Why and how did Donald Trump rise to power and do you think his tenure can help the world if you ignore the obvious negatives? @ecotrain question of the week!

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

You're Fired! That is the slogan of the 'most powerful' politician on earth... and what a slogan it is, and how it speaks volumes about the style and character of Donald Trump! Our world hasn't been quite the same since the Donald was elected to be POTUS, and the media have, as expected, been having a frenzy selling stories about Trumps latest comments, tweets and actions. Trumps rise to the top has shaken the world in to an even more polarised state, where we are either with him or decidedly against him and everything he stands for. You will discover where I stand and why, and it may not be quite the perspective you are expecting from me! TO understand please read on, and let us start by looking at the first part of this Question Of The Week, Why and How did Donald Trump rise to power!

How things have changed in the last 10 years, and in so many ways. Today we live firmly seated in the world of social media, twitter, Facebook, and so many others. The ability for those outside of the mainstream media to influence the people has never been greater than it is today! With one tweet Donald Trump can send any message he wishes to millions of his fans instantly. Other countries can and do also interfere with social media, usually for political or commercial reasons, and Russia is a prime example of a country that as learned to harness the powers of the Internet to infiltrate platforms like Facebook and use them to their own ends. Commerce also use this new dimension of technology to publish stories, AKA fake news, that only serves their own agendas with no regard for the truth. In these times the people need to be alert and awake more than ever before! This new age of social media is just One reason why I believe Donald Trump rose to power, but it certainly doesn't end there!

Who doesn't remember when Obama got elected?! Obama was a jewel in the rough, or so it seemed when he gave his passionate inauguration speech. His slogan was "Change we can believe in" and "Yes We Can", and he gave the country hope and strength to push through what was just the start of the economic collapse, mainly due to bankers and various very unethical and even illegal practices. Obama was a breath of fresh air, and even I felt I could trust him. I always knew that he would be limited in what he could really achieve, but I had hope that at least here was a man who could do something because he really did seem to have his heart in the right place. Obama is a beautiful man, what a character, and he was also of course the First black president of the USA! As his tenure progressed, the story unfolded. By the end of his first term, we could all see that Obama was not really able or capable to tackle the worst of our enemies, the bankers. He was a part of a powerful political party, and he had no end of restrictions, pressures and opposition from both sides of the house. In the end, Obama did not really bring the kind of change that we wanted to see, and I think was only really elected again based on his Persona, lack of backbone (he didn't make any waves) and the timing of it being the during economic collapse!

By the time we got to the Election process of what came to be Donald Trump Vs Hillary Clinton.. one thing was clear, few people really liked either candidate.. and whenever I looked at Hillary I would not get a good feeling, at all! The process was painful to watch, and Trumps personal attacks on Hillary were incredible to witness. We couldn't have a more stark contrast to the Obama years! When the elections of 2016 finally arrived the country was sorely divided, with the majority of what I will call Stereotypical Americans just loving Trump to bits. He said everything they were thinking, and knew how to play the game only too well after his many years as a celebrity with his popular TV show The Apprentice. Not only did he know how to manipulate everyone through any means necessary, but he was also a powerful character with no morals, conscience or grace... and he didn't even try to hide it! It is important to note that the ability of a Politician to wield their power depends largely on their character. Margaret Thatcher is a fine example of a Woman who had a powerful character, and due to that was able to use her power and exercise her mandate to the edge of its limits. Trump is even more spectacular in that he can even go far beyond these limits and seem to get away with it. How he is able to do this is incredible to watch, and the fact that he is even a President today after countless accusations of sexual abuse, rape, collusion, racist and inciting comments and more. His supporters are largely blind supporters by now, because they have had enough of the system as it is. They do not care what he does, he has their undivided and unconditional support. His supporters are by in large stereotypical Americans, and most of them live in parts of America that are SO different to the West Coast and New York etc.. Not all of them are, however.. and whilst I don't call myself a supporter of the Trump, here is why I am VERY intrigued and even happy that he made it into power!


Trump hates bankers! Not only that, but he comes from a different circle of friends and connections than the bankers. Bear in mind that is it the Bankers who took most of his money when he borrowed almost $1 Billion for a casino in Las Vegas. It didn't go well, and Trump was almost made bankrupt after they couldn't turn a profit. Trump spoke of 'draining the swamp' quite a bit during his election campaigning, and although he didn't say it directly, bankers were a part of the swamp. He was also talking about many other things and aspects of the political system that needed tightening up. Trump was basically somehow going to take on the bankers, and if there was anyone who could do it, Trump probably was the man! You see, you cant let someone like Obama try to take on the most tyrannical and powerful people on the planet. You have to be an absolute tyrant yourself to do it, because they also play a Very dirty game. So do two wrongs make a right? Well for me they do when you take everything into account. This world is being literally enslaved by bankers, and most people are simply oblivious to the extent of the control and manipulation that people are placed under. If Trump is a stepping stone to something better, then I welcome it. Whilst i deplore his character, and detest his style of leadership, I also acknowledge that he is NOT under the thumb or control of the bankers like say Hillary Clinton would have been. That would, for sure, have been more of the same, and things are THAT BAD in the USA and beyond that I don’t think I can condone it.

There are SO many reasons to not like Trump, and even hate him, and yet many of them may not be quite as clear cut as they seem. When i first heard he was going to pull out of the French Climate Change Accord I was shocked, but not surprised. IT is very easy to start getting VERY upset at this, especially if you do support climate change prevention.. but .. does the Donald know something we don't? Well, there is enough evidence out there now to demonstrate that the entire concept of Climate Change could very well be a big part of a larger conspiracy against us, and let me tell you that if you start to go down that rabbit hole you may well end up understanding why Trump pulled out! If you do want to read more about this please check out @kennyskitchen 's post about it!

GLOBAL COOLING! No, wait... GLOBAL WARMING!! Ah, um... CLIMATE CHANGE!!! Just be afraid & give us more power!

So, we've seen that most #ClimateChange "science" is complete BS... Why is the agenda being pushed? And by whom?

SO maybe this guy ain't just a total 100% douche-bag? Maybe he knows a thing or two, past what we are able to ever know, because being rich and powerful means that you also get to know things that your average man on the street would never be privy to. Then there is Russia AND North Korea! Donald has done more for Russia/USA relations that any previous peace loving president has! Whilst we can never know the details of their exchanges, it is clear that Trump doesn't hate Putin like the media does, and to be honest nor do I. Putin may also be a monster, i don’t know.. but I think he may have more to him that meets the eye! And then look at North Korea! What the heck went on there? Trump did in a couple of weeks what NO one could achieve in years and even decades.

With his almighty cockiness and maniacal disposition, he scared the living daylights out of Kim Jong-un. You can not imagine how he must have feared for his Life whilst Trump was sending the USA's best fighter jets around his country as a demonstration of America's power and prowess. When you are dealing with a madman, you KNOW he is not bluffing, and you can see his aggression in plain view.. and i am very sure that had a lot to do with Trumps ability to get Kim Jong-un to the table and discuss other options. Whilst it is still early days in that process, and the denuclearisation of Korea, it is fair to say that he has brought more stability and peace and prosperity to the region. If North Korea can open its doors to South again, the two countries can really prosper and lift the people out of the poverty and overt control that they live in. I cant pretend to really understand the details of this, and so the main point here is that The Trump is NOT blasting our enemies to space but IS instead working with them and forging new relationships that are based on mutual agreements and business deals rather than war. It is easy to get worried that Trump is a madman, and could easily start a huge war, but so far he is doing way better than Obama did!

Trump's trade war with the WORLD is about more than just increasing trade into the USA. That is because it is also about reducing the bankers power! What we read in the media is not the whole story! Did you know for example that his latest trade war on China and the world is causing a lot of problems for bankers?

Lenders globally have faced declining revenue from the $9 trillion business of funding cross-border commerce for five years running, thanks to a drop in margins that is persisting in Asia. Now, as the trade dispute between the world's two biggest economies intensifies, the risk is that volumes decline, worsening prospects for the top banks in the region including HSBC Holdings Plc and Standard Chartered Plc.... While some bankers say it's too early to determine the impact of the dispute on trade flows, the implications for lenders in the industry could be serious if shipments weaken....
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-07-15/banks-funding-9-trillion-face-squeeze-from-trump-s-trade-war

Whatever the real motivations, the facts are clear, Trump is making moves that are seriously hurting the bankers ability to loan money and keep their never ending credit creation Fractional-reserve banking scam going! He is making friends with the Democracies greatest former enemies, and is changing the landscape of the political scene in ways we can not yet see or understand.

The truth is we have NO idea what goes on behind closed doors in any country. WE can only guess as to the motivations and truth behind the screen. Trump is a showman, and what you see on screen is not really the whole picture. What we do see is deplorable, very real, and also representative of the average American on the street in most rural and parts of central and south USA. Whilst i cannot even relate to such a man, or way of being, I give him a LOT of berth and space because this world needs change, and finally we have a man who can potentially do something! If Trump does manage to drastically shift the power out of Bankers hands ( he is supportive of CryptoCurrency!), then i believe there is hope for a future president to take the reigns after the world is sick and tired after 8 years of Trumps. We will then very possibly flick to the opposite polarity, and that could bring some incredible changes. Hey, did i say 8 years? Oh yes, if he can withstand impeachment I believe he will easily lead again to a second term.. He's already half way through this one! Although its is not a good feeling to know he is currently leading the USA in terms of his values and priorities, it has also been a great opportunity for the world to speak out and show its displeasure. Trump recently came to the UK, and I know that a LOT of people took that opportunity to show their displeasure, and that is good to see Trump bring issues of race, sexism to the forefront as these things ARE happening anyway but not being discussed.

Trump does NOT work for the Elite, he is a part of a very different tribe, and this is the first time that a man like this can actually take them on. Make no mistake, Trump is here to tear down the Elite and bring back Government by the people for the people. Bernie Sanders, please take notes! Trump is on a mission to stop globalisation and the utter control of the populus by the Elite. You can see it in his actions, not in his words! You heard it here first on Steemit! .


This is a cross roads in the history of our civilisation,
That will determine whether or not we the people,
Reclaim control over our government.


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You´re hired! 😘
Nice post, you definitely surprised me with that one, though I think your pendulum swings a bit to the other extreme and you´re seeing him too positive.
There is this saying "He who doesn´t know anything must believe everything.", but my take is "I know that I know nothing, but I still refuse to believe anything the government or whoever tells me."
For me Trump is still part of the system, simply because he came up through the system, he just plays his part for the "Right" like Obama did for the "Left".
The system´s game plan is to lull in the people by bread and games, making them believe in a mirage of change, of "Yes we can" and "America first" while nothing ever really changes as long as the people believe in the system and support it by voting and paying taxes.
The reason I like Trump and am glad that he defeated Hillary, is my hope, that by the utter ridiculousness of his presidency and demeanour, more and more people will see and understand what a freak show the bipartisan system, or any other system of parliamentary democracy, really is, wake up, opt out and go for self-governance, like these guys:

Why is Bush against Trump? Why is the right and left against Trump? Bush and Obama and Clinton work together and you can see that. They were never against each other but they have always been against Trump and Trump is not a person but an idea like V for Vendetta.

Yeah it's very interesting that the media that used to hate Bush is now glorifying him, and they are teaming together against Trump. Very fishy how alliances are forming up, just like if they were always there to begin with.

McCain sucked up to Vietnam, and there is audio of that and many other things have been declassified for the public to see. People who share vaccine info is banned and stuff off Facebook. I am currently in Facebook jail.

Why is Bush against Trump? Why is the right and left against Trump?

Because he is a dangerous, pig-ignorant moron.


Yes! I completely agree.

With his almighty cockiness and maniacal disposition, he scared the living daylights out of Kim Jong-un.

Lol, it really amazes me people's selective viewing of Trump, let's look at the timeline shall we?

Jong-Un does a couple of missile tests

Trump says he won't stand for it and will nuke them

Set up meeting

Trump meets Jong-Un and says he admires him, whilst challenging him on nothing.

Trump supporters get hard on

Nothing changes.

The guy is a complete and utter moron and will bring the US to its knees financially while blaming Obama.


how do you know nothing changed? The north and south presidents shook hands which is a milestone in istself.. just because they arent reporting about it doesnt mean nothing is happening!.. but time will tell..

That meeting was being brokered long before Trump came on the scene, he just hijacked it for attention.


I wonder where u get your facts from!? Obama had nothing going on in a positive direction with korea!

Obama had nothing going on in a positive direction with korea!

It may surprise you that stuff happens without America's intervention all the time! :-)

It was China and South Korea that was brokering the deal between the North and South, the bargaining had been happening for a couple of years prior to Trump being elected, and yes, as you correctly point out with no help from Obama.


Glad u seem to know some more facts! Look im no trump supporter but if he can weaken the bankers stronghold im very happy with him as president!

He is very much a friend of the bankers. Remember don't bite the hand that feeds you. He is still a real estate mogul who depends on the very same people that he claimed were 'in the swamp'.

Wall Street welcomes Trump's shift on regulation | Financial Times

Banks rack up big wins in Trump's Washington | TheHill

Trump Administration to Bankers: You're Not the Villain Anymore - WSJ

Government Sachs and the Trump Administration - Inequality.org

Remember it was Obama who placed restrictions on them in 2009 after he came to power in response to the banking crisis that happened before he got elected to the office of the President.

Congress approves easing of Obama banking restrictions | Business

Of course Trump would call this 'fake news' which is a classic Orwellian tactic. Say black is white and night is day. Former enemies are now friends, and friends are now enemies.

In the words of Malcom X -

"Do you ever get the feeling you've been had? Hoodwinked? Swiped? Bamboozled?!"


I had to resteem this post. It is the first post that shares what I believe to be so true. Very few see what is behind Trump's personality and actions and I know we can never be sure but I believe this is pretty spot on, right now. Good Job!


Trump dog whistled to me and told me exactly what I wanted to hear from a candidate.
That's a lot more than any other politician ever did with their obvious double talk and nods to the globalists.
I thought it was a joke at the very beginning but after I heard him speak about it, I believed something bigger was finally going on.
I was going to vote against the clinton crime family no matter what but I saw a man with a heart of gold in Trump and I decided to not only vote for him but support what he said he would do.
People are way way too impatient, cryptos are down for a few months,"OH NO ITS DEAD, IM SELLING AT A LOSS!" .
A 1/4 of the way into Trumps presidency "hillary is not in a jumpsuit at adult sleepaway camp in cuba?, WHY ISNT TRUMP ARRESTING HER YET, IT'S OBVIOUSLY NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!"
-that's what you sound like.

Well said

We can only drain the swamp together, by voting 2018, and by showing up offline in our favorite shirts, and in letting people know in public places, in friendly debate, conversation, and in getting involved, in calling, in doing what we can to demand what we want.

by showing up offline in our favorite shirts


You seem like a really nice guy, but seriously? Wearing a shirt is going to drain the swamp? Big lolz.

Seriously though @raddog is right, it's never gonna happen because most of what is made up about her is bullshit, and Trump has no interest in 'draining the swamp'. He just said that to get votes.


dude, you didnt read what I said, you skimmed it. Trump is going to win again hands down.
I said he has a heart of gold and I mean it. This is just like the fake news, they blatantly misquote and misinterpret everything they don't agree with.

Yes, I missed the 'that's what you sound like' bit of this quote:

A 1/4 of the way into Trumps presidency "hillary is not in a jumpsuit at adult sleepaway camp in cuba?, WHY ISNT TRUMP ARRESTING HER YET, IT'S OBVIOUSLY NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!"

But yes, it isn't going to happen. I'll be prepared to bet you all the Steem in my account that Trump will never sanction her arrest.

they blatantly misquote and misinterpret everything they don't agree with.

The great thing about him is that he uses Twitter, so misquoting him isn't really an issue. As for misinterpreting him, well I guess that's what makes us all human. You hear him say one thing and interpret it as great, I hear the same thing and interpret it as shit.

For what it's worth I believe Trump will win again because since the 2-term rule has come into play. With the exception of Carter-Regan-Bush-Bush. It has always been 2 terms democrat and 2 terms Republican.

I think this happens because the electorate take a, better the devil you know attitude, and as long as there aren't any disasters, they'll stick with the ruling party.



be careful with shirts, there is a law that they can kick you out if you wear anything or bring any signs that favor one candidate or the other, I wear American flag glasses and a pin, they can get triggered all they want but it's the American flag, so technically it stands for everyone, even though we know the other side hates America.

even though we know the other side hates America.

Do you seriously believe that? That being a Democrat means you genuinely hate America, even though you live in it and stand to gain if America does well?

I mean I can understand people from other nations, especially ones being bombed by the US hating America, but really?

I'm genuinely interested in your opinion and what led you to those beliefs.


I don't think in terms of democrats and republicans, I'm talking about people who hate America and say so openly.

OK I misunderstood. You do mean other Americans though; right?

I find that so weird, I understand a person hating their own government, however not their own country.

Although sometimes politicians, George W. Bush to name but one, try to frame it as if 'you hate me, you hate the country'. Or another good one of his, 'you're either with us, or your a terrorist'.


im just talking about people who get on TV and run for office and hold offices and say things like "America was never great" and tell people to harass other people for their views and kick people out of places, we just have to be patient.

Why are some Americans promoting socialism and Sharia Law?

You'd have to ask them.


Ah this is a good one. I do think there are things thar have been good, as my husband constantly asks me to look beyond the usual anti narrative, so I dont hate you at all and think you and J. would agree here on many fronts. Its a shame there ARE so many awful things about the man though!

I love America.

yep! until we embrace matriarchy this is what works ;-(

People wanted change, and Obama campaigned on change but really represented the elites and the status quo.

great answer @eco-alex, you really have left me with some food for thought here, he is definitely shaking things up and he has woken up a lot of people that in itself is a good thing, I personally don't like the guy and his racist and sexist ways.
That video you posted of him speaking is very interesting because he is right, but I also feel he could have been talking about himself. We can never trust a politician, no change will come from the inside!
Really enjoyed the can of worms you just opened, life is all about challenging us indeed xxx

apparently hes got a shed load of bitcoin!

Trump bought the dip

cute meme.

yes.. thank you!!!! i also REALLYYYy dont like the guy, but i can see he's the man for the job! Damn! The issues he is tackling are That's so important to me that I smile when i see him.. even if at the same time cringe like a motha F*!

I agree you cant trust em, but if he personally wants this we dont need to!

I love Trump and Alex Jones. I am sad that you dislike Trump.

Most of his inner circle are supportive of Crypto.. The whole lot of them are not in the bankers circle!

"The president also has some known bitcoin bulls in his administration as well.
His budget director, former US House member Mick Mulvaney, had been dubbed the "Bitcoin Congressman" by some of the currency's backers.

Related: Billionaire says he has 10% of his money in bitcoin and other digital currencies

And vice president Mike Pence's chief economist Mark Calabria has given speeches in support of bitcoin as well. Calabria was formerly the director of financial regulation studies at the libertarian-leaning Cato Institute before joining the administration."

No doubt crypto is the future of money payment/transfer. Dollar is a dying currency , its no longer backed by Gold.

Is that why all of these anti crypto laws are coming out then, because he's in favour of it? Don't make me laugh, you do realise it is now a CRIME to take more than $10,000 worth of crypto out of the US?


Not that he'll be able to enforce it, but it shows how he and his administration feel about BTC and crypto in general.


are you kidding.. the US is super positive on crypto.. else it would be dead by now!

you should read his book

Do you want to murder the government?

Nice post.
up-voted, followed and resteemed.

Good to see a refreshing take like this. While you are able to acknowledge some of Trump's downfalls you are also able to highlight his good point. Most people just get caught up in headlines and follow narratives rather than look at things more objectively.

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