EOS token is on FIRE - in route to $2500.00 USD after ICO ~! How to buy (outside of ICO) and store EOS with no questions asked!
EOS - Decentralize Everything!
EOS is on fire and soon to be in route to what is rumored to be $2500.00 USD after ICO! So we decided to trade a few Steem for a few EOS! I absolutely and categorically LoVE my Steem so I didn't sell very much!
So where can a noob in the United States (can't participate in the EOS ICO unless you are not a noob and you know some stuff that noobs don't know) acquire some EOS? --- ↓

But first you'll need an EOS wallet or some wallet in which you can receive and securely store your EOS! --- ↓
EXODUS wallet - where to get it ↓

hi nandibear, I am not in US and can participate in ICO, but it seems cheaper to buy it from places like changely, only 1 dollar something ? thanks
Hi @djohan you're welcome and I'm thrilled that this EOS post was helpful. Yes, the buy price is somewhere between $1.40 - $1.50.
And thanks for taking the time to write a comment here in this EOS post!
i bought some from changely , i think it has good potential, and i will invest a little, as the reward seems more than the risk
Hi @djohan I'm happy to read that you tried out Changelly.com and got some EOS at a good price! Yes, investing a little is fine and I absolutely agree with you that the reward seems more than the risk!
This is gold standard material.
Nice, thanks! I invested $70 or so into PureVPN which doesn't seem to want to connect other than the one time I got it to, a week ago.
i'd much rather buy them "legitimately" rather than fly-under-the-radar kinda thing. Very helpful; post was 2 weeks ago though so I won't upvote and can't resteem -- but, I did follow you! :)
Im one of the biggest supporters of EOS and holding a considerable amount but a 2500$ EOS would mean a market cap of approximately 40 times the current bitcoin market cap :)
thx for sharing
You're welcome, @salvis!
$2,500 per EOS next year?! wow that will be somethin'
Hey @jeffjagoe oh yes I'm absolutely looking forward to the $2,500.00 per EOS!
Fully and completly UNREALISTIC.
Sorry to break it for you guys, but if you look at the total ammount of coins that EOS has, you'll see that it will have to literally have 10 times BTC's current market cap . It's just not going to happen, and if it does, it sure as hell won't be soon. Maybe when smart contracts are starting to get used in the real world more and more.
that's a total of 600-800 BILLION dollars. Too lazy to make a calculation so i'm just estiamting. $2.5k is just a nice round number, but an impossible one.
Hey @roberttene thanks for sharing your thoughts and viewpoint regarding EOS.
My thoughts on EOS may be a little more positive than yours but I absolutely and categorically welcome, implore and enjoy input on EOS such as you've provided.
btw, would you have viewed something like Steemit (created by the creators of EOS) as being somewhat unrealistic a few years ago?
ping to @jeffjagoe and @mericanhomestead
The thing is @nandibear that you're making these predictions without any kind of feasible, fundamental technicals to back them up. So at the moment it just looks like you're ramping.
I'd really like to know based on the publicly available information and fundamentals how you reach these figures - it's nothing to do with being positive. I'm very positive about Bitshares and Eos but your predictions need a lot more than positivity to back then up?
Haha I am aware that it's unrealistic for now. Just a bit of wishful thinking
Wow! 😎
Very nice post
Good information you shared. I going to buy Eos.
Hi @malay11 thank you for your kind words regarding the post. Yes, I absolutely recommend buying EOS!
I love cryptos. But there is no way in hell im going to invest any substantial amount of money in a token that does not actually have a product out yet. Sorry guys but you are investing in an idea as of right now. Not my cup of tea. There are plenty of existing coins that DO have an actual product behind it and that's where my money is going. For all we know, EOS might never come into existence. It might simply fail. It might not be feasible for a technical stand point. You've been warned.
Hi @cryptovegabond thank you for sharing your thoughts with us regarding EOS and investing money in cryptos.
You opinions and view points are welcome here!
Btw, not everyone needs to invest substantial amounts of $$$ into in tokens such as EOS. But what about $15, $20, $50 or even $100 buck? Would it an insubstantial amount of $$$ merit the calculated risk vs reward?
@cryptovegabond Just so you know, the creators of EOS have already created a number of successful and useful products...hint, you're reading on one right now. I own EOS and hopefully will be buying more here soon.
Hi @mericanhomestead you make an excellent, valid and relative point. The creators of EOS have created successful and useful products - Steemit for example!
I will be buying more EOS as well!
Nice.... : )
hllo may freind <3
Hi @azzedine221 it's a pleasure to meet you here at Steemit!
I hope that you enjoyed this EOS post!
Great post on how to buy and store EOS. I will look into buying some. That $2500 prediction is so amazing. However, only time will tell how high EOS will rise. Am watching it.
Thank you @practicaleric for your kind words regarding this EOS post!
I'm very happy that it's helping people find a way to buy and store EOS!
This is top-notch!