
Then you might be interested seeing the coming #1 card game on blockchain:

Steem monsters is cute, like anything on Steem when compared to Ethereum, but gods unchained has true mass appeal, the polish and technical implementation is on another universe.

Nice graphics :)
But how would you deal with transactions and speed in general since it is on the ETH.
Maybe you should put it on steem, since you are trying to promoted it here.
Then you can take the full advantage of the community.

It operates on Loom sidechain, I think they can handle thousands of tx/second so no issues there. You should look that up. And according to state of dapps, has 5k active users in 24 hours, most of them not even gamers so there's really not that much of community to take advantage of here. Of course, of that 5k active users, how may are just passively voting through bid bots, so even a smaller figure is true.

Eth is the #1 smart contract platform in the world and has the highest network effect by far, there's zero reason they would want to move here.

Are there games at the moment that are running on this networks?
Do you have experience from some of these games?

ETH is around the longest form all of the others platforms (STEEM, EOS, TRON), but the numbers of users on ETH based games is below 500. This is not a coincidence.

People playing games on ETH at the moment are all saying the same thing.
Painfully slow.
Until there is a real life game that is having thousands (millions maybe :)) of daily users on the ETH network and running at a normal speed, we can only talk about plans. And plans can be delayed....

So why waiting years for something that is already here.

Yes, Loom has their own Zombie battleground game that already runs on their system.

And Loom is just one project that is building stuff like this. Then there's FunFair for gambling, gaming on their platform is same as in any normal gambling site. You see, Ethereum itself as a base layer is still slow and costs too much, but anything can be built on top of it and people are doing just that. Probably many more just related to gaming, but one human can't keep up with it.

So these people who are complaining about painfully slow experience, have used games that have used Eth's base layer. They should give Funfair a try or Zombie battleground, cheap and blazing fast.

"So why waiting years for something that is already here."

I've read about how certain accounts have been taken control over on EOS, after that I haven't really followed it. That shouldn't be possible on a blockchain. If you know about it more, could you explain the situation? Also Steem isn't smart contract platform, yet at least. I'm following some people doing some creative stuff with it but it can't compare. Tron I really don't know about, all I've heard it's whitepaper was mostly just copypasted? How do they achieve fast transactions?

Why would you want to build on top of a slow POW blockchain? That's like building a house on top of a boat.

Good question, yet devs all over the world are deciding to do just that. First it was due to ICO's, now the network effect. There won't be many winners on this place and Steem is at #53 place currently with rather centralized and very slow development so we'll only continue falling behind as time goes on.

Also, Eth won't be slow POW chain for long and I wonder how many smaller coins will die because of that.

Saying alt coins will die off is as dumb as saying, we only need 1 company in the US to do everything.

Every alt coin will fullfill a certain niche, the ones that survive at least.

I don't believe will ever have one blockchain that's mass adopted. It means too much control.

We'll have niche chains, and they will tie in together like a web. Kinda like Local networks tie into the world wide web.

It looks nice.
But does it work?

I think they are in closed testing phase currently and will probably open up for public in the 2019. I haven't looked that closely into it, even though the game itself looks fantastic, it's just tiny part of Ethereum ecosystem and not one to be most excited about by far.

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