Domino's Pizza Answers Statists Who Ask "Who Will Build Muh Roads?"

in #economics6 years ago

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A privately-owned pizza company is fixing potholes on public roads---because that’s how useless government is.

Yes, Domino’s is answering the age-old question, if not the state, who will build the roads?

Whenever brainwashed statists default to their seemingly programmed response of, “But, who will build the roads?”, my natural response is, “They're already built!”

Really, have they not noticed there are roads everywhere? In a statist’s confused, indoctrinated mind they actually imagine we don’t have any roads!

One look at Google Maps should tell you that there are already plenty of roads.

What they may really be asking, though, is “Who will maintain the roads?”


Again, if they could open their eyes, they’d probably notice that in most cases this form of communist style central planning of “roads” is barely even working!

but who will build the roads.jpg

How many people complain about potholes… or, especially, traffic? Traffic problems aren’t an issue of population growth. They are a consequence of poor central planning. If you get angry sitting in traffic for hours, that anger ought to be directed at government’s lousy central planning.

Sometimes, their mistakes can even be deadly, like when the Florida International University bridge collapsed in Miami a few months ago, killing six people, due to “a key design flaw.”

fiu bridge collapse - Google Search 18-06-18 10-13-38.jpg

So now, rather than wait for government action, a pizza chain has launched an initiative to fill those ever-present reminders of government incompetence, as part of its “Paving for Pizza” campaign. They’ve even got a fully-branded truck to carry out this important mission.

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Now, is this all just a clever campaign to generate buzz for the brand? Of course, but that’s the point: there are real-world, tangible free market answers to even the most common statist cop-outs, like “Muh roads!”


The argument is as follows: without a coercive monopoly extorting people to maintain the streets, there’s no way society can figure out how to do something as complex and necessary as building and managing a flat piece of pavement. There’s just too many conflicts of interests, they claim.

Really? Conflicts of interest? Who the hell has an interest in enabling shitty roadways that do this to your pepperoni pie:


Although governments won't fix all these dreaded potholes, they WILL fine you for driving around them. That is, at the end of the day, what government is actually good at... extorting you.

And, that’s exactly what happened to a Minneapolis man who was issued a $128 fine because he swerved to avoid a giant pothole.

He says the officer thought he was on his cell phone, and cited him for "Failing to Stay in His Lane."

What's ironic is the road he was driving on was scheduled to be resurfaced just a few weeks later… but knowing how government “works”... that likely didn’t happen, at least not on schedule or within a reasonable budget.


Another great example of the free market offering creative solutions to statist problems was celebrated by libertarians recently, when the lemonade brand Country Time decided to pay the fines accrued by children who “illegally” sell lemonade.

Imagine having your child’s entrepreneurial spirit crushed when local authorities rush in to shut down their first independent business venture, making them feel like criminals. This happens all too often.


While private enterprise is typically portrayed as “blinded by greed” no matter the consequences, the truth is that voluntary transactions can only, by definition, provide the most equitable outcome between two or more consenting parties.

So when Country Time decided to defend children against their citric infractions, it’s a totally holistic, mutually-beneficial solution to a problem.

The same can be said for when, PornHub---decided to help communities in Boston last winter by plowing snow off the roads after a huge storm.


They even found a way to make the thankless task of plowing snow fun, pledging to help anyone who “wants to get plowed.”

No violence, no coercion---just pure, classical voluntary cooperation creating real-world solutions.


For those interested in learning more about the peaceful solutions of tomorrow, and how private organizations and individuals are building a society free of government restrictions, look no further than Anarchapulco, the largest annual gathering of free-thinkers.

Next year, some of the featured speakers will include Ron Paul, Judge Andrew Napolitano, David Icke, Cynthia McKinney and Doug Casey.

Anarchapulco 2019 will be world-changing, so you won’t want to miss it. You can get discounted tickets now until July 31 (BOOK HERE). It will likely sell out well in advance, so don’t wait too long.

With so many people waking up to the fact that the institution of government is not only violent and immoral, but also ineffective and obsolete, our road to the future looks bright.

And, with parasitic Big Government out of the way, where we’re going, we won’t need roads.



You watch, the municipalities will try to make this illegal, all in the name of safety.

I hope Domino's does a better job of filling potholes than it does making pizza. :)

Probably filling the potholes with pizzas that they cannot sell! Now the roads become advertisement hoardings for companies.

Roads? They don't want us to drive cars anymore!

Another example of private entities building roads would be Elon Musk's Boring Company.

Speaking of the Boring Company... what is the purpose of their new flame thrower which I've seen so much about lately?

You know man, dominoes was completely restructured a few years back, they threw their brand in everyone's face and reworked their product based on customer feedback.

The one thing that makes it all work though is their understanding of the fact we live in a relationship economy. Label it however you want but the fact is people are waking up and the companies that will find success moving forward are the ones who put their client interests first.

There are definitely legal hurdles like responsibility to shareholders to make a profit. But for a company like dominoes this is a brilliant double stroke. They are seen as serving their community but really they are just an army of pothole finders (drivers that go everywhere) and a company with the means to pull off a government embarrassing operation like this.

I like it. It appeals to the anarchist in me as well as the marketer/salesman.

Who would have thought pizza would play such an important role in regaining our freedom. First by being the first real life asset purchased with BTC, and now to show that the free market can cover muh roads. What a time to be alive.

Roads are a welfare program for real estate developers, car makers and the petroleum industry.
Would we have roads in a truly free market system? Probably not...they aren't a cost-efficient way to move people and stuff around. They slow down productivity and ruin our real estate's value.
Yet...we were all brainwashed into thinking that our cars need to go from door to door...and human beings should stop walking.
A free market system would not have wasted all this money on roads that destroy productivity and ruin profits, IMHO.
Honestly...if a real estate investor had to pay for the roads to their real estate, they wouldn't...and if roads weren't around there'd be no market for cars. Cars needed these roads to help CREAT a demand for cars.
Clearly trains and moving people and stuff more efficiently would evolve under a free market system...but...something to dream about I back to real life.
We have roads...we're stuck with them.
If we want them, we'll make sure they get repaired.
Otherwise, don't forget, traveling by car is still in the top ten causes of death of America's children!

Clearly trains are for socialists.

Yes. Like the robber barons of the late 1800s. They used the government to put in trains, so they could move into the West, without having to invest their own money. A classic example of the neo-fuedal system we have in America: steal other people's money so a few rich, ruling white men can have it.
How would we move around if every square inch of land was owned by another human being? Under America's system, the land is slowly being gobbled up by a few billionaire hedge funds....
Would we pay a few billionaires every time we wanted to pass? Seems in-efficient?
And who would pay to remove the roads?
We're kind of stuck with them. Better stop killing children in poor nations, with our drones and fix our own messes first, IMHO.

they didn't have to invest their own money?
so without the government imposing antitrust laws a few billionaires would have monopolies on everything?
remove the roads? who wants to do that?
thanks to the drones we kill a far smaller number of children in foreign lands than we once did. Good thing Barry is gone, we haven't blown up one MSF hospital since.

OK. The robber barons did invest their own money in buying the government.
That investment has the highest ROI (return on investment) on earth...buying the US government.
With the US Empire in charge, and the federal reserve pulling the strings, yes, everything in America tends toward monopolies...look around...or groups like OPEC.
Are we talking real world or is this theorizing? I'm confused now.
I was also challenging the notion that roads and car are something that would naturally occur without the government putting their.
He bitched about who would fix them.
And I'm asking: WHY FIX THEM? They suck...
The assumption is that we should fix the roads that shouldn't be there in the first place, if we had free markets and competition.
There are far more efficient and profitable ways to move people and goods around...there just currently is lots of incentives to NOT pursue more efficient option so:
We bomb the fuck out of the planet.
And we bitch about the roads.
I thought the original post was about not relying on the government...and I don't rely on them to slaughter children in other nations, with our drones.
You might love to see children slaughtered so your 401K keeps getting bigger...not me.

The returns on lobbying are pretty impressive in general.
I like driving places.
We don't really bomb the planet like we used to, modern bombing pales in comparison. You seem to be able to complain about that and the roads just fine. You don't have a car?
Sounds like you don't have much of a 401k. Children getting slaughtered is not all that profitable, not part of my portfolio.

This is hilarious... They probably have the Laslows Fever and hope somebody will donate 10,000 BTC

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