Learn to love yourself.

in #edu-venezuela5 years ago

Self-love is the way. This is a practice. This is a choice we make every day in our relationships with family and friends, doing our health, earning and spending money, relaxing and working. To love is to desire and to do good.


People often ask how to learn to love myself? There are many theories. The importance is understood by all. But not all can.

Practice these exercises and they will help you.

1.List of exercises. When a person does not love himself, he does not realize his merits. And the disadvantages are examined through a magnifying glass.

It's hard to love yourself when you focus on the negative. It's time to change, look at the good. Love yourself, it means appreciating yourself.

  • Take a piece of paper and start writing your strengths and achievements. Everything that is and everything that was. You do not have to be shy, you have to make the list as long as you can, at first it's hard for you; But the most important thing is to make sure to write.

You will begin to understand that there is much good in you. In this way you will learn to appreciate yourself.


2.When a person does not love himself, he reacts very hard to any of his mistakes. Learn to accept your "mistakes". The next time you make a mistake, proceed as follows.

  • Bend your arms, tilt your head and with the intonation of the surprised child, say happily: "Error!".
  • Then, place your arms around your shoulders, hugging and comforting yourself and say: "I'm fine!" or "I'm smart!"
  • You'll be calm. And now fill yourself with energy and stretch your arm forward, as in a rally. Say: "Work! Right.

The meaning of this exercise is to learn to deal with your mistakes calmly. Do not criticize, but act and correct what is possible or accept in those cases when it can not be done.


3.Internal criticism. How to learn not to listen to this angry voice that constantly finds fault with you?

This is often the voice of parents or school teachers. It makes you doubt yourself and says you're not good enough.

When the criticism begins again, politely and firmly say these thoughts: "Stop!"

4.Schedule yourself for success in the morning. Now, when you can face an internal critic, you must learn to program yourself for success.

Create a mood "I can!" It is better to do this in the morning with a simple action that you can do well. For example, make a good bed. Or prepare a delicious breakfast ... And when you do, stop and admire yourself. Admire the works of your hands.

5.A person who loves you unconditionally. For this exercise, you will need a sheet of paper and a pen. Sit and imagine that there is a person in the room who loves you unconditionally. He accepts you for what you are.

Take a pen and imagine that you are this person and write with your own hand all the good words and support that this person can say about you. Write everything, not less than half an hour. You will learn a lot about yourself. Keep these records and read them again often.


These exercises will help you feel love for yourself. By doing them, you can learn to maintain yourself.


I love these tips, and how clearly you have explained them.

We certainly all need to be more responsible with our self love

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