Drugs - My Experience with 'Speed'

in #drugs6 years ago (edited)

I do plan to write several articles from a personal standpoint on recreational drugs that I have tried in the past; this first one will be Amphetamine or ‘Speed’.

I need to say firstly that the content below is based on my opinion and my experiences. I neither approve nor condone the taking of Class A/B/C drugs that are illegal and everything mentioned will be purely from a personal viewpoint. There is a little bad language below. Nippers should not read this article.



I did a quick web check on this particular substance and the first entry I found said:

Speed, or amphetamine, is a highly addictive medication used to enhance wakefulness and focus. Speed has many effects on the body, including decreasing fatigue and appetite in most users.

My first reaction to this is that the first claim is utter bollocks. I would say quite the reverse, the downer on ‘Speed’ is bad enough to put you off taking it again for several weeks, or in my case it certainly was.

I have @trolleydave to thank for introducing me to several Class A and Class B drugs, but that’s not in any negative context. My experimentation happened around 20 years ago, it is well and truly in the past and I don’t use anything at all now.

My Story with ‘Speed’

It all started with LSD and not Speed. We were supposed to be buying some ‘Buddha’s’ from the local psychotic drug dealer who lived in the mountains of North Wales and who was a fanatic ‘Tekken’ player on the consoles of those days.



I will write about LSD in another article but suffice to say, ‘Mr Mental Case’ did not have the intended goods when we arrived and offered me this enormous rock of ‘Speed’ as an alternative. It was much bigger than my fist and appeared to be solid Amphetamine.

‘The Rock’ didn’t look unlike the huge non-Amphetamine crystal I have used for the main picture of this article.

How pure was it? I have no idea, but I purchased it off Mental Case anyway as he may just have nutted @trolleydave and me and if we had refused his offer.

‘Sixty quid mate and it’s yours’, we took the rock and left.

@trolleydave had tried ‘Speed’ before and knew the drill.

‘Use these Rizla’s and break some off to make a bomb’, he advised me.



A ‘bomb’ is some powdered Speed wrapped in a Rizla. The stuff tastes bloody awful; you really don’t want to experience it.

So bombs we made and rather large ones too. I remember giving @trolleydave this large marble sized bomb and him stating, ‘You want to fucking kill me mate?’

It was all amiable of course and so we tried ‘The Rock’.

How I Felt

It seemed Mental Case had sold me good stuff, as within 20 minutes I could feel my heart racing faster and was starting to get ‘The Jaw’.

There’s some bad stuff written about 'The Jaw' but honestly it’s not so bad at all, and only hangs around for a few minutes. It does sneak up on you though and the clenching happens without you realising it. A little focus takes it away.

45 minutes and I was feeling alive, concentration levels up and everything was heavily in focus. When it hits, you certainly know about it. There’s nothing subtle about your first Speed rush.

This stuff makes you want to talk. Jibber Jabber Yabber… anyone around will get a load of chatter from you whether you know them or otherwise. If they don’t want to talk to you it really doesn’t matter. You ARE going to talk whether they like it or not.

The Downer

The big high of speed for me lasted around 3 hours. Coming down is not very pleasant. The chatter dries up and you feel a little depressed. There are ways to counter the downer which I will explain in my next article.

The other bad thing is that you can’t sleep! Expect to be up all night if you take this stuff. Sleep just won’t come whatever you do.



We did ‘Speed’ many times during the nineties which consisted of me taking a bomb around 8pm, arriving at @trolleydave’s place at 9pm, staying up all night and all the next day.

Waiting for it to ‘wear off’ can be boring; bring something good to do.

Your appetite disappears and everything tastes like ‘cardboard’. I always had a hearty meal before a session. I suffered from headaches too, possibly due to lack of food the day after.

Weeing is a problem, your tubes constrict and going to the toilet while not unpleasant is slower than usual. You tend to shrivel up ‘down there' too.

Your body emits a funny smell. While it’s not unpleasant, it’s very distinctive. Your body is flushing out the chemicals through your pores.

The Health Effects

It uses your energy; that is a fact and makes you tired once it has worn off. It also gave me heartburn, something I previously didn’t have and is still an ongoing issue today with me.



I still blame Speed for the kidney stone I developed in 1998. It took six months to pass, a failed NHS operation which left me pissing slower, but I haven’t had another stone since. It decided to pass itself a week after the operation.

I daren’t tell the doctors about my suspicions on why this stone had appeared in my body.

Is it Addictive?

As I mentioned above, a resounding NO! If you have read all I have written it would seem to you as the reader like there are no benefits.

It makes you feel REALLY great for a while! That is the benefit and enough to make you want to take more but not without a sizable break.

Think about an alcohol hangover. Does it make you want to quit and never have a drink again? The next day for sure it does, but we forget over time.

As I recall our ‘heavy sessions’ were around SIX weeks apart. You tell me if that’s an addiction.

My Take on ‘Speed’

It’s not a clean drug. Its chemical based and you don’t know what the hell is in that powder or crystal.

Would I do Speed now? Not a chance, but I have no regrets. We had some laughs and did nobody any harm except ourselves using it. My memories are more good than bad.

What happened to the Rock?

That rock literally lasted several YEARS! It was HUGE and we didn’t particularly want to kill ourselves by overdosing. Yes you can overdose on Speed.

After around 3 years, the rock had gotten smaller in size and one of us had this idea to mix the remains with Glucose.

‘It will make it last longer’, mentioned @trolleydave.

It certainly did and transformed it into ‘Madman’. If anyone has seen Pulp Fiction where John Travolta is trying to buy some drugs and buys the ‘Madman’ then this is a similar situation, except our Speed magically changed to 'Madman'!

Subsequent bombs we ingested now produced an even bigger hit! The Madman eventually was used up around 2004, after sitting on a shelf for around 4 years untouched.

We were not sure if it had a shelf life. There was no expiry date. Our last session proved as heavy as the rest. It appears that 'Madman' lasts indefinately.

Not a bad purchase for £60 when it lasts 8 years?

All stock photographs I have used are filtered as ‘Labelled for reuse’ or 'Labelled for noncommercial reuse' and the sources have been cited.



Drooling Maniac.JPG

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Oh, I didn't know you could get it in this raw state. I've only seen a powder version and tabs. I guess the addiction depends on the personality. I've never done drugs, particularly, a bit of blow here and there, and that's it, but I've been around people where it's part of their lifestyle. Some people seem unaffected and others get in a very bad way.
I think you got a bargain for your £60.

I think you got a bargain for your £60.

Lol, I think so too!

and others get in a very bad way.

I heard from @trolleydave that some locals did go nuts on taking Speed, but I couldn't do that. The downer is way too bad, and worse than alcohol. He may be able to verify this.

There is a difference between this and the horrid stuff like Heroin. I have not tried that and wouldn't have been tempted too then.

I've had some really fun times with speed too. I think the fact that it's usually improperly manufactured, is what really causes a lot of the adverse effects. Having tried both pharmaceutical grade stuff and stuff from the street, I have to say that the effects were very very different.

As for addiction, I reckon some people can get addicted, but for me it just got nauseating after a while. To the point where I almost got sick from just the smell alone, you probably know what I mean.

Looking forward to hearing your LSD stories, I've also got some of my own :)

Also, I think it's great that you're talking about this. A lot of people have strong misconceptions about drugs, thinking that people who do them are almost as bad as murderers (I've actually come across this sentiment a fair bit). So a bit of nuance is definitely in order, which you provide with posts like these.

I think mine is the 'stuff from the streets' for sure. I have had mixed reactions from the post. A RL friend who is on Steemit sent me a load of comments via FB and not here telling me I had implicated myself as a user.

Sure I have, 20 years back! You wont find a thing on my property now, its all long gone along with my desire to try more.

I never got addicted to any of the substances I tried (there's more). A lot is said about addiction but the worst is Alcohol which is in front of our faces.

I cant remember the smell of Speed, just that odour that comes off your skin. I'm sure it did have a smell but that's gone from my memory.

Many people have strong opinions but have not tried any of these substances. How can you possibly have an opinion with zero experience?

Pretty sure that the 'crime' is too old to prosecute ;-)

There's a lot of anti-drug propaganda going around, sometimes heavily exaggerating the harm it does. You're not going to hear me say that it's healthy, far from it... But for me personally, the fun I had was well worth the risk. Also consider it to be unique experiences, not really comparable to something else.

You are correct, its not healthy at all, and neither is eating Bacon but both can be enjoyable. I'll be writing the next one soon, which counteracts some of the 'downer' parts of Speed.

The scariest thing about speed nowadays is there is a high percentage of kids using it... LEGALLY! Yep, my son was included unfortunately! With his ADHD diagnosis came the drugs. We started with Methylphenidate which was supposed to be a short acting speed so he had to take it 3 times per day so you can imaging pumping a 13 year old child who is already hyper with 3 lots of speed every day, yes it ended in disaster! The depression you talk of happened every single day until the point where he was hospitalised due to threatening to take his own life! We quickly took him off this med. the next ADHD med they gave him was a blood pressure medication which gave him dizzy spells as his blood pressure droped to dangerous lows and he had to be taken off this too.
The final straw was Elvanse. This is a slow release version of speed. You take it in the morning and you stay high all day until about 18 hours later, when you crash and get the depression, and if you are lucky you can sleep for a couple of hours. We swiftly took him off the medication full stop and now manage his ADHD naturally, althugh social services were called in because I refused to drug my child...a whole other story and battle!
My husband decided to try the Elvanse after we decided to stop giving it to our son to see just what the drug did and yes it is as people suggest speed in a pharmaceutical quality with no added crap :/ I fear for the children of this generation...

I don't know much about ADHD so wouldn't like to form an opinion about it or what to do about it. This is hyper-activity though? I wouldn't say Speed would be good for this, quite the reverse and as I mentioned the downer is not pleasant. I fully understand you taking him off it, and don't know why it was diagnosed.

I do know someone who has a kid of 15 now, with ADHD. I'll ask him next time we meet about this and if he's experienced this 'poor medication' choice. I know he has had many challenges in the past. My daughter fortunately has not experienced this.

I dared to question the medication once lol I was told by the doctors and the teachers that a child with an ADHD brain reacts differently to a 'normal' child. My experience of this is that is total rubbish! Schools like the kids to be on it because it does help them to focus and be more productive and it looks great on their figures at the end of the year, but as parents we have to deal with the emotional and mental health side and I can tell you, it ain't pretty :(
A lot of kids are actually selling their meds to other kids too! scary...

My daughter (14) tells me that other kids at her school have used drugs such as this one. I'm quite sure she hasn't, but she does read all the content I write on Steemit.

I do tell her 'not to try what I have' but also feel I have to tell her that her dad has in the past and so I cant prohibit her forever. She's only 14 and I was in my 30's when all this happened.

I hope she doesn't try this as obviously I am her dad and am protective over her.

There are drugs and there are horrible ones like Heroin and injected material. I havent tried the latter, but I think @trolleydave did once, and described it as 'boring and vegetative'. Maybe he will pipe up something on this?

I've never injected anything, I always said to myself that if it got to the point of having to stick a needle in myself then I would have taken it too far. But I did try smoking heroin and it was pretty crap. Just made me feel depressed, bored and vegetative. Not really my idea of a good time.

First, you are absolutely right, speed is not addictive. It is, however, habit-forming in a big way. The difference? Some serious chemical changes with the former that require time and effort to reverse, as against "I like this shit, I don't want to give it up." Not a very technical explanation, but I believe an accurate one. Speed is just so easy to like.

I like speed. It makes me normal. I get the jaw, and then I just zone in on something for hours. Eventually I will become me again and fall asleep.

Once I found a huge textbook on welding, read it from cover to cover. I went from someone who could tack under supervision to a pretty good welder overnight. I needed experience to make it stick, so that now I am at least reasonable at ark and TIG, passable at gas because I didn't get enough practice, and crap at MIG because I didn't like it to begin with.

As I said, I_like_ speed. It could easily have become a habit I did not want to break. The solution for me was that I would not buy speed. If you want to give me a rock of that crystal, thank you very much. I'll wrap it and neck it, or in your parlance make a bomb. I prefer blues, by the way. If you want to give me some in exchange for a favour, again I will neck it. Cash will not be part of the proceedings.

Do not inject speed. Most of my speed freak friends were on the needle. The rush is incredible and very hard to resist. That is how to guarantee you'll be back again and again and again. Snorting is less problematic in that department, but it destroys your nose.

It sounds like the crystal you had was close to pure, with no nasty additions. I met a chemist once who produced meth like that. He wanted me to shoot up, but I refused. I said I would happily neck some, or I could leave if that made him more comfortable. He passed me some powder and skins and I made a pretty sizable bomb.

Several hours later I thanked the man for his hospitality and headed home, about an hour's drive. I was halfway home when I figured out why everything was so fluid. I have never had speed that good before or since.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


It is excellent for concentration and everything is so easy, driving too as you say. I was always in a hurry to get to @trolleydave's place that I had to down some before arriving. It generally started to hit as I arrived and he always knew due to the big grin on my face.

I never did any injecting, as I say.. a step too far. I did try snorting it once, but cant remember the results.

Eventually I will become me again and fall asleep.

Yeah. That sounds familiar.

Thanks for sharing us your experience and explaining some of its effects. At least I don't have to experience it myself. But damn that thing lasted for a long time didn't expect it to last for 8 years without it degrading.

We both felt that it might be 'off' but it was as potent as ever!

Hahahaha. Can't imagine your reaction when it hit you guys after a couple of years. Looking forward to your next post. I wonder what's next haha.

@shanibeer got me to laughing when he said

I've never done drugs, particularly, ....

Later he says

I think you got a bargain for your £60.

BTW: I am in no way saying you did drugs.. laughing that you like a good bargain.

@slobberchops what were you thinking? You did not know the strength.... I think when we are young we think we are invincible.

Over here growing up I never saw anything like a crystal rock, always thought of it as powder. Did you inject it? Very addictive the stuff over here...there is still a huge meth problem.

I am glad you survived all that .. I think in high school everyone tried out speed as it was called back then in a different form: Pills.

The thing people think will save them. Let me go to the doctor and get some pills. LOL

Anyway, a lot of people over here got addicted to diet pills prescribed by the doctor. Not me I was skinny as a kid. I am referring to the parents getting prescriptions. But recreationally those pills the kids stole from their parents.

I am interested in hearing about your psychedelic days .. haha!

The land of the lost movie ..pool scene my favorite. lol. check out 2 minutes in.

I never injected anything, that was crossing the line for me. Don't confuse this with that stuff from 'Breaking Bad', its not the same.

That is Crystal Meth, and I haven't tried it and wouldn't have then.

I remember having a book then called 'Drugs in Perspective' which looked at things from an alternate viewpoint.

All the ones I tried were not deemed 'bad ones' according to the book and nothing particularly bad happened to me due to using its advice.

thanks for the reply..you can see how much I know.

Fun times! :D Yeah, that speedbase was a bargain, and really good stuff. Shame the contact was such a nutter, but he did source some of the best stuff around and sold it dirt cheap because he moved such a large amount.

Why do drug dealers always live in the big house on the hill, or on this case the mountains or something?

Is he still about or left or been busted?

They like to live on the house in the hill/mountain as it makes it easier to see the cops coming and to make an escape with the goods if you're raised! Not sure if he's still about, don't have anything to do with anyone from those days. They're well behind me and plan on keeping them that way!

Sixty quid? Have you still got his number? Enjoyed reading that pal. I only had good to great times with it. I didn't get any comedown, could perform (if u know what I mean), could eat and even liked the taste of it. Even so I still only did it rarely. There was a fair range of quality in the 90's but I wouldn't go near the stuff floating around today. Lookin forward to the other posts and good for you for talking about these matters in an honest manner. Cheers.

Lol, not heard from him this century..., you were lucky to not experience any bad effects.. I'm sure you would with 'Madman'.

I really wouldn't know where to get anything now, the time has passed.

In the 90's I went often to rave parties with friends. There was enough opportunity to take XTC , but I never had the guts to do it. The only drugs (besides some beers) I have ever taken was some weed and even that wasn't something I thought I could want or do more often :)

Ecstasy is another substance I have tried and will be writing about in the future. I wont elaborate here as I want to keep it all in the article, weed is another one I will do too!

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