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RE: They Tear Families Apart in the Name of Child Protection, Which is Why We are Starting Familly Protection, A support Group For Families that Need Protecting.

I've given this a lot of thought; and my conclusion, at least my current conclusion, is that serving policemen are the state.
Everyone else is just talking; they're threatening, and backing up those threats.
So by all means run for office, work in the public sector or campaign however you see fit.


If I actually do ever run for office it will be to focus on expunging and opposing authoritarian legislation, ending corrupt practices, and supporting/initiating legislation to replace authoritarian legislation with viable alternatives.

That being said I'm a long way off from any such thing at this point. Of course, I have a large extended family and if I ever do take an office they will all be rolling on the floor.

Imagine a mayor standing up in public and making the following statement:

It's come to my attention that CPS officials are knocking on peoples doors and taking peoples children without due process of law.

If a CPS official comes to your door without a lawful warrant that is supported by affidavit and signed by a judge please refuse to let them enter your home until they produce such a warrant.

If they force their way into your house please call me and I'll help you file a police report and start a lawsuit against them.

There would probably be a media storm within a week and I'd likely be tossed out shorty afterwards. That or I'd have an "accident" or "sudden health problem".

Police who refuse to enforce legislation against people are not police for long. They either quit in disgust or are fired for not meeting quotas.

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