Life Approach to Learning
Learning doesn't have to take place in a classroom. Everything in life is learning when one is curious, inspired and free, and when supported to explore life on one's own terms.
@noki-power turned five this summer.
She has never been to school, day care or even had a baby sitter.
She is surrounded by people who love her the most
and gets to bring forth learning in a natural and organically unfolding way.
Instead of being fed information in workbooks and other ways
someone else wants her to learn in a classroom
to pass a test or advance to the next grade level,
she spends her day in playful discovery,
(much of the time out in nature),
easily gaining skills with an inspired hands-on approach.
Noki is always engaging what she's excited about right now.
I am blessed to be reminded of presence as we play together.
We have been sharing our mornings this week
while everyone else has been sleeping.
Not only have we shared some one-on-one time together,
but we were also productive, and
Noki sharpened her categorizing skills.
Noki has quite the imagination and can have fun playing with anything.
You'll see how easy it is to incorporate learning into something
she was playing with already.
This day she was carrying around her Fingernail Polish Family.
She lined up the daddy, mommy, two twin boys and a girl on fall leaves
we gathered out on the land coming back from the chicken coop.
Meet the Nail Polish Family
@noki-power began grouping the family by their attributes
and making patterns.
Look at all of the different ways she came up with to categorize and arrange this family,
something many would call "school" while sitting at a desk and using a workbook.
Children on the left, adults on the right
Light colors vs. dark
Black lids vs. light colored lids
Twins vs. not twins
Shades of blue vs. not blue
Same-ish colors vs. not
First born in their families vs. not first born
Child, Adult, Child, Adult, Child
No stickers vs. stickers
Oldest Adult and Oldest Children (Twins Boys), Youngest Adult and Youngest Child
Rounded bottles vs. square bottle
Males vs. females
Striped lids vs. non striped lids
Small, big, small, big, small
@noki-power is a super smart being.
I'm so grateful she is home everyday and that I get to witness
her genius unfold.
Most parents I know worry about their children's education,
so either turn them over to the schools to be sure all the angles get covered
and their progress monitored,
homeschool them, which can essentially mean just bringing the classroom home,
or put them into private classes where they can get one-on-one attention.
I don't see any way as either right or wrong, good or bad,
but I have been blessed to see the outcome of a first and second generation of children
living life by their own design. I can say I am more astounded everyday
at how empowered, capable, responsible and smart these children are.
Life at the @gardenofeden provides such an incredible foundation for life learning.
I hope to continue to be part of the expansion of inspired, free space for children to grow.
See my interview with @larrymorrison on unschooling:
UNSCHOOLING - Interview @everlove and @larrymorrison
Noki 💛💛💛
What an awesome life! Learning opportunities in everything, and learning inseparable from play and fun and joy and presence~*~
Magical for sure--organic, easy, flowing....YES!
I unschooled mine before it had a name. It was the only practical way, but ended up to be the most amazing experience. I will say that I did end up schooling them in a nontraditional form because I lived in different states and some insisted on it.
All in all, they were the happiest, most well-rounded kids I knew. And always interested and engaged. Good for you!
Good for you too @dswigle. I didn't know it was called something, my heart just said there was something else worth following! It is such a delight to see them grow so engaged in their lives, following their passions and helping others find their way.
I'm glad there are more of us thinking and acting this way. I'm excited for the children who have the opportunity to be honored for being themselves.
Super grateful for your comment @dswigle. Seems we have a lot in common.
I believe more people would do it if they had confidence in themselves. When I first started, people made me feel like I would not be qualified to guide my children. My niece has four-year-old triplets and she is following in my footsteps as she loved everything about it.
I agree. It sounds intimidating to so many as our children's entire future feel like it is riding on our shoulders. And it is also such that we are taught that such things such be left up to the "experts" and that one must have a degree to be qualified. While I was figuring it out for myself I didn't really tell my family or friends what I was doing, as their fears felt like one more thing to overcome!
I love that you have set an example worth exploring for your niece. I have cousins who have contacted me wanting to do the same with their kids. The outcome really speaks for itself!
Yes!! Intimidating for sure. Especially with some of the Parental Units. ;)
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I schooled mine at home. Both of mine have a severe allergy to nuts which was too scary to trust the school to take care of them. I have always learned best outside of the classroom!
I can imagine how those severe allergies could add on an entirely new layer of concern. All the more reason to give them your own loving attention. Most of us learn best the things we are interested in, and in our own time when we are inspired to take it in. I know the things I cared to remember were the things I chose to learn myself. Glad to have your comment @old-guy-photos.
howdy there everlove! wow what a marvelous environment to live in and what a way to constantly learn! You guys are awesome.
It is really great to watch the magic of life unfold in such magnificent ways according to one's own design. We have no idea the potential for human beings supported in their divine expression of themselves. We are still indoctrinated as adult at the @gardenofeden, though we are doing our level best to rise above it all and give the children a thriving chance. Perhaps with the coming generations new potential will be revealed.
I appreciate your comment @janton.
Oh, let me try that again!
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