Enumivo "When moon" 🌒 graphics designs and logos for the R.O.E community
Hello everyone... I made some logos for the ROE community of enumivo.
Here are the different sets that I made
Here is the proof of work.
Enumivo is a scalable Blockchain solution which is a fork of the EOSIO software i.e. it’s an alternate EOS-compatible blockchain. Enumivo offers matching functionality as the EOS blockchain and also provides users and developers lesser charges with same transaction as EOS.
R.O.E (Republic Of Enumivo)
This is a new governance on the Enumivo ecosystem that make the Blockchain as decentralized as possible and also providing funds to unique individuals. The R.O.E would consist of value added individuals that would help to improve the project using diverse skills. The R.O.E would also help to govern the Enumivo ecosystem .
The citizens of the R.O.E would comprise of unique individuals that would act as ambassadors and also improve the project with their skills. Each aspiring citizen of the R.O.E would be voted in by a consensus.
Links to Reference for more information
Enumivo forum
Enumivo website
Enumivo white paper
BitcoinTalk thread
Enumivo WhatsApp
Enumivo General Telegram
Enumivo Telegram RoE
Enumivo telegram announcement
Enumivo discord
Enumivo Reddit
Enumivo Facebook
Offlical Twitter
Enumivo Github