Are Flat-Earthers Serious?

in #flatearth7 years ago (edited)

Hi Guys,

*image to right is amateur closeup of Sirius, note the one nasa gives us below*

Ok so I was just reading a article I found on my google chrome news feed as it has a knowledge of my passion for the subject. So a article came up that really caught my eye, I'll leave a link at the bottom. Titled "Are flat earthers being serious" essentially the article was written in 2012 and has been reported again because they have so much news to pick from over at "" that they pick this old gem to post again. But I digress, the article has a very biased stance of ridiculing the concept and managed to draw on a lot of one sided poorly worded sourced and presented arguments about the stupidity of the Flat Earth society and used quoted from known miss-information, so i was pretty discusted and wanted to point out a few points.

Now please don't assume I'm a authority on flatearth modeling, or the most complete theory and arguing the points. But I can see biased reporting, and on a science website I think that's pretty pathetic. But anyway I wanted to present some quotes from this phenomenal author and ratify some convoluted views being presented bye this journalist.

Members of the Flat Earth Society claim to believe the Earth is flat. Walking around on the planet's surface, it looks and feels flat, so they deem all evidence to the contrary, such as satellite photos of Earth as a sphere, to be fabrications of a "round Earth conspiracy" orchestrated by NASA and other government agencies. The belief that the Earth is flat has been described as the ultimate conspiracy theory. According to the Flat Earth Society's leadership, its ranks have grown by 200 people (mostly Americans and Britons) per year since 2009. Judging by the exhaustive effort flat-earthers have invested in fleshing out the theory on their website, as well as the staunch defenses of their views they offer in media interviews and on Twitter, it would seem that these people genuinely believe the Earth is flat. But in the 21st century, can they be serious? And if so, how is this psychologically possible? -Natalie Wolchover

So this "article" I'll use that term loosely here, comes straight out deeming the actual assumptions and beliefs of a group so far-fetched to actually assume the belief itself to be fake? Well that sets the tone for the article, this scientific journalist has used no real evidence through-out the article and hasn't even done any sort of research. According to the Flat Earth Society's leadership, its ranks have grown by 200 people (mostly Americans and Britons) per year since 2009, so they were under 1000 people at the time she wrote the article. So wait, its 1000 people and its worth writing a article about? Odd, I can show you 1000 people that believe in a flying spaghetti monster if you want to write a really good article. Or are you writing this to just pound out the stupidity of the flatearth movement and present that stupidity as fact, just so nobody gets crazy enough to look out a window. We are not a bunch of Idiots, we are well thought out rational believers in a theory that holds waters!

Furthermore, Earth's gravity is an illusion, they say. Objects do not accelerate downward; instead, the disc of Earth accelerates upward at 32 feet per second squared (9.8 meters per second squared), driven up by a mysterious force called dark energy.-Natalie Wolchover, Ok so this idea was presented as miss information bye globalists in the late 19th century and perpetrated bye globalists only for over 100 years. No serious flateather belief that i know of involves gravity, we don't need gravity, I'll just go back into history for natalie here. Gravity is required bye a ball earth to explain why you wont fly off. We think that your actually heavier than air so you go down below the air, helium is lighter than the chemicals that make up air so it goes up.

So whats at the edge of your vacume of space natalie?, why doesn't the edge of space a vacuum, vacate earths atmosphere. Oh ya gravity. Majical mystical darkmatter/gravity, almost forgot.

I better stop as I'm only a couple paragraphs in to this article! Here is her article,, thanks for reading @twigg!

img sources=,, wiki, pintrest


It's shit like this getting over 134 upvotes that blows my mind.

I'm not even going to argue with you because I know you're either a massive troll, or an unfortunate moron. Either way, you are not worth the time explaining physics to. If I asked you why you feel heavier in an elevator going up and lighter on an elevator going down, you'd probably answer with something stupid about invisible clowns or something.

I just wish more people read books from scientists like Carl Sagan.

Here's one of my favorite excerpts from The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark.

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness..."

write your own blog....i wont read this abusive bs

you probly wont get 134 because you come across as so abusive, offensive and unapproachable... Go read "Making Freinds and Influencing People" you might be able to attract 134 votes....but only if you dont start up the condescending bs again.....

There was a great podcast episode on Joe Rogan's show, I think the guest was Mick West. They talked all about how Flat Earthers are real and they really do believe what they say, at least most of them do - the power of belief is insane.

People can be made to believe anything if the situation is set up properly... Sam Harris is another good resource on this. It's important to understand it, especially with today's political climate.

ya, im convinced earth is flat mate....but i do understand heliocentric perspective and theory. ....i just think the world isnt moving and the stars havnt moved because they fixed in the firmament rotating around us.......not that they are so far away and moving away from us at the speed of light...but no scientist can ever detect there movement, and we can still use anchient star charts 5000 years of movement later?

Oh my Spaghetti Monster, please be real, this is just too good.

By the way, if you don't have gravity, what is weight?

good question thanks...its all about density, and buoyancy.....if your heavier than water you sink...if your lighter than air you float....weight is still weight, i suppose to define weight in either philosophy is the pressure exerted bye the downward force of a object....if your submerged in water do you weigh less? or is there just less downward force? your buoyancy is increased because the medium that your in is denser than your own matter....gravity doesnt actually have enough force to pull much..... as once your 300 miles up youll just float apparently???

and whats your weight in space?? and is it mass in space ??? so youll pull objects smaller than you into an orbit around you?? or draw them into impact?...

You seem to be conflating mass and weight. And yes, IF YOUR MASS were large enough, you'd attract smaller things in orbit around you... however, the weight of a human or the space station is not large enough to have any noticeable effect on attraction by other bodies.

ya i understand weight is dirived from gravity times mass...mass is derived from density as a multiplier for gravity to determine ones weight or whatever? i beleive this the concept for globe theory???...i dont beleive in gravity....i dont need to make up a measurment to devide bye gravity to than times bye gravity to derive weight... 1cc of gold is heavy cause its dense, the apple hit neutons head because the apples stem no longer could hold the weight of the ripe apple....nothing pulled the apple, it had to find its way below the air...

You said "i dont beleive in gravity"

Sounds like your belief is a religious one (ie: it is faith based and not fact based). Therefore, no science I give you will change your mind. So, why are you trying to argue a scientific proof if your belief is faith-based anyway? I never can understand that. Faith is faith and science is science. Stop conflating them and arguing that your faith is scientific when it's not.

not religous at all...i was a fully indoctrinated
scientismist like yourself..2 degrees and all...your faith in science is very strong????.....why cant someones faith bring them to scientific enlightenment .....i am not religous....i do beleive the earth is flat....i dont believe in space...i dont beleive in sciences explanation for life....and i think history has been very twisted in the last 100 years...and the elite define academic curriculum to manipulate ones prospective and manipulate you away from the scientic method to perpetuating political manipulative dogma


Weight is the amount of force exerted on an object by gravity. If you don't have gravity, you need another answer for what this "downward force" is that makes objects weigh things.

Objects 300 miles up weight (almost) the same as they do on the ground. They don't automatically float, they have to be in orbit, which happens when centrifugal force cancels out gravity - the International Space Station goes around the world every 90 minutes, and if it just sat there instead it would fall just like if you dropped it off a building. The reason we don't put things into orbit nearer to the ground is that the atmosphere is in the way, not because things weigh more down here.

im saying stuff falls cause its heavier than air.... air is heavier than a helium balloon so it finds its way below the balloon.....they accelerate at speeds determined bye air resistance..or how fast the air can find its way around the hevier object......i think you only need a mythical force of gravity to stop the oceans flying off into space or the atmosphere from vacateing into the vacume of space

You are just repeating what YouTube videos tell you and miss the point. Why do 'denser' things fall TOWARDS the earth and not towards the 'firmament' or 'sideways'.


And, as he pointed out, you do not HAVE weight without gravity. There is no 'mass' to create density without the force that creates the weight. You simply cannot have a discussion about density and buoyancy without being forced to prove what CREATES density and buoyancy, since they do not exist without the downward force that we happen to call 'gravity' that explains WHY density and buoyancy act the way they do.

This is the FORMULA for buoyancy. It's mathematical calculation. Even DECLARING that buoyancy EXISTS is an admission that gravity exists. I'll let you guess what the 'g' stands for in the equation.

Fb = ρgV = ρghA

But if you actually want to understand it, instead of just repeat YouTube videos, here is the math.

Nitpick: density exists in zero-g, it's just buoyancy that goes. A kilogram of iron is still denser than a kilogram of feathers.

(Oh, yeah, other counterpoint to the buoyancy "theory": can't explain why a kilogram of iron weighs the same as a kilogram of feathers)

huh explan?...they both weigh a kilo..

Kilograms are a unit of mass. Density is mass times volume. A kilogram of feathers is bigger than a kilogram of iron, which is why a 1kg bag of feathers is more buoyant than a 1kg lump of iron, which is why one floats on water while the other sinks, which is why if weight comes from buoyancy a kilogram of feathers has to be lighter than a kilogram of iron.

OK cool cool.... so that formula is listed here......buoyant force =(density of liquid)(gravitational acceleration)(volume of liquid)
= (density)(gravitational acceleration)(height of liquid)(surface area of object)....

so to get the value in newtons i need to use a equation with gravity...yet newtons are derived from could probly get a job with nasa.....stuff falls...air doesnt

Run as you may! You cannot escape...the Almighty Bunghole!

but i cant run bevis+!!...not without gravity

See @phyg 's answer. You still do not understand the difference between mass and weight, and you did not answer why objects do not fall up or sideways. What FORCE makes objects drop TOWARDS the earth.

Until you can answer that question, you are demonstrating that you have no idea what you are talking about.

The ISS isnt real mate....sorry....but ya it goes around the world every 90mins....and it actually is powered bye magical fairy dust, using gumgum forest magic to make's its way through the thermosphere and micrometoers........and The LEM took people to the moon too...and they used the tinfoil its made out of for a hat once they got there....after the golf, and buggy

Everything I said about how gravity works in space was true and was known to physicists long before any space program, so that wouldn't be a relevant objection even if it was true.

And also obviously it's not true. I'm not impressed by what someone who doesn't understand the difference between weight, mass and density has to say about micrometeorites, you're just further illustrating how huge a chunk of reality you need to find excuses to deny if you want to believe in a flat Earth.

Just think of how much more you could and no get over weight if there was no gravity.

im pretty sure you could still get overweight even if you lived on a doughnut

Okay, I'll stick to my diet.

heh not you personally btw :-) ...just flat earth isnt the answer to everything! :-)

I didn't take it that way but thanks for clarifying.

I am new to the globe/flat earth debate and I just have a couple questions. Why should I or any one else care? What is is it about the shape of the earth that has so much influence on our lives that you and others devote the effort needed to writing blogs and making the many You Tube videos that I have seen on this subject?

Does it not change your outlook? It certainly changed mine.

No, even if I bought into the flat earth theory it would not really change anything. I would not move my home, change jobs, alter my diet, or affect any other aspect of my life. I feel confident that the sun and moon would rise and set on schedule, eclipses too, and the seasons would come and go as expected, irregardless of which theory is true. Also, since the nature of the solar system rarely comes into my train of thought, it would not even have a significant impact on my inner mental life.

Maybe what I should have asked is: What change has this had on your outlook and how has that impacted your life?

The reason I chose to ask you this question is that you seem to not base your beliefs on the bible. Quite frankly, When I first saw this idea on You Tube, I chalked it up to some fundamentalist Christians trying to literally interpret the Bible. I know of no other historical source of this idea as even the ancient Greek and Roman geocentric cosmologies assumed a globe. So at the very least, I'm hoping you have a worth while response to my question and let me know why I should care. Maybe I'm missing something.

lol....look into it...i know the history of the globe........there was large scientific community's devoted to it in the late 19th early 20th century....Samuel Rowbotham....if your interested in learning about the theory.....but you seem pretty content...thats fine...spin on my friend..... huh?? greeks and romans? aristotole didnt publish it cause he woulda been killed.....he just wrote theorys and didnt even believe it himself, he just showed he could make the math work on a globe....alot of religions correspond identically on what the earth is....we been lied to.....started in the 30's and hasn't stopped

I have looked into it. I have watched many YT vids and other materials. My question is: What change has this had on your outlook and how has that impacted your life?

As I said, I asked you this because you seem not to base your beliefs on religion. I understand the religious basis but a non-religious one seems much more interesting and if I am being lied to who is doing it and why? Help me out here.

They are both just theories. Neither have been proven false or true, I chose to believe its fact because the flat earth theory makes much more sense than the globe theory.

thanks for the input :-)

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I think some agency did a social experiment. It was done to see how much America has been dumbed down. They just have created a gullibility index and threw out flat earth theory. If I ever hear one more moron post a video or write an article about flat earth then dumbing down of America has been successful. I think these are the same people that think we never went to the moon.

im no american...and we went to the moon?... and im gulible???..

they cant the moon now

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