I like battle ropes! Do you? (And yes! This gif is in real time! I know... It looks like it's been sped up doesn't it!?)
What's your favorite exercise?
Ok! What's your least favorite exercise then?!
Fitness Entrepreneur
Certified Personal Trainer
Those are crazy! It must do some major muscle building, any chance of getting people to skip over them at the same time?
!giphy battle+ropes
giphy is supported by witness untersatz!
Hahaha! Yeah! I would like to see that! I think the timing would be super tough though! This all goes down rapidly! That’s why I figured I should make the gif... just to show how fast the ropes go! 😅
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Alright! Thank you @coffeea! 😁
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I last tried ropes like that maybe 30 years ago and WOW I was never that intense with them
Battle ropes are all about intensity Jay! You should give em another go! It’s unique to get cardio from an upper body movement I think that’s one of the reasons I like/enjoy Battle Ropes. 😅
Walking is my main exercise these days, I was never a fan of Gyms, but I may join one when I retire next year
Killing it!
Going to Toronto in a few months to work as a PT, it would be cool to have your professional advice on smt.
Where can i contact you?
That’s good The world needs more competent personal trainers! Thank you for commenting and the follow. It’s always good to meet health minded people.
Probably the best place to contact me off the Steem Blockchain would be on the @Actifit Discord. Do you have Discord?
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Noup, but what's yours? I can create one later
Wooah is that you in the gif?
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Yeah yeah! That’s yours truly in real time! #BattleRopes #FeelTheBurn
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