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RE: Drugs - My Experience with 'Speed'

in #drugs6 years ago

The scariest thing about speed nowadays is there is a high percentage of kids using it... LEGALLY! Yep, my son was included unfortunately! With his ADHD diagnosis came the drugs. We started with Methylphenidate which was supposed to be a short acting speed so he had to take it 3 times per day so you can imaging pumping a 13 year old child who is already hyper with 3 lots of speed every day, yes it ended in disaster! The depression you talk of happened every single day until the point where he was hospitalised due to threatening to take his own life! We quickly took him off this med. the next ADHD med they gave him was a blood pressure medication which gave him dizzy spells as his blood pressure droped to dangerous lows and he had to be taken off this too.
The final straw was Elvanse. This is a slow release version of speed. You take it in the morning and you stay high all day until about 18 hours later, when you crash and get the depression, and if you are lucky you can sleep for a couple of hours. We swiftly took him off the medication full stop and now manage his ADHD naturally, althugh social services were called in because I refused to drug my child...a whole other story and battle!
My husband decided to try the Elvanse after we decided to stop giving it to our son to see just what the drug did and yes it is as people suggest speed in a pharmaceutical quality with no added crap :/ I fear for the children of this generation...


I don't know much about ADHD so wouldn't like to form an opinion about it or what to do about it. This is hyper-activity though? I wouldn't say Speed would be good for this, quite the reverse and as I mentioned the downer is not pleasant. I fully understand you taking him off it, and don't know why it was diagnosed.

I do know someone who has a kid of 15 now, with ADHD. I'll ask him next time we meet about this and if he's experienced this 'poor medication' choice. I know he has had many challenges in the past. My daughter fortunately has not experienced this.

I dared to question the medication once lol I was told by the doctors and the teachers that a child with an ADHD brain reacts differently to a 'normal' child. My experience of this is that is total rubbish! Schools like the kids to be on it because it does help them to focus and be more productive and it looks great on their figures at the end of the year, but as parents we have to deal with the emotional and mental health side and I can tell you, it ain't pretty :(
A lot of kids are actually selling their meds to other kids too! scary...

My daughter (14) tells me that other kids at her school have used drugs such as this one. I'm quite sure she hasn't, but she does read all the content I write on Steemit.

I do tell her 'not to try what I have' but also feel I have to tell her that her dad has in the past and so I cant prohibit her forever. She's only 14 and I was in my 30's when all this happened.

I hope she doesn't try this as obviously I am her dad and am protective over her.

There are drugs and there are horrible ones like Heroin and injected material. I havent tried the latter, but I think @trolleydave did once, and described it as 'boring and vegetative'. Maybe he will pipe up something on this?

I've never injected anything, I always said to myself that if it got to the point of having to stick a needle in myself then I would have taken it too far. But I did try smoking heroin and it was pretty crap. Just made me feel depressed, bored and vegetative. Not really my idea of a good time.

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