Now that we Have a Better Understanding of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, What is your Ideal Societal Structure?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

This is the #ecotrain question of the week, and it's a doozy, isn't it? It's almost overwhelming. It has been incredibly beneficial to explore all of these avenues, and I continue to believe that we are doing world-changing work here on the @ecotrain by digging deeper and getting clearer in our definitions of how we want the world to unfold. This is how change can actually take place. For example, I was a Women's Studies minor in college, and I have been a proud feminist my whole life. I have always known that patriarchy (my article on patriarchy ) is definitely not where it's at. However, not until we did these posts, did I really gain even the beginnings of understanding what matriarchy (my post on matriarchy) is. To be fair, the field of anthropology is not even really clear on what matriarchy is, but at least I now have a clue what the conversation is.

For the life of me, I cannot understand why there's such an issue with this word

I believe examples from matriarchal societies give us some good direction on steps forward. We see a society set up with a decentralized political structure. That certainly seems like a step forward. In this situation, the central unit is the clan. Clearly most of us aren't planning to create a clan with our biological families, but it is certainly possibly that we could create something clan-like with chosen families. This would be the center of society. Every member of the clan would be involved in the decision making process. Each clan would be more or less self sufficient, providing the majority of its food, shelter, and water needs. Decisions involving larger, regional areas would essentially also be made by the clans coming together. Representative(s) from each clan would come together to discuss, but representatives would simply be carriers of the decision made together by the clan.

Most of what I have seen seems to indicate decisions were made by consensus in prehistoric matriarchies. I don't know if there is historical evidence that decisions were made in this way or if that was extrapolated. Whatever the case, I am personally not a fan of consensus. I have seen in intentional communities that operated under consensus there are at least two unfortunate outcomes. First, decisions can take forever. I once watched an eco village council meeting where the vegans argued with the raw meat camp about animal enclosures. It was the most ridiculous not ever going anywhere argument, and it drug on for hours. What's worse, in my opinion, is that dissent is squashed. I think it is really important for people to be able to voice their dissent and not be strong-armed into agreeing with everyone else. You can accept being a minority and knowing that a decision other than your first choice will be made while still maintaining your opinion of dissent.

Everyone's needs are provided for. Like I said above, in the past we were talking mostly about subsistence farming. Additionally, clans that were doing well were expected to gift generously to others and throw elaborate banquets. I think this is another excellent way to move forward. It's part of living in a world that is operating under the mother energy. A final crucial piece that I would like to see moving forward is caring for the earth. In a matriarchy, the earth is the ultimate mother energy, so great care is taken to live in cooperation with the mother and be good stewards of her beautiful gifts.

Of course it's important to have a balance with masculine energy. I think it's most helpful to me to think of what the masculine gifts are. The masculine protects the clan and the marginalized and provides for all. The masculine is determined, action oriented, and good at making decisions. Those with strong masculine energy will be looked to when it is time to move forward and take action or protect the clan. The balance of strong and respected feminine energy will result in the masculine coming out in healthy and helpful ways, as opposed to the toxic masculinity we see so often today.

For quite a long time I have considered myself pretty much a democratic socialist, but I'm starting to see some problems with this direction, mostly in the form of governments butting their nasty noses into people's personal business. My son, whose opinions I respect deeply, has been talking about anarchocommunism for a good year now, and it's growing on me. The truth is, though, I don't really understand how it works. Theory is lovely, but practically speaking what happens there? I am starting to get a grasp, but it's just going to take a while for me to put all the pieces together. I know for sure I'm not ancap. I'm not a fan of capitalism and think it's a direct result of patriarchy and simply follows the dominate/control/take as much as you can mentality. I know there are people who think capitalism would behave differently in the absence of government, and I can only say that your faith in humanity is greater than mine.

I first came across anarchy in any kind of meaningful way through Utah Phillips. Here's his song Anarchy.

He's one of my heroes. Without question the current "justice" system is an absolute train wreck. It's definitely got to go. Just for starters it's unbelievably racist. It's also the easiest place for racists to exact their hate politics. Many years ago someone told me about a native tribe that had something called the white village. Whenever anyone did something that violated the moral code of the tribe (violence, stealing, abuse, etc.), they were sent to the white village where they helped in the running of the village and were expected to consider what they had done. After a period of time, they returned to their home villages, apologized, and all was forgiven. Everyone in the village was expected to act like nothing had ever happened.

So, I really like the idea of the clan as the center of society. I like the idea of the clan running on direct democracy through the participation of all members. I like the idea of clan representatives coming together with representatives from other clans to communicate the wishes of the clans and make decisions that would affect bigger areas. How awesomely easy is all this with modern technology? If something comes up that they aren't sure how everyone feels, they simply communicate with them to find out. I want to have the holographic watches like they have in Black Panther. I like everyone's needs being provided for. I like the idea of the clan being pretty much self sustaining. I like the idea of trading with other clans for things you can't get in your area. I like the idea of transitioning out of money, though I think that will take time. I like the idea of being done with laws, though, again, I feel we are a ways from that. At the very least I am beyond ready for a society that doesn't persecute people because of their skin color, ethnicity, or religion. I like the idea of a culture where everyone is treated fairly. I like the idea of a society where all people are allowed to be what they choose for themselves without fear of persecution. I like the idea of a society that values children as humans and allows them to explore when and what they want. I like the idea of a culture that values all activities, including parenting, art, caring for elders, and helping children in their explorations. I like the idea of a society that values and protects the planet. Can that happen without laws? I'm not so sure we're there yet, but I think we can transition to it.

Really look forward to the day when mothering is valued and appreciated

I definitely think a lot of this is facilitated by raising up the voices and values of women. Beginning to better honor feminine energy, feminine qualities, and feminine work, is, I think the first step. When the feminine is honored and both women and men feel free to live in balance, a lot of these transitions will happen easier.

What is this societal structure called? No clue. Don't think there's a word for it yet since I just made all that up. Or I will happily be the benevolent queen of the universe.

I promise to be a good Queen!!

What's your ideal societal structure? Digging in this deep is pretty new to me. I have generally always been trying to work within the current system and create change, but as I begin to see that is not possible, I'm piecing together what I think is the best path forward. I'm really thirsty for new and different ideas so tell me whatcha got.

All pics are mine or from Pixabay.

I am a passenger on the ecoTrain. Find us on discord to learn more about us, and check out @ecotrain for more wonderful posts from people who are actively making the world a better place.

I am also a member of @teamgirlpowa! Check it out if you are interested in supporting the rights and empowerment of women and other marginalized communities.


And I will be your faithful adviser!

Are you pledging faithful service?! Because that's the sweetest damn thing anyone has said all week.

Yes milady, keep them orange elephants coming!

See. It's so much nicer when we can all agree on things.

I think my answer may well be quite similar. Great minds and all that

I don't doubt it. I think we could create quite a lovely clan here on the ecoTrain.

I think we have created quite a great clan here already. All hail to the @ecotrain

I am really liking the clan idea! Although I'm not quite sure the difference between clan democracy and clan consensus - is it voting vs discussing?

Something you said really stood out to me:

The balance of strong and respected feminine energy will result in the masculine coming out in healthy and helpful ways, as opposed to the toxic masculinity we see so often today.

We can all bring out the best in each other when we are communicating with clean, healthy energy!

Your dream is very beautiful and I appreciate the picture you painted of the ideal societal structure.

I so appreciate how thoughtful your comments are. It's really nice. I can use the example I talked about above to explain the difference between direct democracy and consensus. In this ecovillage there were people who were very committed to veganism and others who were very committed to bio regionalism and eating meat as a part of that. In both camps there were a number of people who were very militant and righteous in their beliefs. For real my way or the highway kind of people. Keeping animals to raise for meat became a serious point of contention. Consensus required they all come to an agreement. It just wasn't possible to bridge that gap. They argued for weeks, and eventually several people had to say they agreed to something they actually disagreed with in order to just move on. In my opinion, it's better to have a majority rule (or even 2/3 or whatever) so that people don't have to lie about their opinions. Also, it just takes way too long. Discussion is good. Two weeks of talking about the ethics of animal husbandry every day for several hours is ridiculous.
Glad the bit about balance was meaningful for you. I think it's really important.

Thanks @solarsupermama! Oh i see now! Consensus is that everyone must agree, not majority. Got it :) Thanks for explaining.. this example helped me see. It sounds frustrating to go through all that for everyone involved. I can see why you are not a fan of consensus! Too bad they couldn't find a way to both keep their ethics and also agree on a mutual way to live together without sacrificing their ethics of their own life choices.

Yeah. Community is hard. I think it's a lot easier when there is shared ethics. In that particular case everyone had to give a little bit, and I don't think anyone was particularly thrilled with the outcome.

love how deep ya dug here!

i especially vibed with this paragraph and felt myself internally nodding... started with

So, I really like the idea of the clan as the center of society.

I love your vision here. While the idea of clans scare me a bit, basically because of Clan of the Cave Bear & just thinking of more archaic patriarchal rule and suppression of the feminine and women, i do love an ideal (perhaps not yet seen) version of the clan. everything you wrote in that paragraph i agree with.

and i think it's called supermamarchy... that's an -archy i can get behind... lol! totally love your emphasis on the valuing of motherhood. personally, i believe we do need a time of matriarchy and valuing the feminine over the masculine before we can swing back to total egalitarianism... because the feminine, mother, woman has been disrespected and repressed for so long. balance needs to swing to that side of the pendulum for a while.

as always, lovely, thoughtful, creative answer! xo

I think of the clan as sort of having evolved to intentional communities at this point. Maybe tribe is a better word with more lovey connotations!
My first thought reading supermamarchy was mammary glands. Which is perfect. Cause I have spent the vast majority of my adult years lactating for someone or the other. I certainly love the idea of spending some time honoring the feminine. I'm basically ready to be worshipped if I'm honest.

I know. When are you moving across the pond?

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