RE: Now that we Have a Better Understanding of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, What is your Ideal Societal Structure?
love how deep ya dug here!
i especially vibed with this paragraph and felt myself internally nodding... started with
So, I really like the idea of the clan as the center of society.
I love your vision here. While the idea of clans scare me a bit, basically because of Clan of the Cave Bear & just thinking of more archaic patriarchal rule and suppression of the feminine and women, i do love an ideal (perhaps not yet seen) version of the clan. everything you wrote in that paragraph i agree with.
and i think it's called supermamarchy... that's an -archy i can get behind... lol! totally love your emphasis on the valuing of motherhood. personally, i believe we do need a time of matriarchy and valuing the feminine over the masculine before we can swing back to total egalitarianism... because the feminine, mother, woman has been disrespected and repressed for so long. balance needs to swing to that side of the pendulum for a while.
as always, lovely, thoughtful, creative answer! xo
I think of the clan as sort of having evolved to intentional communities at this point. Maybe tribe is a better word with more lovey connotations!
My first thought reading supermamarchy was mammary glands. Which is perfect. Cause I have spent the vast majority of my adult years lactating for someone or the other. I certainly love the idea of spending some time honoring the feminine. I'm basically ready to be worshipped if I'm honest.