Fitness Elements 101 - A Comprehensive Guide All About Fitness

in #fitness3 years ago (edited)


No matter to which age group you belong to b it the teen age or the 20's or 30's it is a must to love and take care of your body.
To get and maintain a healthy body you ought to connect yourself to a routine with regular exercise schedule. If your body has the capability to do everything and enjoy doing leisure activities as well, then you are physically fit. Also, for a fit body it is easy to take on the stress and do some work even in times that are adverse.
Physical fitness is all about god health of heart, muscles, lungs and all the body parts. The fitness of the body is based on the restrictions that are put on the body physically and what all one is able to do in a certain lifestyle, like what you eat and what are your habits.
Here is a little history about the components used in physical fitness. With a fit body one can survive longer as the body has more capacity to keep and maintain the required levels of oxygen and all the nutrients that are essential for the perfect functioning of the body.
If the body is flexible one can do a lot of varied activities and move the body in various styles and also move the joints. Stamina can be increased with exercises like jogging, swimming and running whereas if one does the pushups and lift weights the muscles can be made stronger.
The workout must be planned in such a manner that all these components are included. One of the most essential things for every workout is to begin with warm up exercises. When the body is warmed it actually puts the muscles to such a condition where they can hold the stress of rigorous exercises. And after the exercises a few exercises must be such which make the body cool again. Never do too much of exercises.
It is good to go for walk daily. But if you do the pushups on regular basis it may have adverse effects on the body. The schedule for physical activities must plan in a manner where the body becomes prepared for all the kinds of activities. Body must be competent to do simple as well as rigorous exercises. The exercises must be cardiovascular as well as strength based.
To start with one can plan a schedule where he/she exercises twice or thrice a week.
As the time passes one can increase the duration and frequency.
Along with the exercises one must also take care of the diet one takes. For those who are exercising to shed the excess weight then take a diet which has calorie less food and one that gives more strength to the body. On an average 240 to 400 calories are burnt when one does cycling and 740 to 800 calories are burnt in jogging.
One must avoid taking excess salts and sweets in the food. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine must be strictly kept away. Drink a lot of water and try not to take too much of saturated fats in your diet.

Chapter 1: How to Achieve 'Anytime Fitness'

Everyone is running at a high speed in the present time and this requires one to stay fit. What is exactly meant by fitness?
It is the caliber of an individual to adjust himself to the changes and to handle the pressures along with the conditions that keep changing. All those who are fit, will have a peaceful mind and healthy body in all the situations. Physical fitness includes mental a well as body fitness.
On the other hand, we can say that fitness in another name given to health. The pressures of the present life can be handled successfully only by those who have a good health and in other words to succeed today one needs to remain fit. Both the things are related to each other. Those who are fit are taken as vigorous and their level o0f vigor rises at every point.
The evolution theory too states that those who are physically and mentally fit are the only ones who can survive and also let their genes be passed on. Therefore, we can say that fitness is synonym to health; it is also about adapting to the surroundings and the changing environment. For this one needs to go for the regular exercising schedule too, in order to suit himself and endure in the ever-changing environment.
There are many people who do not take care of the fitness and do not consider it of much importance. This is sheer because they do not know the profits of fitness. There are a lot of pleasures that are given by life to every individual but they can be enjoyed only if they one is fit.
Is it possible to remain fit at all times? Yes, if one looks positively to all the things in life then life can be developed to give it a brighter look. One must not worry of the illness or if you are forced to walk a little of a mile or to take upstairs in place of lift.
It must be taken as an idea to stay fit if you are forced to do some physical work. This is a strong base for fitness. This would make you free and your mind too, peaceful. Along with this your confidence level too would rise as then you would be ready to take anything as it comes your way.
The training for fitness is nothing but making the muscles work in a manner that your body is made fit. In turn, one gets fitness with regard to aerobics and muscles, which enhances steadiness and elasticity of the human body. But before you take up any schedule for physical fitness training you must check your own physical capacity. This can be checked with your doctor.
One must exercise regularly for 30 to 40 minutes and the exercises may include running, swimming, cycling or dancing etc. these are all different kinds of aerobics.
For the best results the attention must be focused on the muscular fitness. If proper training program is taken up then it may lead to improve the strength of weak muscles too. Along with all this one also needs to take proper balanced diet.

Chapter 2: Outdoor Exercise and Fitness

With the changing times one and all are now familiar with what they need to be fit.
It does not matter whether the physical activity is to be performed indoors or outdoors, everyone takes up the opportunity which can keep them physically fit.
Along with the indoor exercises outdoor exercises too have become trendy now. With the exercises one can get following advantages.

  1. To work out in the best and get the maximum benefit only a little machinery is required. Other than this there are a few workouts which can be done without any machinery.
  2. No need to be among those people who irritate and no need to be in the crowd.
  3. No need to go out walking or driving for the sake of fitness.
  4. Fresh air can be enjoyed maximum.
  5. One does not need any special outfit or not even any kind of makeup.
  6. Vitamin D from the sunshine can be taken.
  7. One does not have to work out at fixed time, exercise as and when you feel like and at the place you like.
    There are a few reasons which we cannot add in the list which are also the reasons for taking up the routine for outdoor exercises. There are many other things over which one can ponder. After knowing about the benefits of outdoor exercises one now needs to know about what all activities one can get involved with for outdoor exercise.
    Here is a list of some of the best outdoor exercises. For all those who want to work out with great vigor and sweat out these can be the best.
  8. Lunges - this is an exercise with which all the muscles of the legs and the buttock would be put to motion. For this it has done perfectly. If you get to do it perfectly then try ahead lunges while standing, elevating, waling and rearing.
  9. Pushups - one of the best exercises for the upper body is push-ups. In the present time only, a little number of people does it as machines for pressing are preferred. It is the best exercise for which one does not even need a tool. The basic level of pushups includes grips that are standard, close and wide. The shoulder, chest and triceps muscles can be aroused with these three basic movements. If you uplift your hands you can make the movements easily. If you want to try harder movements uplift your feet. If you are an expert by now then try bouncing pushups or clapping.
  10. Squats - to get power try out the squats. As people have become lazy and proper instructions are not given it has lost its effectiveness. One can also try the one leg or wide stance or overhead or pile squat. When you do it continuously and the legs get tired, then the result is achieved.
  11. Step ups - this is a cruel exercise. The equipment required is a bench. You have to step up and down. The head has to remain high up with back strongly straight. This is good for the heat as well.

Chapter 3: Reaching Your Body's Full Potential

All those who think about fitness think about the muscles that bulge out and that one is as strong as a superman. They try extremely hard to get the body like that of an athlete.
But the fact is that physical fitness means that you must have the stamina to all the physical activities and the resistance level of the body must be optimum. And one reaches the zenith of fitness when your body has all that is required at a level that can be termed as the finest.
There is a misconception in the minds of many that zenith fitness is for those who are below the age of 30 years but it is not true men above this age too can be highly fit. Fitness which is the finest is the one that is achieved when one has an athletic body built or when has the power to all the tasks, in all when the muscles can work hard for you.
One must take a balanced and full diet to in order to increase the power of the muscles. Finest fitness is one that is capable of maintaining the energy in the body and has the power to perform the essential tasks.
In his/her diet one is required to take in the optimum number of calories. For those who are exercising in order to reduce weight, it is strictly recommended that they must not totally put a stop on the food full of calories. Calories are essential as they help in doing the ordinary tasks. Take a lot of fiber.
This would help in improving digestion and movement of the bowel. One can feel full with the diet that includes wheat bread, fruits and vegetable, which are loaded with fiber. This would help in controlling the hunger. Green vegetables and fruits are a must as they have all the essential vitamins and minerals that are essential for body. This would also increase your strength and power to fight the diseases. All this would lead you to get the finest fitness.
Also try your best to be active. A lifestyle that makes you sit you all the time must be kept away from. You must exercise regularly. If your body is part of a routine where you do a lot of physical exercises then your stamina would be maintained and your muscles would be strong as well. those who are serene and not much active tend to get flab in the middle part of their body. Their body loses resistance to injuries and various diseases. In order to maintain the finest fitness not much is required.
One just needs an active period of 10 minutes. You can take up the stairs instead of lifts or stretch your body or even walk over the treadmill for 10 minutes. Never be cruel to your body. Take time out to relax the muscles. Remember too much of everything is as bad as too little of anything is. Sleep well to heal and revitalize the body organs and the mind.

Chapter 4: How to Achieve Good Life and Fitness

Can you find if you are living a good and healthy life? Do you ask your doctor some health-related question, when you see your medical practitioner?
Great life and physical fitness are in some manner similar, but not all individuals agree to it. If you are physically fit, then you will definitely live a good and healthy life without getting ill. In case you are already having a great life then it does not inevitably mean that you are fit.
So, what are the ways to know if you are physically fit or not and that how healthily are you living?
First of all, make yourself clear as to what healthy life means? For few individuals it means to have all lavishness in life. Few other thinks that great life is a healthy life. If you think that the latter definition is your definition of great life, no matter if you are rich or not, then it is time you choose a better life for you. In case you believe in this then you ought to be physically fit too.
You will be able to earn more bucks if you stay healthy. This is because you will rarely fall ill as you will be staying a healthy and good life. If you choose, you can work longer hours and purchase all that you want. And if you are unhealthy then you will stay sick always and most of your hard-earned money will expend on your medications.
If you are into physical activities and do regular exercise then I assure you that you are going to stay healthy and happy. To remain physically fit and healthy, fitness workout is a great way. If you then you can enroll into a gym or a club that you think is going to help you stay fit.
Few individuals believe to exercise at their homes. This is very commodious because you can then do it any time and at any place of your house.
Next you must evaluate your way of living life. Presently are you doing some fitness workout? Ask yourself if you usually get sick? These are few necessary questions that one must ask to find the state of health. In case you are not spending a happy and healthy life, then you must start working out because it is still not late and you must try to remain far away from unhealthy life style.
Are you thinking that how you will commence the process to start living healthy? It really sounds easy that you can start working out anytime. For this you will be required to change your unhealthy life style first. This is because it is nearly impossible to get things right overnight.
Step by step you will feel the changes in you. You will start thinking positive and will gradually start giving your unhealthy lifestyle. So, it is better late than never. Think about it and start your fitness workout sooner.

Chapter 5: Make Fitness Fun with Workout Ideas

Many times, you heard a big "NO" from someone with whom you wish to workout. This is because exercising alone is quite boring.
It is also possible that you do some fun around while you must be doing exercise at the gym. The fact that you tend to have fun around is because it gets boring to carry on for the same workout schedule for a long period of time.
However, it must be noted that carelessness in training period may harm your health as there many of obesity and heart diseases are increasing. It will be good if you keep your body healthy and live a happier life.
For maintaining a good health, only you will be responsible for now and forever. This is the reason why you need fitness training to keep your body in healthy condition. If you fail to keep your health in working situation then it may result disease that may make your life miserable and unhappy to live.
If you are overweight and are not having illness like heart disease or diabetes than you must start working out before it gets too late. This way you will keep yourself fit plus you will get an attractive looking body that can be showed off at beaches.
Despite this, if the usual fitness training routines are very boring then you can try various workouts that will be make your regular training schedule more entertaining. There are entertainment activities which you can enjoy. At the same time the fun will give you a good quality fitness training experience.
First and foremost, many individuals or maybe you believe that fitness physical exertion can only be don at the gymnasium.
I suggest you be creative and think out of the box. Active sports like golf, swimming, football, tennis and basketball are all fun sports. These sports can provide you good quality fitness training experience. For instance, you can find many tennis courts and clubs where you can learn how to play it. If you want you can also include members of your family to make it more fun. This way you can promote fitness and have fun altogether.
In case you are not a sports type one and you think that sports cannot be fun then you can think of dancing. Dancing is yet another way to keep you fit and stays entertained. You can get yourself enrolled to a dancing institute.
Few individuals think that dancing is simple but let me tell you seriously that it is not. You will find it difficult when you will attempt to do it. It requires you to jump, walk and run around on the dance floor. Different dancing moves help you to stay fit keeping fun attached to the schedule.
Dancing is a great alternative for the boring workout schedules. It will be significant if you enroll yourself to the sports or dance classes if you want some entertainment while keeping yourself fit.

Chapter 6: Selecting the Right Fitness Trainer for You

Today most people are getting increasingly concerned by their physical health and why won't anybody be?
As there are increasing cases of obesity, diabetes and heart related diseases, it is necessary that you start focusing on your body. This is to be kept in mid that for your body only you are responsible, not anyone else. If you wish to live a happier and more satisfying life then you will have to look after your body.
Technology is ever increasing and it is beneficiary too, but it has lots of disadvantages that cannot be neglected. Life has become simpler with the advent and employment of machines and computers at work. This has made so easy that that people have move towards a lazy lifestyle such that they can't even look after their body. Working hard a single place in front of an AC is neither a good idea nor it is healthy.
But yes, your fingers do exercise while you work on computer! But is that enough? Writing and typing documents for the whole day is not a good exercise. Good exercise means that you have to work out with your whole body including every part.
Presently, there are hundreds and thousands of fitness centers and gyms that are easy available. Yet, going through the same boring exercise schedules can prove to be frustrating and straining most of the time. Apart from doing all exercises repeatedly each day and get bored, sometimes you also realize the fact that working out does not display quick results.
I know that this can be really frustrating and most individuals will just give up the workout schedule they entered in.
Nevertheless, it is necessary that you think over to consider selecting the correct fitness trainer for your body work out so that you achieve your goals and also keep motivated during your exercise schedule.
Below are few points that you must find in a good fitness trainer.
• First and foremost, thing you ought to look for in a physical fitness trainer is a certification of license that displays they are professional fitness trainer.
Many fitness centers these days certify their fitness trainers so that their customers are assured that their job will be done and that they will know how to take care of their body.
• Next thing that you need to look in a fitness trainer is that if they are actually qualified to perform a first aid in case of injury. You have to realize the fact that injuries resulting from exercising are very probable. It is necessary that you look for a fitness trainer who can deal with bodily injuries very well.
• Choose a fitness trainer who is experienced enough because experience is also an important factor. The right trainer for you is the one who has worked with different people that gave a positive feedback.

Chapter 7: The Different Fitness Equipment for the Perfect Body

There is lot of reasons cause of which one wants to have a body that looks stunning.
One of the reasons is attracting the males or females as the case may be and others want it for the reasons related to health and there are a few who just workout as they enjoy this activity.
Various methods are adopted by different people to get a good-looking figure. One has to choose the right option as not all are safe for the health. In the present time there are a lot of methods that are adopted for weight reduction by those who are too lazy to exert even a bit.
These methods have adverse effect on the body. Some also go for the surgery in liposuction. But the fact is that this is a method that has results only for a short while. One ought to exercise in order to maintain the lost weight and keep the fat away from getting accumulated in the body again.
It is a proven fact that muscles are the one that lead to burning of fat. To burn the accumulated fat, one needs to exercise and tone the muscles.
Our body needs nutrients in a fixed amount on regular basis. Those who follow the strict diet plans or do not eat in order to keep the fat away actually deprive the body of these essentials and ultimately render the body harms. The best diet is one that gives you all the nutrients in the optimum amount required and one must exercise regularly to keep the body fit.
The common problem of the present time is that as the lifestyle is highly hectic, most of the people do not have the time to take care of the body. They do not have the time to go the gym as well. In this the best solution is to get some fitness equipment’s at home itself.
One can choose from the various home fitness equipment’s that are available in the market. But as the market is flooded with such home fitness equipment’s one needs to decide carefully on which equipment they would need for the best results.
The solution to this problem is that one has to understand on what all equipment’s are available. Do not run after the brands. The foremost is the equipment for cardiovascular exercise. This is the most important one. For this, you must buy treadmill, elliptical trainers and cross trainers.
Equipment’s that enhance the body strength and develop the muscles must be purchased as they help in toning specific muscles. For this you can buy equipment’s for weight training.
When buying the equipment’s for cardiovascular exercise and weight lifting training one wants those that have a long life. And for this pick a brand and read the reviews of the users and then select accordingly.
It is must to know about the equipment and the uses along with the results that could be derived from it. This is up-most important when buying any fitness equipment.

Chapter 8: Tips for Diet and Fitness to Keep Your Body Healthy

One of the most valuable projects in anyone's life is one that gives a healthy body. This is natural for every human to think this way.
Mostly, we have a habit of putting the important things to be done in the later time and this is what happens with such projects.
If you wish to start a project then you need to set objectives which are practical and sensible. Such targets would be easy to be achieved as there would not be much pressure on you. Let's say, that losing 4- pounds would not be a target which cannot be achieved, it is a realistic approach.
This is a goal that anyone can reach without much pressure. And the rule is not being frightened with the goals as there are a lot idea that can assimilate the mind along with the body and courage to stay firm on the decision.

  1. Firstly, follow a healthy diet full of nutrition. The nutrition works as fuel for the body which makes the body keep working, such is recommended by the health care specialists. Eating the right food with optimum nutrients and one that is fresh is a must. In addition to this take supplements for vitamins and herbs.
  2. Rest as much your body needs. For the rapid eye movements, it is a must to get the right amount of sleep and one without any interruptions. The body is refueled and if there is healing required to be done, these are also done by the working of the nervous system.
    If you have lethargic feeling it means you need rest. You may take a nap or sit back to relax for a while. If you have sleeping disorders then you must consult a doctor. Exercises cannot be done if you are not hale and hearty.
  3. Focus has to be maintained on the goals that you have set now and if there were any failures in the past they are to be forgotten. Such feelings trouble. You must be happy over the things and opportunities that you have now. Simply carry on with what you have set your goal for.
  4. Body must be in fret and carry on with exercise schedule. Focus must be on burning the calories and pushing the excess fat out of the body. Mind needs to be inspired and exercises must be included to keep the mind pricking. Keep the mind active by challenging it to move ahead with increasing, training, searching and interpreting things.
    Meditation can be included too. This helps in reducing the stress and not letting the heart rate rise. This in turn increases feelings of calmness, happiness and keeping fit.
  5. Support of family and friends is a must. With care and love and appreciation of these people around it becomes easy to accomplish fitness goals.
  6. One of the best things that must be done is laughing. This heals the body and keeps one healthy.
    All the above tips can help in improving the quality of health and life of every individual.

Chapter 9: Fitness: Definitely Not a Waste of Time

Condition in which one is fit is what is referred to as fitness. It would be superb if all of us take care of fitness from the starting of the life till the end.
As it has been said in the holy books that human body is like a temple and one must take it as a duty to safeguard it. To keep care of the mind and body is a gracious act.
One ought to put in a lot of efforts and also do a lot of work to maintain it. Though it requires intense input of labor but the outcome is definitely satisfying. It is only a handful of people who get this reward of healthy and joyous life. This is only the virtue of assiduous.
One of the important things to be added in the routine is the physical exercise. Along with fitness ne develops the potential to fight the diseases too. And the most terrible - heart disease too can be controlled.
The miserable fact is that not mush people involve themselves in such activities in the present time. This is the main cause of various diseases right now. With the number of increasing patient’s hospital has become an industry that is prospering.
It is not that the patients have chosen to be so.
The activities for fitness that are suggested for the school students, given by the Council of the President, fitness and health council, are not followed. If this is done then there could be change in the ration as it covers a major portion of the population in United States.
There is a tendency that ass the youngsters take the adulthood they neglect the need for physical fitness. This reduces the resistant power against diseases and ultimately the number of patients will increase.
The number of people, who take up exercise for fitness in their routine for a life time, is only 58 percent of the entire population. And the interesting fact is that this routine in followed in the free time. On the other hand, those who have taken fitness program as an essential in life is only about 26 percent. This is frequently, say only thrice a week. This is the report by National Institute on Aging.
It is essential to commit to exercises for lifetime. Though, it is proven fact that many people ignore this. The reason is that many people think that it does not really make much improvement on the worth of life one is leading.
It has been reported that most of the deaths are caused due to heart troubles and accidents that occur as a result of injuries that are not intentional or chronicle diseases or cancer. These are most common of the reasons of deaths in the present time.
One must just think for a moment that all the disease talked about above can be prevented. And this can be done by simply adding exercises in the routine. You must commit to this routine for a lifetime. But yes, accidental deaths must not be included in this.


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