Steem Monsters races past EOS knights on

in #exyle6 years ago


Ever since we have been added to it becomes so much easier to see how we compare to other blockchains with our Dapps.

It's such a cool showcase for our blockchain!

Again you have witness @therealwolf to thank for this, so take some time and vote for this guy or set @blockbrothers as your proxy and we can do it for you.

Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect took the first spot within days and now Steem Monsters rushed past EOS knights taking the #7 spot.

Screenshot 2018-12-20 at 09.52.28.png

I expect them to climb much higher in the upcoming months especially when tournaments come out with REAL price-money and for the investors Card Delegation! Yes!

Go check out Steemmonsters here.

I'm also still buying cards. Recently picked up this lvl 10 gold foil beauty!

Screenshot 2018-12-20 at 10.06.49.png

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect

We are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

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Wow, great news! This got me excited to join, just signed up with your link, tanks for what you and @blocktrades have been doing for steem ;)

See you in the battlefield!

Wow, Thanks man! That's really cool. Just one thing. It's @blockbrothers!

hahahaha, it was a typo I was buying some steem in blocktrades ;)

I explored EOS Knights and things are not looking good for the game, you need to stake EOS to essentially play it, with less than 10 EOS staked you won't even be able to play it without interruptions, your transactions won't go through. Game is recommending at least 20 EOS staked to be smooth and not interrupted by the blockchain messages.

EOS Knights is a typical idle game where you don't do anything in terms of gameplay, you equip your 3 heroes with items which you find while fighting orks and goblins, you can then craft and sell them on the game's marketplace.

It looks like EOS is not ready for mass adoption for gaming, specially not for games like EOS Knights where you need to have quite a lot of EOS to play it properly, meanwhile everyone can play Steem Monsters and there will be no interruptions from Steem blockchain if you buy few packs or so.

Man, I had no idea you needed to stake so much EOS! Thanks for letting me know.

Np. It is interesting to know that there is a lot of development going with the game game and it will probably be worth a look later on, but that staking process will not be fun for a lot of people who are not familiar with EOS ecosystem.

Steem Monsters is going to be huge! I've played other card games before (yugioh being my favorite). Steem Monsters blows past it in my opinion. It also makes it a lot easier for investors to earn addition income in the game.

I love how you can sell your cards on the market. I also love how fast game play can be if you choose it. The game has gotten more competitive since it was first released and things are only getting better.

I couldn't agree more man!

Steem is up there where it should be (though the ratings system seems quite complex!)
Stateofthedapps restores my faith in crypto – not that I'd lost it, but there has been so much negativity about during this bear market that it does get to you eventually. This is a reminder of the vital purpose that many cryptos are serving and will serve in the future. It's just a case of when to buy in – I've been waiting for a low point to buy in a bit more, and I'm almost disappointed to see the market taking an upward turn! To be honest I think it's a win-win situation.

Love it! Love Steem Monsters :D Hoping to get a legendary reward card soon :D

Good luck, man! I got one the other day!

@steemmonsters is simply the best crypto game at the moment :)

I'm playing EOS Knights as well. I can tell from experience, I get a lot more fun from Steem monsters.

Then you might be interested seeing the coming #1 card game on blockchain:

Steem monsters is cute, like anything on Steem when compared to Ethereum, but gods unchained has true mass appeal, the polish and technical implementation is on another universe.

Nice graphics :)
But how would you deal with transactions and speed in general since it is on the ETH.
Maybe you should put it on steem, since you are trying to promoted it here.
Then you can take the full advantage of the community.

It operates on Loom sidechain, I think they can handle thousands of tx/second so no issues there. You should look that up. And according to state of dapps, has 5k active users in 24 hours, most of them not even gamers so there's really not that much of community to take advantage of here. Of course, of that 5k active users, how may are just passively voting through bid bots, so even a smaller figure is true.

Eth is the #1 smart contract platform in the world and has the highest network effect by far, there's zero reason they would want to move here.

Are there games at the moment that are running on this networks?
Do you have experience from some of these games?

ETH is around the longest form all of the others platforms (STEEM, EOS, TRON), but the numbers of users on ETH based games is below 500. This is not a coincidence.

People playing games on ETH at the moment are all saying the same thing.
Painfully slow.
Until there is a real life game that is having thousands (millions maybe :)) of daily users on the ETH network and running at a normal speed, we can only talk about plans. And plans can be delayed....

So why waiting years for something that is already here.

Yes, Loom has their own Zombie battleground game that already runs on their system.

And Loom is just one project that is building stuff like this. Then there's FunFair for gambling, gaming on their platform is same as in any normal gambling site. You see, Ethereum itself as a base layer is still slow and costs too much, but anything can be built on top of it and people are doing just that. Probably many more just related to gaming, but one human can't keep up with it.

So these people who are complaining about painfully slow experience, have used games that have used Eth's base layer. They should give Funfair a try or Zombie battleground, cheap and blazing fast.

"So why waiting years for something that is already here."

I've read about how certain accounts have been taken control over on EOS, after that I haven't really followed it. That shouldn't be possible on a blockchain. If you know about it more, could you explain the situation? Also Steem isn't smart contract platform, yet at least. I'm following some people doing some creative stuff with it but it can't compare. Tron I really don't know about, all I've heard it's whitepaper was mostly just copypasted? How do they achieve fast transactions?

Why would you want to build on top of a slow POW blockchain? That's like building a house on top of a boat.

Good question, yet devs all over the world are deciding to do just that. First it was due to ICO's, now the network effect. There won't be many winners on this place and Steem is at #53 place currently with rather centralized and very slow development so we'll only continue falling behind as time goes on.

Also, Eth won't be slow POW chain for long and I wonder how many smaller coins will die because of that.

It looks nice.
But does it work?

I think they are in closed testing phase currently and will probably open up for public in the 2019. I haven't looked that closely into it, even though the game itself looks fantastic, it's just tiny part of Ethereum ecosystem and not one to be most excited about by far.

I like both @steemmonsters and EOS Knights. I like the strategy of SM and sometimes the battle results are surprising and not the outcome you expect when you click Rumble! EOS Knights launched the Dungeon feature today and it adds much more game play. I'm probably spending too much time on these 2games but they sure are FUN!!! 😃👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I have been back to grind this season after a rough Season 3 but the changes are great and seem to add to the player experience as you increase in ranking. I am still hesitant to buy cards directly because I enjoy the experience of opening packs (and love the Steem Power refunded). However, I am stuck in Diamond so may need to shift my strategy in card acquisition!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I bought a lot of packs in the Alpha phase. But now just buy the ones I still need.

Did the proxy vote thing.
Lets get some recogition.

Thanks, man! And your trust in @blockbrothers!

It is incredible how big this community is, and how receptive everybody is when we need to show results outside our ecosystem.

Yes! It's a beautiful sight!

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