Everything We Consume Does One Of Two Things.

in #food7 years ago (edited)


It Either Gives To Us Or It Takes From Us And Its As Simple As That!


When I Say Everything, I Mean EVERYTHING!!


The new year is fast approaching so I thought now is a good time to share with you my thoughts and some insights that I have discovered about food and the sum total of what we put into our bodies.
So let me say my little quote again.
Everything we consume does either one of two things, it either gives to us or it takes from us and it's as simple as that

And it really is that simple.

When I say give I mean, gives you life giving energy, vitality, supreme health, enhances your mood and overall feelings of wellbeing, makes you feel fantastic and happy to be alive.

When I say take I refer to the fact that it depletes and saps your energy, it Ages you, it creates problems, unnatural dependence, illnesses, negative thinking, etc

Something that I have noticed over time is that you could say that each illness has its own personality and expresses itself through the host accordingly.
In my humble opinion I reckon alcohol, hash, heroin etc have each their own personality and when a person consumes any of these to the extent that balance is lost and addiction is a problem. The characteristics of the drug will and does overtake the person.

The Truth Is

Everything is Light,

We are more than just flesh and blood

We are vibrational, light, energy, beings

We are multi talented

We are powerful

So we really do need to be more conscious of what we are putting into our bodies.

Everything Has Its Own Energy and Character, So Therefore There Is An Energetic Reaction To Everything We Consume.

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(Images from google)

Over time our bodies reflect the karma of our thoughts and the entirety of what we have consumed.

Like a car our bodies need good fuel to run efficiently, otherwise they won't work.
Fruit is high octane fuel for the body, mind , spirit.

So if perchance you want to experience ultimate health and enjoy boundless energy and feel alive, happy, vitalised and connected.
Eat only light filled foods, such as fruit, berries and melons during the day and in the evening salads and raw/steamed vegetables

Unlike meat and every other kind of food out there, fruits, berries and melons digest immediately, so the body does not have to work hard to break down the food.
I am convinced they are the closest thing on the planet to being the elixir of eternal youth.

For athletes these foods are so compatible because you can eat as much as you like and go training straight away.

No Matter What It Is We Want To Do In Life, It Requires Energy

The more you up the ante on these light filled foods and completely eliminate low energy junk foods, that make you want to sleep. The more energy you have, so much so that with time and dedication, you develop superman's energy and eating becomes such a joy, you actually become incredibly happy eating these foods, It's really quite amazing.

Interestingly once consumed fruit gives 12 angstroms of magnetic energy to us.
Vegetables 9, but some is lost during digestion and when they are cooked it drops to one.
Meat 0


As A Mountain Runner, I Can Confirm This To Be True

I am a 52 year old man, going on 17 and one of my passions is running the mountains.
Now I can assure you that running mountains is not easy and it requires A LOT of energy.
Before I discovered the power of fruit, I thought that I was eating very healthily by consuming meals mainly of chicken and fish with salad and vegetables, bread and dairy products.
Meat was a big thing, when the meat was gone the dinner was over as far as I was concerned.
I would run on average 4 days per week, the days varied depending on what energy I had.

Then one day I came across Robert MorseND on Y.Tube and watched and listened to countless videos of his.
Here is a man that has been helping people facilitate their own healing, for the last 40 years, by getting them to completely detox and change their internal environment from acidic to alkaline by eating raw foods. Well the bells started ringing for me and chimed true and straight through to my core. It just felt right and what he said made so much sense, I felt compelled to give these foods a decent try.

So overnight I gave up milk, dairy, meats, bread and white sugar.
I went through a huge detox that lasted about a month and then started to develop incredible energy and a strong feeling of peace and joy. I was able to do very difficult long mountain runs varying from 1 to 5 hours Every Day of the week. I would run for 2 weeks at a stretch and only stop for a days break, just because I felt that I needed to give the muscles a rest. Tired I was not.
I went out one day and did a 40 mile run on just a smoothie, 6 oranges and a big handful of dates.

 In La Houche Hotel.jpg

This dedication lasted for about 6months but since then the dairy and the white sugar, mainly consumed through chocolate, (when I have eaten all of my own raw choc) and cooked foods (vegetables) have crept back in.
I still eat a lot of fruit so the energy is still very good, but not superman's and the vitality of joy isn't there.
One really does need to seriously detox and surrender totally to raw to feel that.
But it's all a working progress and I intend to get back there someday.

Taking Care Of Ones Teeth

Fruit is acidic in the mouth but turns alkaline once its consumed.
If anyone is interested in pursuing this way of living. You have to look after your teeth, which can naturally defend off 3 acid attacks a day. After that you got to protect them, so the two ways I know of are, brush your teeth with toothpaste 20mins before you know that you are going to eat raw. Or if you want to eat immediately, as a mouthwash rinse your teeth with a tea spoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed with water.

The Choice

How we live our lives and what we do and don't eat and consume is completely up to ourselves. It's a very personal thing,
we are all on are own journey.

This article is about sharing with you what I have discovered about certain foods and the journey towards ultimate supreme health.




I have almost stopped eating meat, bread, and sugar, and I don't feel that urge to eat these foods, which I think is a good sign. However, I am still consuming a lot of dairy products like yogurt and cheese. I'm gonna have to find alternatives, I know that there are vegan cheeses that taste very good.

Anyway, great post, man! Thanks for sharing it and Happy New Year!

That is a fantastic achievement @irreverent-dan, back when I went all out I found bread the hardest to kick, but thankfully now my body rejects it and I have no desire for it. It's great to be free from the spell of these foods . Like yourself it's the dairy now, I love my morning latte and cheese. When I gave them up before, I noticed when a slip happened, I felt ill immediately. Digging deeper is so worth the effort, for all the above reasons. Check out Morse's videos I am sure you will love him, he is such an inspiration. Thanks for your comment and Happy New Year to you too!

I haven't got time to watch the second video yet, but I will tomorrow. I am also thinking of sending it to my brother who is currently on a detox diet. Thanks for your answer! :)

Delighted and you're very welcome!

This one deserves a resteem!

I haven't made any drastic changes to my diet so suddenly but I notice as my thoughts turn cleaner, my diet just naturally follows. I stopped getting the urge to drink soft drinks first when i was in college and become more social. Then I stopped crazy salty and oily foods most of the time after that. Recently I feel sugar loosening it's grip on me, I snack about twice a week when I used to twice a day! I still haven't stopped eating meat but I usually cut it down to once a day and not a huge serving, Vegetables and Grains are my main course, meat like a topping.

I am interested to see how my diet will change in the future. I want to move back to Japan where I think it'll be easy to go pescetarian.

I don't believe our bodies are meant to get sick when they are in balance. We invite illness in when we lose that balance.

I also love that that picture has a credit card in it with all the drugs.

Thank you so much for the resteem @whatamIdoing, you are such a gent and what you do here on Steemit is much appreciated by us all!
I am sure that you must feel a huge difference in your energy levels already by giving up what you did. As you know when we tune in and listen, we know ourselves when its time to eliminate certain "things" that no longer serve us. Thank you for everything I wish you love, joy and many inspirational moments.

One step at a time. I bought oatmeal last night and had some this morning. Often times, people try to just will themselves to not eat unhealthy food and everything. Normally, we can't always stop ourselves from certain bad habits and lifestyles when we are tired and hungry and sad and lost and broken and emotional and confused and everything. We have to take it a step at a time and think of better choices and better foods and do our best to replace worse habits and foods with better habits and take it a thing at a time and one food at a time. I like Natural News.

Yes, some days will be better than others. It's a very personal, individual choice and a daily working progress and we can only go at our own pace. The journey is what makes it interesting, I think its important not to get too intense or rigid with ourselves. If the desire is strong discipline will be embraced and happen anyway.

Discipline is great when people are up to it. Some people may try to tackle too much work and too much change in their lives, in their diets, all at once, too quickly, like trying to quit smoking cold turkey, like trying to turn from a couch potato into a business man or workaholic over night, and people need to examine how much change they can manage. That is why some people may need a life coach, a diet coach, somebody that can help them manage the change, the discipline, because it can be too much at times. Often times, it doesn't work for some people and they get sucked back into their old diets and habits. And in those cases, they may need help if they can't discipline themselves without extra help.

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