The Free Market Has Spoken DTube Is Here! A Blockchain Solution To YouTube Censorship! (Interview With DTube's Creator)

in #dtube7 years ago (edited)

Watch The Free Market Has Spoken DTube Is Here! A Blockchain Solution To YouTube Censorship! (Interview With DTube's Creator) video on DTube

The free market has come up with an answer to the issue of YouTube's censorship and control

by using blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency STEEM as a database which can't be censored and it enables earning rewards from your uploads!

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews Adrien M. the creator of about his new platform and how this new decentralized video sharing platform could potentially be the nail in the coffin for Google's most popular website, YouTube.

Watch The Interview On DTube Linked Above Or if that doesn't work try this link:

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Hi! I have been watching and following on progress of DTube since its launch few days ago. I think it will be hard to disagree but the whole idea is absolutely brilliant! I am having some issues to watch some of the videos as they wouldn't play but I am sure those are just minor bugs as this is still a beta version. This and many other projects are really transforming the way many businesses can function and it is simply brilliant. Another project that I absolutely love and has a massive potential and usage for steemit members is #SteemBnB - Airbnb for steemians. However, right now it is only an initiative that does not seem to be moving forward so it would be great if someone smart enough like Adrian would develop it into a platform that can be easily used. That would be just awsome. Thank you and steemo on! Tomas

A YT live stream by @pressfortruth happened today, but the connection was terrible for most people. Is someone working on a way to do live stream sessions with d-tube I hope? That would be a wonderful upgrade in the future!

I would like to know about the live streaming as well.

there are new projects like that look very interesting.

Se está viendo una nueva plataforma de video compartiendo dinero con No Big Brother U Tube controlando quiénes son los videos, y quiénes no lo son, o quién obtiene el porcentaje de dólares publicitarios. Suena como un sitio de video mucho más libre para lo que las personas del mundo realmente quieren mostrar o ver con los votos que llevan lo mejor a la parte superior ganando el mejor dinero, mientras que traer un goteo a los votantes más oportuna

#SteemBnB - Airbnb for steemians.

Wow has this been on the #BeyondBitcoin show?

As this is still in beta and there are bugs to work out here is the Youtube link for anyone having issues viewing the interview ;)

Great interview, thanks! There's another similar service for Steemit being developed simultaneously called 'Viewly' too. I have been testing both here and they both work ok. Viewly is a bit more advanced and you can embed videos into steemit posts from viewly already. Here's an example video I uploaded, which is a talk I gave last year to software engineers and community builders about balance. Synchronistically, I actually addressed the issue of my own posts being censored on Youtube in that talk and a Google Engineer was present in the audience.. But his comments didn't make it to the video ;)

Agreed! More over, Viewly developer has declared that Viewly will be kept free forever whereas dTube may charge about 25% in future. I love freebies more 😊

The 25% is to cover storage fees, and of course the owner should be able to make money on the project as well. Dtube is free to use, the 25% i taken from the votes, which I think is fair. As far as I understand you can not earn money on Viewly?

And do you think this one time fee of 25% will be enough to store all our videos for posterity?

BTW, Viewly is also coming up with some earning model for its users. I dunno how all these is going to work. Let's see.

This is what the creator says:

I have recently created the @dtube account. This account will be used to collect 25% of the DTube author rewards. 10% of these fees will be used to pay for long-term storage of the files on IPFS Store. The rate is $0.044 per GB per month. So, for example, let's say you upload a 100MB video, that earns $10 rewards, then $0.25 will go to @nannal and ensure data redundancy for ~57 months.

Yes, that is a significant difference.. I don't yet know exactly how viewly intends to keep it all free.

Your podcast will be uploaded onto here ;)

Aha! Good idea :)

Forgot which episode it is and trying to upload my first video onto DTube, but it is slow upload... not sure why.

Oh ok, I haven't noticed any particular slowness with DTube uploads. What browser did you use?

Yes, that's a big and a very important question, I too wonder about. Only time will give some clarity over it. So I'm just waiting for the things to unfold. But for the time being, I'm happy that at least we have got two alternatives over this blockchain for videos.

I think in weeks to come we shall seen,what progress it gains.

All I can find of Viewly is the usual prospectus for their service to hype the beta. I've tried over the past few days and get no connection to, let alone any content.

It looks like the viewly site is offline at the moment - at the time I posted the link it was functional.

Awesome post !!

Thanks for sharing this!

Great to see both platforms up and running. God willing they will destroy censorship riven YouTube. Long live free speech!

I moved my videos to dtube. No reason to post on youtube anymore (maybe in the future if they become half as fair as steemit). The bugs will be fixed.

There will be an exception. MONETIZATION! If the rewards on DTube are like regular content, you will only earn for the first 7 days (the way I understand it). After that, nothing! At least on YouTube, I still have residual income for years after posting videos. Correct?

I feel the same way, but have yet to get any content uploaded.

A new money sharing video platform with No Big Brother U Tube controlling who's videos are being seen, and who's are not, or who gets what percent of advertising dollars. Sounds like a much Freer video site for what world individuals really want to show or see with up votes bringing the best to the top earning the best money while bringing a trickle-down to the most timely up voters.

I cant login into this dtube using my steemit account 😣

That makes two of us. Saying private posting key is wrong... but it isn't.

I discovered that when you go to your permissions page, the "private key" showing is not the real key. You need to click on the button to the right that says "Show Private Key" and use that key to log into DTube.

Three of us

Follow what retiredinsmar outlines. that is assuming you have gone to 'change password' -> 'permissions' first.
The password used to log into your Steemit account is different from password used to get into DTube

Excellent interview, guys.... Just a matter of time before the concept of the blockchain becomes absorbed into a variety of other technologies, to include forming a platform for anti-spyware/-malware/-virus programs, and into enterprise-level network-encryption software applications.

Good interview!!!

loved the interview, thanks so much for ur efforts and time

Nice effort there, but loading is a bit slow.

Cool, I'll give it a shot.

It's a matter of time to know how much this tool will be adopted :)

This is certainly a great step forward for decentralized videos. But it is just an intermediate solution to collect adequate long term earnings with a high quality video. As you said in the interview it is fantastic to create a revenue stream right away and this post here proves that.

But from a content creators perspective some videos deserve more than just seven days of potential upvotes. Does anybody here know if you can create an alternative payout plan with a 3rd party Steem app? I am not sure if a longterm solution is even possible with Steem.

Or if a system like LBRY isn't the better solution because they use their own currency optimized for exactly that: longterm earnings with videos.

Well, as someone from YT who has over 300+ videos, I can tell you almost none of them make any money after the first week.

YT's algorigthmn pushes your videos up to the top of the list if you have a lot of followers/likes/views in a short amount of time within a video being released. However, after a few days, once the views and the intial surge die down, your video gets pushed to the middle/bottom of the list. Meaning that when someone types in a phrase similar to what your video is, your video if it is 4 or 5 days old likely won't show up(unless it had hundreds of thousands of views, or not many people upload videos like it). For the most part there are always hundreds of people making very similar content who are in the high tiers of owning the phrases, such as "prank videos" or something. Those top few hundred people always are pushed to the top, but if they don't make a prank video for a week, their videosstart to de-rank.

YTis constantly looking for fresh consistent content.

On almost any of my videos I do not get more than 10 to 20 views on anything older than a few weeks(Ihave 5k subs and good search results too).

So it isn't too far off base for onnly being rewarded in a 7 day period that Steemit limits you to.

I do have a few exceptions, where some videos continue to do well because it is of a certain boss in a PC game that people want loot from and what not. But even those videos don't get more than a few hundred views extra/month and that is with a way larger population than steemit has(Ithink active 30,000 or so).

LBRY is probably better, but for the most part people don't watch older videos(Isay this in the macro term, like 95% or more of your views happenin in the first 3 to 4 days on YT).

Still, it would be nice to have continued earnings through another app as you say. Maybe as other have said, send a tip or something or someone makes another app.

I mostly agree, but I still earn on videos that are over two years old. It all depends on the validity of the content. In my case, my content stays relevant. Occasionally I will have to push, or reintroduce some videos by placing links, but my blog also helps to generate new viewers and subscribers. ATM, DTube cannot replicate that.

Very interesting, I didn't know that about YouTube. That puts things into a different perspective.

I've noticed the same trend on YouTube as well, the recent algorithm changes are all about freshness of content for sure

That's great knowledge. I thought we need more time to monetize but 7 days same as Steem.. Hmm.

I looked at the DECENT project since say you were to make a documentary than obviously you are looking at a much longer curation time window then 7 days. What do you think @truthforce? Btw I'm truthispower on bitchute haha

An easy option to transfer Steem/ SBD to content creator is the natural thing to do. We also have @tipu that people can use to quickly send a tip to a user.
I don't think many users would be willing to pay to watch videos tho when they've had it free for years. Even on a platform like steemit where people can earn easy money tipping is not really popular.
Maybe put a SBD paywall half way through the video to watch til the end but still skeptical about this.

I suggest everyone read this

Couldn't DTube just create another post every 7 days that collects the rewards? This all could happen at backend, right?

I think so. You would just have to add up the previous votes to keep the total count of thumbs up correct. Separate from the real voting, that is, which would obviously not be repeated.

I don't know, but I'm sure this "problem" will be addressed

That is my concern too. I don't think big YouTubers will rush to Dtube. For daily vloggers it might be just fine with seven days "monetizing", but for creators that use days, or even weeks to create good videos, it won't be a good solution. I fear it will be lots of crappy videos, at least in the beginning (which is bad because it might scare people from publishing. However, I think this is the beginning of something big.

I agree with this @dieterschneider - the 7 day monetization is a real turn off as long articles and videos take a lot of research and preparation before they are ready for publishing hence the quality of the posts and content is deeply affected. Other than that I think this is a great step forward.

Yeah, I think it already shows unfortunately.

LBRY is great too, but it's more like a combination of Video uploads and Patreon isn't it?

I am not sure exactly about how LBRY works. I tried to install the new beta but the client doesn't work on my PC. But it sounds very promising!

That's a bummer. Works ok for me mostly, but there are some issues with the initial buffering of the stream which sometimes prevents it from ever playing.

Either way, seems to me that it's built for a different purpose than dTube.

Yeah, it has to do with my Windows name using a non-English letter. LBRY doesn't allow that. I created a new useraccount and it works now.

This great point applies to posts in general, not only videos. The 7 day limit is inconvenient and arbitrary from the content creator's perspective. It is justified by the crypto aspect, though. Steemit ends up being a crypto system with a social network on top if it. Which is great, it's helping me a lot in my journey into the world of cryptos. But for the blogger or vlogger it is very hard to digest the 7 day limit.

The replacement for YouTube should utilize Basic Attention Token.

Why not both?! Steemit lacks advertisers, if advertisers use BAT on Steem it would generate value for both

Making it compatible with BAT and with Wildspark would be great, if practical.

I totally agree, and to keep it short, I think the concept and idea are there, however, it needs a bit more in the form of incentives for content creators to really "switch".

Totally agree. But in the interim, DTube would provide great exposure to one's YouTube channel.

This can be done. Clumsily. When the 7 day period is over, the video is reposted. The service provider could do this automatically, maybe even unnoticeably.

That would result in a lot of spam and followers would be annoyed to find the same videos on their walls week by week.

This concept might have single-handedly tripled the value of steem.

Pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan menuliskan artikel yang mengenai Kumpulan Kata Kata Romantis Buat Ngungkapin Rasa Sayang Kepada Pacar. Agar hubungan asmara kalian tambah romantis dan harmonis biasanya kita harus memberikan untaian kata romantis yang menyentuh hati si doi agar dia makin sayang kepada kita, apalagi dia adalah seorang cewek, pasti dia akan klepek klepek mendengar rayuan kita dan tentu saja dia akan makin cinta dan sayang kepada kita. Nah kata kata ungkapan sayang ini saya rangkai dari ucapan terimakasih buat pacar tersayang, kata kata sayang buat pacar yang jauh, kata kata buat ngungkapin perasaan buat seseorang, kata kata ngungkapin perasaan kepada wanita, ungkapan kata sayang untuk kekasih, dan kata kata sayang buat pacar tersayang. Oke, langsung saja kita simak Kumpulan Kata Kata Romantis Buat Ngungkapin Rasa Sayang Kepada Pacar berikut ini

Hope Dtube will become a success

Amazing project!!

Video continuously stops and wait to play. It is very hard for me to even follow the conversation on this video. I know it is early and maybe that should be focus number 1 for issues to fix. Great idea though.

It's working perfectly for me ...

Now really wish it had the Play Speed setting option. I need to watch long videos at at least 2x speed of normal recording.

Agreed -- however, you can download via and then watch in VLC, where you can use the "]" and "[" keys to go faster/slower by 10% increments.

Actually I don't know whether KeepVid will download a Dtube video; if not, they should soon! :)

keepvid says invalid url; so does and neither does 4k video downloader work

Well that's too bad! Hopefully enough of us report the issue and they fix it -- on whichever platform (i.e., add speed control to Dtube, and/or add downloading of Dtube videos to Keepvid and clipconverter).

Noted :
DTube is an application fully written in javascript, that runs in the browser, that allows you to upload and watch videos on top of the IPFS Network. Moreover, it uses STEEM as a database and enables earning rewards from your uploads.

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