Simplest way to get rid of “jelly belly”...?

in #fitness3 months ago

I can’t think of one person I’ve ever met who enjoys his / her pants getting tighter in the waist.
Not one.
Not ever.
And no one appreciates the fact that as we age, the “middle age spread” seems to creep up on us.
Waking up with a “Jelly Belly” is never fun.
I think it’s pretty safe to say that’s never anyone’s “life goal.”
“I want to be a doctor, have 2 kids, but what I really want is a big ol’ ‘Jelly Belly’” said no one ever.
One of the best things about KB training is the fact that we can use the ballistic exercises, especially to ditch the ol’ “Stomach Rolls”…
Swings, Snatches, Cleans, Push Presses, High Pulls, and Jerks.
Sometimes, you can even add in some of the slower KB exercises like Front Squats.
The key to success is really the Training Plan you use.
There are lots of KB workout programs.
Some work.
Unfortunately, many don’t.
At least not for getting rid of stomach fat.
The key is using your KBs to trigger what’s known as a “Growth Hormone Response” inside your body.
And that’s because Growth Hormone - or “GH” as it’s commonly known - is a powerful fat-burning hormone.
Especially for burning stomach fat and “deep” stomach fat - called “visceral fat.”
Visceral fat is the really dangerous kind. It’s the one that speeds up things like… death.
That’s right - faster death from heart disease and stroke.
And that’s no fun for anyone.
Kids and wives always appreciate losing their dads and husbands earlier than expected. (Sarcasm.)
And while I’m a big advocate for “training for strength”...
Sometimes, you might have to take the proverbial “long way ‘round.”
And that’s because stomach fat interferes with the ability to gain maximum strength because it increases your estrogen levels and suppresses your testosterone levels.
And that’s why it’s sometimes a smart move to take care of the stomach fat first, THEN work on getting stronger.
But what most don’t know is that you can actually DO BOTH, if you program your KB workouts correctly - proper weight, reps, work / rest periods, duration.
I know that might sound crazy.
So I want to show you this text I got from my buddy Brandon:
As you can see, he lost almost 6 inches from his waist in only 11 weeks.
And he said, “I feel stronger too.”
And “Overall my body just feels better.”
He’s using Kettlebell GHFL.
And you don’t have to be a “Kettlebell Expert” to use it either.
And that’s because it has 3 different levels based on your current kettlebell skills.
If you want to get rid of “Jelly Belly”... or that “spare tire”...
Here’s where you can check out the program.
Stay Strong,

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