Steemit: What will the major political battles of 2018 be?

in #dtube7 years ago

I answered the question in the video clip, but I'm curious what fellow Steemians think...what issues will be at the forefront in 2018?

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what issues will be at the forefront in 2018?

Depends what Wikileaks or Qanon come up with this time...

Facebook will attack steemit with all the guns, youtube will die and we will deal in crypto without fiat at the end of this y


I just finished reading Michael Wolff's book, Fire and Fury. I believe the greatest political fight in 2018 domestically in the United States will be between the Trump family and Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.

that well may be!

All of Kushner's real estate is cross collateralized and cross-defaulted. One default relating to a loan for any one property can throw the entire portfolio in distress. If Mueller's investigation leads to problems in Jared Kushner's business dealings, it could take him to Papa Kushner's business dealings also. Major components of Kushner's portfolio (including 666 Fifth Ave) need to be refinanced this year. Lenders may just shy away from lending to someone, in the Kushners, who is the target of a federal investigation. If these buildings are not refinanced, then the entire portfolio goes into default. Bad problem for the Kushner family.

Facebook will go to have some crash, bitcoin to 100K, Steem in big point of the street :{ YOUTUBE VS DTube.

those are some interesting predictions

Here are a few I’m seeing:

  • Potential government shutdown. Will Trump be able to leverage the fate of the DACA kids to get his wall? Will the Dems cave?
  • The Mueller investigation. Seems like Trump & the GOP are doing everything they can to delegitimize the investigation, setting the stage for an attempt to have him fired. May see a redux of the Monday Night Massacre – leading to a Constitutional crisis.
  • Economic inequality. Will we continue see a widening gap between the haves & have-nots? The rich will clearly do well from the new tax plan. Will we see this turn into wages rising? Will the GOP need to cut medicare & social security to pay down the debt from the tax bill? This will be the defining issue of the mid-term elections, I think.

On the Mueller investigation, the GOP will not stick with Trump if Mueller makes allegations of money laundering by the Trump and Kushner families.

Agree. It then becomes a matter of how the GOP acts on this. Will they merely refuse his support in the 2018 elections, or will they go even further and push for impeachment?

North Korea and Nuclear issues,
Israel's new Capital(Jerusalem) and Palestine

I think net neutrality is going to be a bigger and bigger deal for the earlier start of the year, and then my hope is that later this year, the word starts to get out about different exciting mesh-network projects like TorontoMesh start to get some exposure and coverage.

I think that steemit will go ahead and will beat facebook

World peace i guess will be a major issue. Well, it has been that way though but in 2017, peace has been abused majorly. @richwonder81 is also right, the NoKor issue is really alarming @davidpakman

Depends on what the left/centre left parties manages to propose. WIll they provide new corporatist alternatives such as Hillary and Macron? And thus leave most to either stay home or vote against a far-right populist alternative? Or will there be a more progressive alternative that younger liberals actually feel represent their views?

In terms of topics I would say the biggest one will be between those who believe free speech must be preserved at any cost, versus those who will eagerly sacrifice it at the altar of social justice and identify politics (i.e the far "regressive" left), or give it up under the delusion that giving up some of our privacy on the internet will somehow radically boost our security against terrorism (i.e Republican right).

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