in #family5 years ago

We grabbed this opportunity yesterday.

While gathered with friends for my birthday yesterday, we decided to take an updated family photo. The mountains provided a nice backdrop, and overall these turned out pretty well. It's quite the little family we've got these days.


Until next time…

Make today special!

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HA HA I liked your last picture. looks like you all had a great time. I bet your cake was delicious :-). You are going to have to make a new cartoon family of peppers to add Belle Pepper to the bunch.

Love these! Looks like all were having a good time.

And a belated Happy Birthday to you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Please print out a couple of these and send them our way. We love you all !!!

I was going to suggest for Papa to keep an eye out for canvas deals this time of year you can get them super cheap. Last Christmas I got a bunch done because we had lost all of our family photos. Just checked their canvases are 70% off with 4.99 shipping right now. It's a total steal! and if you order by the 16th there is still time to get them for Christmas. You may even be able to find a deal to get the first one free somewhere online.

Aha, making friends with Grandpa-Pepper already? He authored the most recent book we put out!

I'm adopting the whole family! You're quality folk ;) Definitely check it out though I saw ads for $1.99 shipping and ones for a free 11 x 14 canvas so there are tons of options if you keep your eye out for the one that is right for you. That photo would make a great family portrait for the wall.

Thank you for the information on canvas photos. We'll have to check them out.

Especially the one just prior to the last one.

Nice family you have there Sir!! May Yah continue to bless you and your family!

Beautiful, natural abundance and giftedness to balance all the dark-ugly in the world. :) Lovely.

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