in #esteem5 years ago


Selamat malam teman-teman stemian semua. Bagaimana kabar kalian hari ini? Saya berharap semoga kalian berada dalam keadaan sehat-sehat saja ya? Sahabatku , pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin memposting tentang ulat pemakan daun pada tanaman. Silahkan anda lihat pada foto-foto yang saya bagikan disini. Bagaimana pendapat anda?

Good evening all my stemian friends. how are you today? I hope that you are in good health right now. My friends, on this occasion I would like to post about the caterpillar that on plant. Please look at the pictures that I share here. What is your opinion?


Sahabatku, menurut saya ulat ini terlihat sangat cantik. Dia memiliki warna kulit hijau mengkilat dengan matanya yang berwarna biru. Bagian belakang tubuhnya terdapat bintik-bintik putih yang memanjang sepanjang tubuhnya serta membentuk sebuah garis. Ulat ini merupakan hama bagi tanaman. Dia memakan daun pada tanaman yang membuat tanaman bisa kehilangan daunnya. Bila tanaman tidak memiliki daun, maka tanaman tidak bisa berfotosintesis sehingga lama-kelamaan akan kekurangan nutrisi dan akhirnya tanaman menjadi mati.

My friends, in my opinion this caterpillar looks very beautiful. It has a shiny green skin color with blue eyes. The back of its body there are white spots that extend along its body and form a line. This caterpillar is a pest for the plants.It eats leaves on plants which makes plants lose their leaves. If the plant does not have leaves, the plant cannot photosynthesize so that over time it will lack nutrients and eventually the plant will die.


Ulat ini memiliki ekor berwarna kuning. Saya menyukai tampilan ulat ini yang menurut saya terlihat mempesona. Ulat mempunyai predator yang akan memangsanya yang disebut burung. Sekian postingan saya kali ini. Semoga bermanfaat dan salam.

This caterpillar has a yellow tail. I like the form of this caterpillar which I think looks very charming. Caterpillars have predators that will eat them called birds. Thats all my post this time. Hopefully useful and greetings.


I despise tomato horn worms. They've been destroying our garden this summer. They're so hard to spot on a tomato plant because they blend in so well to their environment.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think you have to find a way to destroy them. Sorry about your garden. Have a nice day, friend.

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