My Journey Towards Conscious Self-Governance (Emancipation From The So-Called "Crown")
As many of you may know, our family has been striving for independence from so-called 'corporations' for years now...

Perhaps the most important corporation to emancipate ourselves from is the so-called "Crown Corporation". This can also be referred to as the so-called "State".

The Journey I am embarking on now will dissolve my relationship with the so-called "Crown Corporation" in so-called "Canada".
- Birth Certificate (will return)
- Marriage Certificate (will return)
- Banking (I don't have a bank anyways)
- Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (forgive debt to my ex)
- Credit Card (I don't have any)
- Mortgage (we rent)
- Loans (I don't have any)
- Driver's Licence (expired and I will return)
- Insurance (none)
- Registration (none)
- Health care (will return card)
- Employment Insurance (don't have)
- Income tax (haven't claimed for years)
- Child tax credit (haven't claimed for years)
- Pension (our self sufficiency will be our own pension)
So How Do I Begin? With Knowledge.

I AM Spirit in possession of a physical body
I AM the soul/spiritual being rather than:
-The Body: Physical Realm
-The Person: Fictional Realm
The physical realm trumps the fictional realm
The highest authority and power rests in the Spiritual realm
The next step is to understand my relationship with the 3 realms, the fictional realm, the physical realm and the Spiritual realm.

Absolutely love both this post and ethos @lyndsaybowes I 100% agree with everything you've said here and I'm trying to make many similar changes myself! Now is the time to reclaim the collective power so many of us have spent our entire lives giving away. Power that can be used to empower our mind, body and soul. I'm currently writing a post explaining our need to reclaim control over our lives so reading this is a perfect moment of synchronicity for me! This is a text book example of the changes we all need to make. Even if people live in the city they can join some kind of food collective and build a community that way. We need to stop standing in line waiting to be fed because one day the cupboards will be bare! Such valuable information my friend, thanks for sharing!! said it so well! Your excitement just has me smiling so HUGE! :) :) :) I'm glad this came at a perfect time for you and I really look forward to reading what you have to write about reclaiming our lives <3 <3 <3 <3
Amazing! Love it. What is the grid was good too, glad you shared. I'm resteeming. Looking forward to see the things you attach to this. Keep up the good work.
As a whole it was great but what amazed me you touched on was this..
"The first step is to know, to fully and 100% understand, that I AM Spirit. This is huge. I AM Spirit having a human experience. If I am to stand in my own power, it can only be with this fundamental knowledge."
When this happened to me or I started accepting, understanding, or conceptualizing I started having informative dreams. Wonder if that happens to others. Really in depth too sometimes. I didn't understand the significance till I was telling a friend. He mentioned how he thought my dreams were rare. So I started telling him all that came up like that. He never experienced anything like that for himself. One was so crazy I will never forget it. Although I have had many like that now. Could share an example if anyone was interested.
Anyways nice work. I feel its really inspirational stuff.
I would LOVE to hear more about these dreams, yes please!
What a fantastic post Lyndsay.
You and your family are a true inspiration. I hope at some point that myself and Mrs Percy can gain the kind of independence you guys are striving for. While we get and want nothing from the state we are still dependant upon the corporations for utilities. You guys should be proud of yourselves.
We're in this together that's for sure, there are many many ways we still need to unplug, utilities, yep! A big one. Cannot wait to have some wind and solar power one day on our dream land...
I admire your determination to live a free and spiritual life. No doubt some people will think it impossible, not true! You're already well on your way. 🐓🐓
Thank you so much for believing in me Mother2Chicks <3
Like others who commented, I am inspired by this post.
I don't want to be dependent on any one person, agency, government or the like.
I am taking baby steps do accomplish this, as I'm sure lindsay did.
You got it @GoldenDawn, it's all about the baby steps, and I sure am still taking mine :) Baby steps for the WIN!
@lyndsaybowes, I AM moved to tears to see this post. The courage to take this journey is more than most people have and to be a witness to your commitment to freedom is moving. To share this information in such a powerful way is amazing to witness. You are in a class all your own my dear sister. I look forward to being a witness to your journey. May Creator protect you throughout your path and may you be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love! <3 I love you deeply.
Well I'm moved to tears that you told me you were moved to tears! I would say that you gave me a really good grade White Walking Feather, and I'm relieved that I have properly digested the information, for this first step. Thank you for letting me know :) :) And thank you for being such a good teacher! :) :) :)
Amazing. So much love and respect to both of you @wwf and @lyndsaybowes. Pleased to be on this good journey with you. Big breath!!!
Thank you Jill :) <3 <3 :) And it's sooooooooooo good to see you here!!!!
I want to say first @lyndsaybowes I am thankful I followed you on Steemit. You help me keep a certain balance with all of this. And will be finding and following White Walking Feather @wwf after this reply.
We live in a precarious time and the more people that learn to do for themselves will take a great deal of pressure off the situation. Many I've known and worried about over the years are now learning to grow their own food, share and barter. We each have enough to do to take care of ourselves without worrying that others are still in the dark and totally dependent on a "broken" system and what is even worse a system of manipulation that feeds on the ills of others.
I find a certain calm here on Steemit that can provide some common sense approaches for much of the discourse being expressed by the masses. I hope they learn fast that there are better ways to enjoy life and be InJoy!
So well said Vickie. I'm thankful to know you too! You are being the change you wish to see in the world.
Thanks for sharing! Both of you, in fact -- I'm following you both, but my feed is like a fire hose, so I didn't see the initial post so thanks to @wwf for resteeming!
I'm taking baby steps myself, in the states. My first step is to use form 4852 to refute my employers' statements that they paid me "legislative income/wages" -- from reading Pete Hendrickson's book "Cracking the Code" (and blog at ), this appears to be the way to do it correctly.
Renewed my firearms "permit" recently and really wanted to draw a line over that, but, I feel I need to study a lot more before taunting those with guns...
That's great, I'm so glad to hear you are on your way to real freedom as well @libertyteeth! :) :) :) I am now following you so I can stay abreast with your journey.
Great article. I'm following this kind of "stuff" since I know myself. There are a lot of strategies people apply when it comes to government and other fictional non existing entites that exist only in our heads. That will be one of my next articles. Strategy I like the most is ignoring the system because if you respond on letters from government (for example), with your response you accept that entity exist.
Slavery system is coming to the end. In part of planet called Croatia even the main stream newspapers started to make articles about people who are exposing this kind of information.
(I followed you because of your husband rant in car on way home from work)...many working people feel like him. There is many resons for that. One of them is completely wrong concept of big cities where no one is producing any food and everything must be done for them. In my opinion small communites are the best solution. There can be bigger cities, but they have to be as part of nature and not blocks of concrete.
Thanks for your input @cmoljoe, I'll follow you to be sure I catch your next article.
I missed this post somehow. Would of resteemed it. Will resteem part two after I read it.
Way to go @lyndsaybowes!
Very cool to see the process and will take notes of my own.
Great Venomnymous! I'm so happy to be able to help!
I think your food initiative is fantastic. How do u cash out your Steem without a bank account though? I'm amazed you don't get child tax benefit and would like to know your reasons behind this? Also with no health card what happens if you get ill? I'm sure you'd seek medical treatment and it'd still be granted just wanted to hear about many questions haha Thanks Lyndsay
My husband will be remaining in the system to be able to protect our kids, and to one day secure us some land. Once the kids have grown up a bit more and we attain some land to steward we will then work on freeing him and the land.
For the medical issue, there's another thing I'll have to do a lot of learning on how to heal myself. If there is a serious injury then I have two choices, I can pay full price to get the healing, or I can die a good death.
Also, a side note: check out reiki. I do it, and have had people feel it when I'm doing it for them long distance so you can't say "they were imagining it like a placebo." I had one guy tell me he had to pull over because he was driving when I sent it (we had made an arrangement on a barter site but not set a specific time). I saw a news program YEARS before I started where they were kinda trying to debunk it, but they had a guy light paper on fire with it under the watchful eye of a heat signature camera. Can't fake that...
My hands get warm when I do it, so sometimes I do it to keep warm in winter. I once did a public Imbolc ritual barefoot outside (so, February in Colorado) and the rest of the group commented on it. I ran reiki so I didn't freeze. 😁
And yeah, lighting a fire with it is a goal of mine! 😁
Thank you PhoenixWren <3 I appreciate you helping me with solutions <3
Omgosh I hope not. They wouldn't charge you tho I don't think but I wish you and your fam a long healthy life 😊
I appreciate your caring and kindness. What this really comes down to is taking responsibility for my own well being. That means to eat healthy foods. To get exercise. To drink pure water. To breathe fresh air. To not take unnecessary risks with my body. To learn how to heal my own mind/body/soul. It's actually a really freeing feeling, and I'm rather excited :) :)
And as far as the child tax situation goes, when we first moved to NS after about a couple months of living here they stopped the payment until we filled out some forms to let them know when we moved to NS etc. husband and I are really shitty at filling out forms and doing shit like making phone calls hahahaa, we lost the forms and never tried to call them to send it to us again, it's been 3 years now...I know...I know...with 3 kids that's a lot of money.
The way I see it now though, is that the "Universe" / Creator/Great Spirit, what you want to call it, has always been gently nudging me into this decision to cut my ties and stop taking any 'perks' from the systems I so despise.
The "how do you cash out steem" would be my question too. I presume Brendan still has an account at this point? You could have a credit union account which is better than a bank but still works for changing crypto to fiat?
Yes, you got it @phoenixwren. Brendan will be staying in the systems for now. He's gotta work, drive, bank, and until we can buy some land and become self sufficient he's gonna have to keep on working and towing the godforsaken line. :(
Is that crypto charge card available in Canada? It's not in the US. But it might work to be able to use crypto for things you need without a traditional bank.