Contest – Easter Egg #4 - The great forces of nature
Our Planet Earth is just a speck in this great Universe and forever it is changing, since millions of years it has evolved and we see what it is today. A place of beauty and nature all around, which we must protect and nurture. But we humans have not spared anything, we not only want to show our power just on our own planet but we want to show our power on other planets as well. The reality of our planet is that just one big asteroid hits our Earth and our whole planet will be wiped off. We have magnetic shields which protects our planet, and we should be grateful to our Universe for designing our planet and positioning it in such a place. Some time recently I read that there was an asteroid which was coming into the Earth direction and Jupiter's magnetic field helped pushing it away from Earth and rescuing us. These are things which are absolutely not in our control, but there are certain things that are in our control.
The great forces of nature can destroy us in a blink of an eye and all our science and technology and the best brains put together will not be able to save the planet. That's how it has been till date. We may think of inhabiting another planet, but which one? Kepler is an Earth like planet, which is determined more or less to be like Earth, but it is 250 million light years away, which means it will take us 250 million years to reach on that planet, unless some technology is invented to defy this.
Self clicked picture
I strongly believe that there is a cause and effect of everything in nature and whatever nature gives back to us is the direct results of our actions, then we can say punishment or fate that depends on us. Nature is continuously evolving and changing. The way we are depleting our resources and creating and imbalance in nature we need to be ready to face the consequences. We are cutting down our forests, destroying marine lives by polluting sea, increasing carbon footprints, burning of fossil fuels, high level of pollution, all of this is creating a complete ecological imbalance. And we must fear our actions. It is a threat that we are creating for ourselves by destroying our nature. We are cutting down mountains, reclaiming seas and extending our city limits, burning down fores areas, chopping trees and creating materials out of it like tissue papers and adding up to to pollution. How does it make sense. Nature is definitely going to give us the results of our actions and we cannot blame nature for being harsh on us then.
Somethings will happen in nature as a natural process where no one can do anything, but there are many things which we can do to keep our planet safe and it is every single person's responsibility to take actions, big or small. Even dropping a small piece of garbage on the road is a contribution towards destroying nature.
Last year I was involved in beach cleaning activity over the weekends and it was such a sad sight to see how people would carelessly leave garbage behind and pollute the place.
A picture from that, week on week we used to pick up bags full of garbage and clean up the space, but no difference even after spreading so much awareness.
Whatever takes birth also has to die, and so will our planet Earth someday become a dead place like Mars. We may not have any control over it, but yes we can expand the life of our planet by taking care of it and nurturing it, by not destroying our nature, by keeping it green and fresh.
Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸
Hey @nainaztengra. Did you check out my post? There's kind of a problem going on. Can you look into it?
Hi! We have the same impression in maany causes... Our mod @dove11 wrote about:
and I myself, too:
I am never going to do that, keep checking my content on AI tool, when I know that I have written it myself with full honesty why will I go and check, and today anything we write will have some reference of it somewhere and it will show up as AI content. Some facts about places will not change and when we mention them in our blogs it will be picked up as AI content, unless someone only keeps putting pictures without any descriptions.
So true! I do it for fun and for interest. @bambuka had the same problem doing his curation:
We have to deal with it. And I think it could be a tool like Wikipedia or synonym dictionary.
I will try to deal with it. But when the downvoting begins, and I start to lose rewards on my posts, I don't know how much I can bear...
I hope (that is all I can do) that such decisions are made rationally. And a downvote based on such a machine assessment would not be reasonable. We will keep an eye on this...
We shall love our Earth.
You're absolutely right! When I see the waste you've collected... We are too careless.
We need to be sensitive to Mother Earth, just the way we are with our family, then most of the problems will be resolved
Oh... I know families - Mother Earth would be lost if caring and worrying looked like this ;-))
Greetings friend.
How right you are, people do not understand that we must take care of our home, planet Earth.
It is true, they have not yet invented a new technology that will transport us to other planets in the blink of an eye.
It is a pity that human beings gradually destroy the forests, and dirty and pollute the waters. I hope they learn one day.
We take care of our home but not our planet, but we forget that our home is here on this planet itself and if we do not preserve it well, our home will also be gone some day.
I agree with you that nature is untamed, however an investment in primary education is necessary to teach values of conservation of the planet that is also replicated in homes with the example of new parents.
The Japanese are an example of this, in every place they are they collect the garbage around them without anyone telling them anything except their conscience.
It is possible to contribute to delaying the extinction although we do not know if this will be insignificant before the forces of the Universe. The worst attempt is the one that is not done.
Thanks for sharing. I extend a big hug to you.