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RE: Are Flat-Earthers Serious?

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

feathers are less dense is denser than lead and has a lesser volume....they displace less water as volume the upward force of boyancy decreases....feathers uncompressed will retain alot of air...compressed out the density will increase.....its not heavier.... and it only floats when the medium surounding it, until the air molecules that cling to it are no longer holding it up...and it will sink once the boyancy derived from the air....nothing to do with the density of the feathers...
.but ya i agree stuff falls at 9.8m/sec....i cant tell u why they dont fall faster or slower...but the law is universal and applies to doesnt mean its the mass of earth causing it...


"but ya i agree stuff falls at 9.8m/sec....i cant tell u why they dont fall faster or slower...but the law is universal and applies to doesnt mean its the mass of earth causing it..."

Yes, it does, because that is why things fall TOWARDS the earth and not AWAY from them. You did not answer why things fall towards the earth.. because you cannot. Science has answered this, but buoyancy, density, and even magnetism do not answer this question. Gravity does.

So, please answer the question that was asked. Since you have a claim that gravity does not exist, despite the fact that you cannot discuss buoyancy or density without gravity, so now you need to prove your claim. You are literally claiming that you have more knowledge than every scientist that believes in gravity, so you MUST have an alternate scientific explanation in order to have rejected the current scientific explanation.

OR.. you just reject it because believing in gravity does not support your rejection of a spherical earth, and to confirm your bias, gravity must be rejected. Which is a religion and not science.

So, SINCE you have rejected hundreds of years of science and have declared yourself more knowledgeable than all the scientists who have done work on gravity, and you CLAIM that density and buoyancy explain EVERYTHING we see that explains the phenomenon that we call gravity, then you MUST propose an alternate explanation, backed with observable, repeatable science, that your phenomenon answer the questions we now use gravity to answer, such as the reason things fall TOWARDS the earth and not away from it, and why it is more DIFFICULT to climb a hill, when, if gravity were density and buoyancy, it would be EASIER to climb a hill because you'd be coming out of all that density to a lighter area. In fact, those who climbed macchu piccu or Everest should find it positively BOUNCY without all of those layers of density pressing on them. But that is not the reality that we see, feel, or experience on earth.

All the scientists who have "done work" on gravity will agree...its a theory....not proven.....I understand stuff falls at 9.8m/sec and that is used to calculate the displacement of water for the buoyancy-equation......Thanks for your valued give me a experiment....or stop just abusing me for having different beliefs, your a biget scum hiding behind "science" and i bet you havnt done a single new experiment shut up and go back to your cave

"It's a theory". Which means you have ZERO understanding of science when you say such idiotic things! I means that you have ABSOLUTELY NO UNDERSTANDING of anything you are talking about, so you start using ad homs and tell me I'm 'abusing you' for different 'beliefs'.

just a theory.jpg

Your ridiculous ad homs make it sound like I'm insulting you for your race, or that you prefer blue and I prefer orange, or something like that , when you are making a scientific CLAIM and that your scientific CLAIM is incorrect! That is not 'abusing you for your beliefs', it's telling you that what you are claiming is scientific and true, is simply not, and has been proven NOT to be true for over a thousand years.

You are ATTEMPTING to claim your beliefs are based on scientific inquiry, not using science at all, then saying that anyone who corrects your ridiculously wrong science is 'hiding behind' the science that you WANT to back up your beliefs, but doesn't, and 'abusing' you! Can you GET any more ridiculous and childish?

Make up your mind... do you want to form an opinion based on scientific principles? Or do you simply want to do whatever it takes to confirm your faith? You don't get to have it both ways. That is not how science actually works. So, in actuality, you are the one 'hiding behind' science. You LOVE to call it 'science' when it confirms your bias. But if it does not confirm your bias, you call it 'scientism' or 'pseudoscience', for no particular reason other than the fact that it does not confirm your bias! That is not, in any way, science, it's merely having a faith and being dishonest.


Now, for that 'theory' thing. A scientific theory means it's PROVEN!!!! You simply do not understand science, and use the LAY term for theory, then claim that it's unproven without having bothered to do ANY scientific inquiry on the subject whatsoever, but only repeat what you've heard on YouTube. The word THEORY in science means that is HAS BEEN PROVEN.

It's equivalent to the word 'law'. It does not, in any way, mean 'a guess'. That you think so just shows your complete and utter scientific illiteracy and that you are simply parroting the ridiculous YouTube videos from people who are equally as scientifically illiterate as you.

Here's what a scientific theory ACTUALLY means. You guys claim that there is this huge scientific conspiracy to exclude any of your 'research', but you guys don't even know how ignorant you are. They exclude you from science and won't accept your 'research' because you don't even HAVE any research. You don't even understand what science IS, you just make ridiculous unsubstantiated claims and when anyone points out your claims are wrong, you call it a conspiracy. But the fact is that you simply have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Since I doubt you will read any of that, here is the definition again,

"A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment. Such fact-supported theories are not "guesses" but reliable accounts of the real world."

A body of FACTS that have been REPEATEDLY CONFIRMED and not 'guesses'.

But because you do not bother to LOOK AT ANY OF THESE repeatable and repeated experiments that have proven this theory, you just claim they don't exist! Plausible deniability. If you do not LOOK for the experiments, you will not find them, and then you can claim they don't exist. Right?

That's a great method to confirm a bias and form a faith based belief. But it is NOT, in any way, science. What YOU have is actually a failed hypothesis, while gravity is a proven fact, ie: a scientific theory.


The only time any scientist ever says "gravity is just a theory, it's not proven" is sarcastically, as a response to creationists saying evolution is "just a theory".

Also, explaining why you're wrong in a way that doesn't hit your moving goalposts isn't abuse and doesn't make someone a "biget".

well it is just a theory, an untestable unproven theory actualy

Sure, except that "just", "untestable" and "unproven" are not words any real scientist would ever unironically attach to the word "theory". If you can't even be taught to correctly use the basic vocabulary of science, why should you expect anyone to respect your opinions on scientific topics?