A milestone passed
I ran 4.205km in 26mm:12ss !

This was a milestone run - it was a personal best over 1 mile and over 2 miles and over the whole thing I averaged 6 mins/km for the first time. When I started, 18 months ago, I found I had to slow down to around 8 mins/km in order to be able to keep going for more than about 5 minutes, now I've cut that pace by a quarter - If you were a kilometer away back then I'd have said "see you in 8 minutes", now I can say "see you in 6" it feels really good.
Oh, and this picture is the main road into Guildford on Friday at 9am, it's usually bumper to bumper at that time.
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You have uploaded 46 running activities, and 8 of them have been of similar distances (within 10 percent)!
Here are your 5-fastest running activities of a similar distance:
Over these 8 similar activities, you have travelled approximately 33.55 kms at an average pace of roughly 6:38 min/km!
Your latest run was at a pace of approximately 6.231min/km!
Looks like you went a bit faster than usual this time! Nice work!
Have a !BEER for your troubles!
That sounds great!
Upvoted by @isotonic, the @runningproject funding account.
Alert, we have migrated to https://hive.blog/ escaping from Justin Sun Centralization.
Keep on running!