I unschooled mine before it had a name. It was the only practical way, but ended up to be the most amazing experience. I will say that I did end up schooling them in a nontraditional form because I lived in different states and some insisted on it.
All in all, they were the happiest, most well-rounded kids I knew. And always interested and engaged. Good for you!
Good for you too @dswigle. I didn't know it was called something, my heart just said there was something else worth following! It is such a delight to see them grow so engaged in their lives, following their passions and helping others find their way.
I'm glad there are more of us thinking and acting this way. I'm excited for the children who have the opportunity to be honored for being themselves.
Super grateful for your comment @dswigle. Seems we have a lot in common.
I believe more people would do it if they had confidence in themselves. When I first started, people made me feel like I would not be qualified to guide my children. My niece has four-year-old triplets and she is following in my footsteps as she loved everything about it.
I agree. It sounds intimidating to so many as our children's entire future feel like it is riding on our shoulders. And it is also such that we are taught that such things such be left up to the "experts" and that one must have a degree to be qualified. While I was figuring it out for myself I didn't really tell my family or friends what I was doing, as their fears felt like one more thing to overcome!
I love that you have set an example worth exploring for your niece. I have cousins who have contacted me wanting to do the same with their kids. The outcome really speaks for itself!
Yes!! Intimidating for sure. Especially with some of the Parental Units. ;)
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