I found a good way to make Kombucha tea, without a scoby!
I have mold in my tea, but it is the good thing! I finally got my Kombucha tea right, I bought some refrigerated kombucha tea from sprouts. I made fresh tea, and poured 3 cups into a mason har, and put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in it. Then I topped it off with the fresh kombucha, and fermentation lid; and put it under the sink to process.
Tonight I got it out, and it is kombucha; complete with a scoby! I think I need more sugar for the bacteria to chew on. Tomorrow I will go again with 3 tablespoons of sugar, to thicken up this scoby, and see if I get a stronger kombucha. What I got is good, and I may stay with it, but it is not as strong as what I bought, and I want to try both.
Scobie on the fermentation lid

OK thanks. Neither of us have any of those issues. Good to know though.
We all do to some degree. The standard diet used to include a portion that was preserved by fermentation. We have moved to all pressure canned foodstuff, because it is shelf stable. Good for warehousing, but it robs the body of needed input. At best it slows down the digestion, and at the worst causes leaky gut.
Most of us are somewhere within this range. Knowing that we are dietarily deficient, suggests that fixing this deficiency will make the system work better. Some of the food is much better when fermented (pickles and sauerkraut are good examples), while some like apple cider vinegar with mother, is hard to drink.
I am noticing a decrease in healing time too; which I did NOT expect.
I have this theory that not all scobies are equal. So I bought about 5 of the best kombuchas I could find, tossed them all together in my big fermenting jar, dded some sugar and, like you, grew a new scoby that incorporates ALL the 5 starter teas. Gotta say it's pretty damn good and too easy. :) Nice post.
I like that idea, I may steal it, LOL! I am after more fermented food for GI health; since I know we don't get hardly any in our food these days.
Got 3 different batches of saurkraut going too. Looking into lacto fermentation.
We got too blessed smart for our own good!
Woot woot! Good job!
This is how my mom started hers when she moved to Colorado years ago. Worked great!
Have you tried doing second fermentation?
We usually did the first fermentation, then would bottle with some organic 100% grape juice, then ferment another 4 days i think (its been a while).
O. M. G. Like a soda but better!
THAT I will Try! Got to get a little ahead on the Kombucha first, But I am going there too!
I may try coffee too, just because I can....