No way out of national Bankruptcy. People want their entitlements

in #economy7 years ago


Forget the state of the Nation, I want what is mine! I want my social security, medicare, disability, food stamps and HUD (free rent) and I will keep voting for the politicians that will give it to me. After all, money grows on trees doesn't it? The United States will never recover financially. The country is morally, ethically and financially bankrupt. The majority of people want what they "think" is owed to them regardless of what it will do to the future of the country.

It took took over 200 years of this nation's history to reach it's first $Trillion Dollars of debt. It has doubled and tripled just years later. When Obama came into office, and left 8 years later, the debt went from $10.6 Trillion to $20 Trillion. It could double to $40 Trillion under Trump. The exponential growth of the debt can not be stopped. We have an uncontrollable run away train. The drunk, lying politicians are behind the controls with full throttle ahead. They know a deadly train wreck is coming, but they will jump ship just before and escape with their families to their paradise retreat with assets outside the U.S. Dollar. Oh you better believe they own Gold, Silver and Bitcoin.

People today want everything now and an unrealistic life style, even if it means ruin for their children and grand children. They keep voting in the criminal politicians that keep racking up the debt to maintain this delusional lifestyle that so many have become accustomed to. The reality is, most have lived way beyond their means. Most should have starved to death instead of getting free food and housing from the government. Most spit out 8 kids from 8 different daddies and never intend to pay for the financial responsibility or rearing them. The majority of society is beyond reason and hope of redemption. It is too late.

The best thing to do is prepare for the deathly crash that is coming. The politicians are prepared (or so they think). We had better get ready now. Get out of debt. Get provisions and diversify out of the U.S. Fiat dollar now. We have three choices, Gold, Silver and Crypto Currencies. Society is morally bankrupt and so is the government they keep voting for. The debt based economy can never be sustained. Debt will rise and rise until it is no more.

I am out of here. I am running as fast as I can. I recommend you do the same. I am getting out of the dollar and into physical metal and crypto currencies. I also gave up long ago on society and it's government. In some future article I might discuss what government I do support and what morals I respect and follow. Hint, it is hardly ever talked about and most do not want you to even mention it. Cough, cough the bible.

Anyway, good luck and I hope for the best for you and I. We are going to need it.


Hey ,
Nice work sir

I can feel that something wrong in the air. I know others feel it as well, people like you and me. I truly feel sorry for the millions who are still clueless. They are in huge trouble psychologically and financially

While buying silver, gold, and cryptos, don't forget to buy some land with the tools and equipment to produce something of value on it. Whether that's food or some sort of micro manufacturing.

You are right. I have 20 acres and I am building an off the grid green house and living quarters!

This is a debt based system. Debt needs to be created in perpetuity to keep the system doesn't grow on trees indeed, the creation of interest means that debts can never be repaid and become exponentially bigger. As technology and outsourcing began to take hold it's meant that there is no continuous rise in income and so we are well on the way to a reset in the standard of living but this whole thing is a scheme designed to entrap people.

You are 100% correct. I wish I could get off this planet and have my own. The reset will be mind boggling. I am not smart enough to know how to be totally prepared. I also have no one else (friends or family) that is taking this coming crisis seriously. I am truly by myself on this one

Some realism here. You have to measure debt as a percentage of GDP to have a good perspective.

This is the chart of US govt dept as a percentage of economic production (GDP):

The loans have such low interest rates right now (close to 0%) that this high debt is costing hardly anything.

Japan has around 200% debt to GDP - there we are talking real problems.

According to my schooling, anytime dept is over 100% to GDP trouble is baked into the cake


Ron Paul has been saying this for a long long time. Not enough people will listen.

I agree. Ron Paul has always been right. I just wish I could get off this planet and have my own

Well said and followed. Crypto is big because everyone can sense a crisis on the verge of happening.

I agree. I can feel something wrong in the air. I know others feel it as well, people like you and me. I truly feel sorry for the millions who are still clueless. They are in huge trouble psychologically and financially

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