. If I am to stand in my own power, it can only be with this fundamental knowledge."

When this happened to me or I started accepting, understanding, or conceptualizing I started having informative dreams. Wonder if that happens to others. Really in depth too sometimes. I didn't understand the significance till I was telling a friend. He mentioned how he thought my dreams were rare. So I started telling him all that came up like that. He never experienced anything like that for himself. One was so crazy I will never forget it. Although I have had many like that now. Could share an example if anyone was interested.

Anyways nice work. I feel its really inspirational stuff.

I would LOVE to hear more about these dreams, yes please!

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